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I've you're like myself, you're probably more used to fighting using tooth and claw as an animal than a lightsaber or force-powers. But thanks to my prowess with web-surfing and book skimming I've managed to compile a small guide to how Jedi fight and how we expect you to fight on the site. If your character is made a Padawan apon joining and you aren't sure how to fight, you'll automatically get IC training from your Master.

Basic Fighting This is mainly for OOC benefit, but oh well.
No GMing/PPing: No controlling your opponent, this means, if you slash at their stomach, you cannot decide whether it hits them or not. They do. You can also not do things in a situation where you normally couldn't, e.g., someone has you hog-tied on the floor. You can't just get up and walk around.
Alternate: Posts are made in alternate turns. The first person attacks, the second person parries, dodges or gets hit then attacks again. If you don't have enough room too finish a post, use arrows to show that you aren't done and continue.
1 Full Dodge Each: This might seem a little unfair, but you only get one dodge each in a fight. However, you can still parry or counter by meeting your opponent's lightsaber with your own. You can't do this all the time though, everyone slips up sooner or later.
Blasters: Blasters and rifles aren't really used for fighting, but they are used by Bounty Hunters and Civillians. If taken by surprise this is almost always fatal, however you can say things like 'the bolt skimmed her side to leave a small abrasion'.
Be Freaking Specific Being specific is very important when using lightsabers or swords in combat. If you go to parry or counter, how do you do this? Make sure that your body's position is clear and that it is clear where you are attacking. Don't just say 'He slashed for her side' or 'She countered and attacked him' because that's just bad roleplaying.

Fight Types
There are lots of different types of fights - these should sum it all up.
Mercy Fight Animal roleplayers will be familiar with this concept. The warriors fight until one gives up or falls into a position where they could be killed. However, when a Jedi or Sith cries for mercy, they say 'Solah' instead.
Post Fight This requires a judge. The two warriors fight for a certain amount of posts and then a judge decides on a winner by who fought best.
Death Duh - you fight until someone, or both of you, die.
Tag Team A fun kind of fight used as training. You fight in teams and go in one at a time, and you can tag a team mate to step in to allow you time to rest. If your opponent gives up, another team mate is sent in. The first team which all members have given up or being drawn into a fatal position looses.

Fighting Example
Jedi: Holding a defensive stance, legs equally spaced and lightsabre raised vertically in front of her left side, preparing herself for an attack.
Sith: Saber was raised, the Sith darting forward and slashing for the Jedi's left arm.
Jedi: Position shifted, swinging the blade horizontally to meet her opponent's with a clash of sizzling laser before pushing off and pivotting to put some distance between the two, raising her lightsabre in front of her face in defense.
Sith: Charging forward again, blade was raised over his head, then attempting to bring it slicing down on the Jedi's own with excellent presicion.
Jedi: Quick reflexes allowed her to bring her saber up and horizontal over her own head to meet the blade, sparks flying in all directions with a loud hiss as the laser's met. A sharp kick was sent towards her opponent's left shin as she felt her arms weakening, pushing upwards as hard as she could to push the laser away.
Sith: Foot caught him in the shin, using the Force to aid him in an upward jump, sommersaulting backwards in the air and regaining balance before stabbing outwards at her chest.

That was just something I came up with off the top of my head really, but you get the idea.

Blocking Here a few ways to block attacks to...
Head Raise lightsaber horizontally above you to counter/parry.
Slice to the Neck/Upper Body Raise sabre vertically and meet the blade.
Legs Jump, or lower saber so the hilt is up and the blade down.
Upper Body Raise lightsabre diagonally across upper body and thrust outwards.
Back Pivot and parry or swing blade behind back and meet without turning.

Ready Stances These stances show that the warrior is prepared for combat, much like the scrunched neck and positions of a wolf or lion rp.
Jedi Ready One of the most common of ready stances; dominant foot is back and blade held in parry position on dominant side.
Defensive Neutral Feet are positioned evenly and the lightsabre held upward in front of the body. This pose maximizes the visual impact of the blade to a for as a warning sign as Jedi hope to avoid conflict.
Aggressive Neutral The feet are positioned evenly and the end of the blade is pointed towards the enemy, in presents the minimum visual blade target for attack and tracking.

Jedi Moves You don't have to use the words for these, but here's a small list of moves that Jedi and Sith use in battle.
Jung 180-degree turn
Jung Ma: 360-degree spin to gain power for an attack.
Sai Force-assisted jump to evade an attack to the legs.
Shun One-handed grip, spinning the lightsabre 360 degrees to gain speed for an attack.

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