Comm 208
Ben U
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Cultures in Concert: Ramadan at BU

Muslim Students pray before Iftar. Photo courtesy of Noorjabeen Naseer.


The MSA hosted iftar Monday through Thursday during Ramadan at Sunset in Founders.

“Because fasting is a sound tenant of the Islamic faith, breaking the fast is something that naturally all Muslims take part in. Coming together for the after sunset prayer Tarawih and then eating together is an excellent bonding experience. It’s something I believe is unseen anywhere else on campus,” explained Naseer.

Tarawih prayers started at 8:30 p.m. in Founders. Everyone was invited and encouraged to attend. Additionally, Founders isn’t reserved for iftars only, the room is always open so students can perform their five daily prayers there, as well as Friday prayer, which starts at 1 p.m.

The MSA has numerous resources about their organization and faith. The MSA Web site is linked through BU Web site and a visitor can use it to check for updates on events and check out the photo album. The Web site also answers questions about Islam, examples of prophet’s sayings, and the five pillars which make the framework of Muslim faith. Moreover, it has links and a forum for students to communicate.

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