Forces of the Inquisition

The main reasons behind building a daemonhunters army are, for me, the fluff; the range of different models to convert and paint and, the flexibility of the army list to allow for varied game play.

To the right is one of my inquisitor models. Two more are on the way - one commonor inquisitor and one shooty inquisitor with a psycannon.

My inquisitor lord and familiar

Another view

Three power fist warriors

I don't have a lot of money to spend on buying models on a whim, so I usually make do with what I get from birthdays and Christmas. Last year I built a fantasy army so I had a lot of Empire warriors hanging about. After a few crazed nights of chopping, sawing, pinning and not a few Franensteinian laughs, I had a unique bunch of henchmen. Having not been too keen on the servitor models to start with made this all the sweeter.

Three acolytes with storm shields

A closer view of the flag

Three heavy bolter warriors


Both of the flags were made with home made decals. I used Testor's brand and didn't have more than an occasional fit getting them to lie down nicely. I used to make a lot of airplane models in my teens and twenties, so I got some very good decal techniques from reading magazines like Fine Scale Modeller.

Another acolyte

Seer and hierophant

Remember what I said about making do? I got a box of plastic Cadians for my birthday . . . I needed them to be stormtroopers . . . knife, saw and pinning time! These are probably the most painstaking conversions I've done - turning lasguns into hellguns and giving the impression of carapace armour. I thought about cutting out some clear plastic from some blister packs to make face shields, but I haven't figured a way to curve them nicely yet. The finals will have much in the way of inquisitorial iconography coutesy of my home made decal sheets.

Inquisitorial Stormtrooper

Inquisitorial Stormtroopers

I do have some Grey Knights in box, but I do also like the idea of allied Space Marines, too. These are my take on the Exorcists. Yeah, I know, they're supposed to be red. Well the models used to be red when they were Blood Angels. Besides, I like grey.

Sniper squad

Tactical squad

Cult of Ulric Space Wolves Angels Ascendant

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