Cultof Ulric Core

Northern Wolf
Cultof Ulric Characters
Cultof Ulric Core
Cultof Ulric Special
Cultof Ulric Rare
Space Wolves HQ
Space Wolves Elites
Space Wolves Troops
Space Wolves Heavy Support


The core choices in the Cult of Ulric list are very flexible. Knights of the White Wolf are excellent and you can have more than one unit. Hunting hounds are all sorts of fun. The Teutogen Guard are a core choice and take the place of the main empire list's Greatswords. Lastly, you have the warriors of Ulric who can be made into anything. They can be like swordsman, free company, or even great weapon toting madmen.


Warriors of Ulric with light armour, sheilds and handweapons. Swordsmen, if I ever get to play the Middenheim list.



Teutogen Guard with Ar-Ulric. These are a simple coversion from the spearmen models using the hammers from the White Wolf sprue.



Teutogen with a warrior priest.



Another view. I was taking halfway decent pictures that day.



Six happy hunting hounds. I like the wolves better than the Mordheim hounds. The huntmasters I'm presently converting must have caught them, tamed them (not too much, though) and trained them.



Inner circle Knights of the White Wolf.



Regular Knights of the White Wolf riding with their Seneschal.


Date Last Modified: 9/21/04

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