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Currently Playing: Believe
Monkey D. Luffy
Current Bounty:
100 Million Beri
Old Bounty:
30 Million Beri
Roronoa Zoro
60 Million Beri
Gomu Gomu no Buretto: Gum Gum Bullet
Yaki Onigiri: Burning Demon Slash
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Name: Monkey D. Luffy
Luffy made a promise to his idol, Shanks, that he would become a great pirate. The promise was made on Shanks' straw hat, which Luffy would give back someday.
Luffy ate the Gum-Gum fruit, allowing his body to stretch like rubber. Luffy uses that power to fight.
Physically very strong. Cares deeply for his crew. Luffy has very high determination, especially if his crew are involved. Luffy can easily regain strength from a nap or a meal with a lot of meat.
Luffy is not too bright. He can't navigate, or even tell his south from his right. Luffy also gets hungry a lot. Luffy is also very gullible.
Attacks: Luffy uses his rubber body to pull off a variety attacks. Most of them include stretching his arms to attack (AKA Gum Gum Pistol, Gum Gum Bazooka) or to grab something and launch himself into the air. (Gum Gum Rocket)
Treasure: Luffy treasures his straw hat, the hat he promised to give back to his role model Shanks.
Name: Roronoa Zoro
Zoro made a promise to a fallen friend to become the world's best swordsman. Luffy wanted him on his crew. Zoro doesnt really mind being on the crew, as long as he doesnt have to do anything in the way of his dream.
Zoro has trained with swords his whole life, and has mastered a 3 sword style.
Physically strong, and a good swordsman. Zoro probably has Luffy beat in determination. No matter how many wounds he receives, Zoro will not pass out from a fight until his opponent is beaten.
Like Luffy, Zoro has no sense of direction. He always exerts himself fighting, so he spends most of his not training or fighting time sleeping.
Attacks: Zoro uses various self developed attacks from 1 sword, 2 sword, and 3 sword styles. One of his common attacks is the Onigiri, the demon slash.
Treasure: Zoro treasues his katanas, especially the white one called the Wado Ichimonji. It used to belong to his late friend Kuina.
Lost in Tranlation:
Zoro's name was changed to Zolo when One Piece aired on American TV. Of course, this was probably due to copyrights from the Zorro we originally knew in America. Zolo doesn't sound as cool though...
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