This website is humbly and lovingly dedicated
the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus,
Eternal Spotless Lamb of God,
Our True and Sovereign King,
Redeemer and Savior of all mankind;
and to
the Sorrowful Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Blessed Virgin Mother of God,
Our Sublime and Sovereign Queen,
Co-Redemptrix and Mediatrix of all grace;
Father Melvin Doucette,
all the people of Prince Edward Island,
and all the people of all the islands and all the continents in the world.

Holy Mary,
Our Lady of Prince Edward Island,
Mother of All Islanders,
Our Perfect Love and Our Sacred Tenderness,
Our August Sanctuary and Our Faithful Strength,
pray for us sinners
now and at the hour of our death.

Hail to Thee, Beloved Immaculata!

With all my heart,
Your daughter from a far away island

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Prayer for the Elevation of Society through the Communications Media
Lord, in union with the priests who today are offering the Holy Mass, I offer You Jesus-Host and myself, a small victim:
In reparation for the errors and the scandals spread throughout the world by the media of communication;
To implore Your mercy for those who are deceived and allured by these powerful media and who are withdrawn from Your            Fatherly love;
For the conversion of those who, in the use of these media, refuse to recognize the Magisterium of Christ and of the Church, and     thereby poison the minds, the hearts, and the activities of the people;
That we all may follow Him, whom You, Father, in the immensity of Your love, have sent to the world, proclaiming, �This is My     Beloved Son, hear Him.�;
To know and to make it known that only Jesus, the Incarnate Word, is the Perfect Teacher, the Sure Way that leads to knowledge of  the Father and to participation in His life;
For the multiplication in the Church of the number of priests, religious, and laity who dedicate themselves to making the                message of salvation resound throughout the world through the apostolate of social communication;
For those who carry on the diffusion of technical and writing  apostolates to be wise, to be holy, and to bear witness to genuine      Christian life in the field of social communication;
For Catholic undertakings in the field of communication to grow in number and in value, and to effectively promote truly Christian values in order to offset the voices of error and evil;
That we all may know our ignorance and our unworthiness, humbly and confidently draw near to the font of life, nourish ourselves  with Your Word, Father, and the Body of Christ, and invoke light, love, and mercy for all humankind.

Prayer to the Guardian Angels for the Good Use of the Media of Social Communication
O Angels of heaven, watch over those who write, those who produce, those who distribute audiovisual media, and those who make use of them.  Defend them from evil, guide them in the truth, and obtain for them true charity.  Ask of God the necessary vocations to the apostolate of the audiovisual media, and be with them in their delicate mission.  Inspire everyone to contribute to the apostolate of social communication media through good works, prayers, and offerings.  Enlighten, guard, rule, and guide the world of audiovisual media, so that it serves to uplift the level of this present life and directs humankind towards eternal goods.  Amen.

This website of Our Lady of Prince Edward Island was consecrated and dedicated to Our Blessed Mother on February 2, 2002, the feast day of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God.

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