
Students Brawl

Every problem has their own solution, we do not need to use violence and we do need the brawl to solve it.

Student brawl is a culture towards most student in the world, especially in Indonesia. Student that we mean here is a teenager student or you can say senior high school student. And brawl is a fighting among student itself. The main role of student is study, not to fight. That�s why I think it�s a very interesting topic to be explained. How it works, why they fight, and who are �the actors� playing in this scene.

for sure, there are factors that caused this social conflict. I separate the factor into 2; Individual Factors and Group Factors.

Firstly, we will talk about the individual factor, it�s divided into some subfactors. The first factor is teenager stage.
Most of students are still searching for their identity. That�s why they�re curious. They want to know a lot of things. We can say that the student brawl itself is a part of their experiment.

The second one is the entertainment effects. Nowadays there are a lot of video games, movies, even advertisement which show violence that makes people will think violence is something usual.

Next factor is less communications between teenagers and their Parents.
This is the main problem that affects mostly. Some of the parents are careless to their sone. If a teen is in this condition, it will be easier for him to do a bad behavior. Student brawl is one of it.