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General IC and OOC

The usual. There will be absolutely no godmoding or powerplaying. If we see this we will warn you and if you fail to stop, you will be deleted. We really don't give a rat's arse how disrespectful you are IC, but OOC try to act mature. Don't get into pointless squabbles. You will respect your admin and their decisions. If you disagree, that's fine. We want to hear your opinions...on some things. If we say a decision is final, it's final. And that's that. We run on a warning system. Three warning and you're out. Also, no taking OOC to IC, and vice versa. What happens IC stays IC. If your characters hate each other, you don't need to hate each other OOC. And please, don't flame a person for stating bad things about your character IC. That's just plain n00bish. >.< There is no post limit as this is a chat-based roleplay. Make note that we only have one chat, and there are God knows how many planets in the films, so the first couple people in the chat get to choose the setting of the roleplay. This can be anywhere from Naboo to Coruscant, but make sure it has some relivance and you aren't just there because it's pretty o.O'

Fighting/Killing - Veiw Training Page for more information

Obviously there's going to be fighting on this site, being the kind of site it is. Again, powerplay and godmoding will not be tolerated. There are three kinds of fights that you can get into. TTD (to the death), Mercy Fights (in which the first to yell "Solah!" is the one who gives up), and post fights. Post fights are where you and the other player choose to make anywhere between five and ten posts each. These types of fights will be judged by an Admin or some other high ranking individual. As for killing other characters, death is inevitable. You may kill without asking the permission of the other roleplayer, though it's polite to do so. We'd prefer it if you got permission from an admin first, however. You are allowed to use blasters and rifles, but the same rules apply for lightsaber and fist combat too, meaning that you have to try and blast your enemy's head off, you don't just do it. If someone does happen to end up shot at, unless they are a Jedi or Sith the chances of survival are slim - be SW realistic. (And I say SW realistic because it's not exactly the most real type of rp ever xD)

Explicit Content

We really don't care how graphic you get when fighting. Blood and gore...yummy. As for 'mating'...that's a definite know when it comes to being graphic. If you wanna cyber, go to a site designed for cybering. Also, there's no forcebreeding (rape). Sorry all you hormone-driven males. ^^; On an animal rp that'd be fine but when you're rping humans and alien-ish creatures that is just damn creepy o__O; Feel free to sexually harrass other people IC though xDD Romance and relationships are obviously allowed, kissing etc. is fine but make note that Jedi are forbidden to love and we only want love-plots with Jedi if it is part of the main site-wide plot.


Okay, obviously, you can have funky coloured humanoids and such on the site. You could have pink hair for all we care, if you've read as many Star Wars books and seen the films as many times as we have you'd notice how weird some of the characters look, that's the beauty of this kind of roleplay - there are so many options to choose from. You can rp creatures like Nexus or Acklays but only if we decide to have a Geonosian Arena fight or something that involves such creatures, so don't expect to be accepted as one if you want that as your main character. Chances are you wouldn't do much rping. The site is Homestead Chatbased so make sure that the chat works before applying. The OOC Board is also where people join, and you'll be expected to fill out the form on the Joining page properly and post it there. Be civil on the OOC board too, and remember that they are for plot updates, point updates etc.

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