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Jedi Master: Perhaps a group of the most respected and revered are the Jedi Masters. It takes a lot to get to this position, and those that do acheive it are renowned and everyone knows them and that they deserve it. They're skills are highly developed, and they are masters with both lightsabres and the force, wise and knowing, if one needs guidance the Masters are the ones to go to. They, along with all Jedi, are peacekeepers, and are often sent on small missions in order to make sure that alliances are stable or that civil wars do not break out on other planets and are sometimes referred to together as the Jedi Council. They dress simply, like all of the Jedi, with the lightly coloured tunic and boots and often a darker cloak. Only trusted rpers will be chosen to re-apply as or become a Master, so don't go expecting this rank when you join.

Jedi Knight: Jedi Knights are like the next step up from Padawan. They are the basic Jedi and what make up the Order, and it is at this stage that they are able to take a Padawan of their own to train. If a Knight serves well then perhaps one day they are premoted to Master. Knights can be of any age, though it is usually above eighteen as it is at this age that most Padawans have passed their trials.

Padawan: Padawans are apprentices to the Jedi Knights. They are normally teenagers or younger, and they follow their Masters on missions to learn, and train constantly. Some are more gifted than others, but once the Council has decided they are capable and ready to become a Knight, they face the trials and depending whether they pass or not, they become a Knight and are able to take their own Padawan. They usually work very well with their Masters, and if they are lucky are occassionally sent on missions alone, without their Master's supervision.

Youngling: Younglings are, to put it simply, young children who have recently been recognised as gifted. Rather than training with a single Master they train together under the supervision of a Knight, or on occassions, the Jedi Masters. They only really work with training lightsabers, which can deflect low intensity bolts and only burn slightly if they come into contact with them. They are inquisitive and eager to learn, but due to lack of experiance obviously aren't going to be galavanting about fighting wars - they mainly stay at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

Sith Lord: Sith Lords are like the equivilant to Jedi Masters. They are as high as you can get in the Sith, and are incredibly power and use the Force and their agression to their advantage. They know how to use their powers well, and it is usually Lords who are able to summon electricity or dark surges using the Force. They, along with the rest of the Sith warriors, dress in much darker colours, usually black or very dark brown. Lightsabers are red or deep orange, and it is this colour that is a true sign of power and the dark side.

Sith Knight: Sith Knights are the equivilant to Jedi Knights. They are capable of taking on Apprentices to train, and are also highly skilled, however not revered enough to become a Lord. They fight with astounding power, anger and grace and are indeed a force to be reckoned with. All Sith were thought to be extinct, but the numbers are growing once again and they are rallying more to their cause. Sith have little regard for the Jedi Order's rules, which is why many Sith have no regard to rules against love or possession, however few would ever actually want a relationship.

Sith Apprentice: Apprentices are the learners of the Sith - the equivilant to Padawan. They are taken under the wing of the Sith Knights, or even Lords, and are taught the ways of the dark side and how to use ever bit of strength, anger and power to their advantage. They are known to be terribly arrogant, yet still respectful of their Masters.

Nexii: A warrior of the Nexus. These are ten of the most skilled young Sith warriors, however most are oblivious to why they are even against the Jedi, and aren't that bothered because of how they have been trained. They are skilled and stealthy assassins, and it is up to them to annhilate the Jedi for the Sith so they can take over. They are deadly, and try to keep to themselves knowing that if they reveal their identies they could well damage the chances of victory.
Note that we will only allow 10 Nexii to start with, we might allow a couple more later though.

Chancellor: The Chancellor controls the Republic. It is up to them to make decisions for the sake of the galaxy and numerous planets in the Republic. They are under the threat of the Separatists though, who are against the Republic and the Jedi and seeking to destroy them - however - Chancellors can be of any alignment, even Separatist. This would mean that they would use their power to their advantage to help the Republic's enemies. They are revered and respected and are, perhaps, one of the most diplomatically powerful people in the galaxy.

Senator: Senators are the representatives for different planets. It is their job to go and be the voice for their planet, whether the planet wants war etc. They can be aligned to any side, but are usually neutral or Republic based, those of the Separatist side are bound to try and ruin the system and make sure that the Republic falls apart. They too are quite powerful and respected. (Padme` Amidala was the Senator of Naboo ;) )

Bounty Hunter: All Bounty Hunters want is a profit, and when someone has a price on their head it is their job to rush in and bring them dead or alive, to their employer. They are always of neutral alignment, souly because they'll work for whoever pays them. They don't have Force powers, but are usually well trained in physical combat and damn well know how to use a blaster.

Civillian: Civillians are the normal everyday people, or humanoids etc., who live and work around the place. Just because they aren't Jedi or Bounty Hunters though, doesn't mean that they can't fight or defend themselves. Some are trained as warriors and they can be aligned of any side, and may even want to help the Republic or Separatists by fighting in their armies. These people can include anyone really, from Coruscant tramps to Geonosians, or perhaps someone living the high life in a Naboo palace as a Senator's handmaiden.

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