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Clima Tact                                                          Gum Shoot
Welcome, this is the shitty restaraunt.
Name: Nami
Reasons: Nami used to rob pirates to get a large amount of cash for a special cause. Even after betraying Luffy, he still helped her. After that, she became the ship's full time navigator.
Powers: Nami can't really fight. However, she has great knowledge of the seas, navigation, and the weather.
Strengths: Nami is an expert thief and navigator. When it comes to money, she has great determination.
Weaknesses: Nami may not be as strong as the others, but she is well rounded with not many weaknesses. But she does have a soft spot for money.
Attacks: Nami at first uses a collapsable rod to fight with. Later, Usopp makes her the "Clima Tact", a rod that manipulate the surrounding weather. With her knowledge of weather, Nami found uses for it that Usopp didn't know it could do.
Treasure: Nami's idea of treasure is money, but later on she realizes just how important her crew is to her.
Name: Sanji
Reasons: Sanji joined as the ship's cook after Luffy helped save the Baratie, the floating resturaunt. The head chef Zef let Sanji join them.
Powers: Sanji is a great cook, and has studied Zef's style of fighting. This style is mostly made of many kicking moves, and cooks value thier hands for cooking.
Strengths: Sanji is hardworking and loyal. He is at heart a kind person who would always feed the hungry.
Weaknesses: Sanji has a soft spot for women... especially Nami. This gets him into trouble sometimes...
Attacks: Sanji, one of the stronger crewmembers, uses his kicking style to fight. He uses french words to describe his attacks.
Treasure: As a cook, Sanji values his hands. He also values his crew... even if he respects Nami the most.
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