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Onto the overclocking then….
As a benchmark the system was tested using 3dmark 2000. The newer versions don't support the voodoo 3 ( I think…) heres some of the results…..

A lowly 2167 score and the frame rate dropping to 16.9 on game 2 high detail. Room for improvment i thinks.

I'm going to start by overclocking the cpu then move onto the graphics card.

To overclock the cpu on this motherboard ( Gigabyte BX2000 ) you have to change the FSB using the little blue dip switch thingy. Up it to 112Mhz and the P3 450 will increase to 504mhz. So that's what
I'm about to do….stay tuned….should have an update on the weekend….(21.02.04)

Meanwhile check out these links…..

Sharky Extreme …. Loads of info including a guide on  overclocking the Pentium 3. ......Drivers and stuff.

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