Messages of Jesus and Mary to Father Melvin Doucette
January 11, 2002-January 20, 2002

January 20, 2002
I Am Your Best Friend

In prayer early this morning, Jesus spoke to me saying, �Melvin, My fellow traveler, I love you.  I walk with you every moment of your life.  I am joined to you and to all My friends from the moment of baptism.  You are never alone.  I hear every word and every prayer you utter.  I know every thought that comes to your mind.  I speak to your heart but you need to be silent to hear Me.  You cannot hear Me in noise. When you are sick, I care for you like a mother or a father cares for you.  I am always by your side to support you, to give you grace, to pick you up when you fall.  I am sad when you are sad and I rejoice when you are joyful.  I gently lead you along the true path, but we have to start anew when you deliberately go the wrong way.  I have told you in the Bible that I am always going to be with you until the end of the world.  Why do you doubt Me, your Redeemer?  Why do you fear even when I am always close to you?  Believe in me with all your heart and you are going to have peace. Accept Me in your life and never again are you going to feel empty.  I am your best friend.  I love you and bless you.�

January 19, 2002
Enter the Kingdom Where Jesus Reigns

This morning I was in prayer with Jesus and Our Blessed Mother Mary.  As I began Jesus spoke to me saying, �Melvin, you are Mine.  I love you. I live in your heart because you are My friend.  Let us go and visit Our Mother.�  I agreed wholeheartedly and Jesus brought me to Her home.  Our Mother Mary greeted us saying, �Welcome Jesus and Melvin.  What joy it is to Me to receive your visit!  Come and sit down.  My motherly heart goes out to you and to all My children.  Melvin, you are now in the period of suffering that I spoke about in the past.  It is time to intensify your prayers and your sacrifices for the peoples of the world caught in the inferno of evil and sin. Sin is so widespread that the Father has decided to act. My children, come and seek shelter in Me until the triumph of My Immaculate Heart.  Melvin, it is urgent that My sanctuary be built here on the Island as I have asked.  It is going to be a refuge for Jesus� friends, who are all My children who live on the Island and beyond.  Wherever you are My children, come to your Mother and I am going to protect you and bring you to Jesus, My Son, who loves you with all His Heart.  I call you all to leave sin behind and enter the Kingdom where Jesus reigns.  I bless you all.�

January 18, 2002
Join Your Sufferings to Mine

This morning I was in prayer with Jesus as He carried His cross.  He spoke to me saying, �Melvin, I am suffering for you.  I am in great pain as I carry My cross to Calvary.  Come join Me and help Me carry My cross.  I am bleeding all over from the lashes of the whip.  I can hardly stand from the loss of blood.  The crown of thorns on My head is giving Me a terrible headache.  The cross is very heavily loaded with all your sins and I can hardly move it but with your help we can drag it along the way.  I can hardly see because the blood from the wounds in My head is flowing into My eyes.  Melvin, I am very weak.  I am about to fall.  I feel I cannot go another step farther and yet the soldiers and the people are shouting at Me and pushing Me.  Today I am on My way to My crucifixion because I love you and all My friends.  Join your sufferings to Mine and together let us go to Calvary.  I am going to atone for your sins and the sins of all the people of today.  I freely give My life for all of you to be saved.  Keep Me company in My sufferings.�

January 17, 2002
I Want to Be Your Friend

At prayer this morning, Jesus spoke to me saying, �Melvin, My friend, I love you.  I fill you with My peace.  I give My peace to all My friends.  Only I can give this peace. It is My gift to all who follow Me.  Even though there may be turmoil all around you and you may have important decisions to take, you are going to remain in My peace if you are united to Me.  Many people are mistaken in searching for this peace in alcohol and drugs.  But there is no peace in these things, only deception and pain.  The evil one deceives and leads many people along the wrong path.  Some think that if they have more than enough money they are going to be happy.  But there is no peace in money because material things do not satisfy the heart for long.  Others follow all kinds of perversion: sexual, diabolical, witchcraft, etc., but these bring only enslavement and darkness.  I am the only one who can bring peace to your hearts because I made you for Myself.  Only in Me are you going to find rest for your souls.  Come and spend time with me and I am going to refresh you and give you peace and joy.  I love you and I want to be your Friend.�

January 16, 2002
I Long For Your Love

This morning in prayer Jesus spoke to me.  He began by saying, �Melvin I love you, My brother and companion.  Long ago I placed you in My heart because you are dear to Me.  I love all My friends.  May they all open their hearts to Me.  The wounds in My hands, feet and side are the proofs that I love you.  I suffered greatly for you during My public life and especially during My passion.  Think of the blood I shed in the garden of Gethsemane and the lashes I received at the pillar. I suffered all these for you.  Throughout My Passion I wore the crown of thorns whose long thorns were embedded in My head and wounded My head; and the blood was pouring out of the wounds on My head.  What torture I suffered in My weakened state as I was forced to carry the heavy cross along the streets of Jerusalem.  Look at Me in excruciating pain, nailed to the cross for you, and hanging there for three hours till death.  My dear brothers and sisters, I suffered all this for love of you.  Why do you reject Me?  Why do you not accept Me as your Savior?  Why do you not love Me?  I long for your love. I desire to save you. Open your heart to My love.�

Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
O Mother Mary, so full of love for Your children, I come to consecrate myself to Your Immaculate Heart.  I entrust to You my whole life, my mind and my will. Dispose of me according to Your plan for my salvation.

Impress in my heart a true love for Jesus, Your Son, and for You, my dear Mother. Keep me humble of heart by Your shining example.

Give me a renewed spirit of prayer and penance, a fervent love for the Church and the Holy Eucharist, and the fervor to spread the message of Jesus to all I meet.

Cover me with Your holy mantle to preserve me from every sin and to help me practice the Christian virtues especially the virtue of purity.  Help me, dearest Mother, to do the will of the Father every day.  Amen.

January 15, 2002
Jesus Will Protect You and All His Friends

In prayer this morning, Jesus spoke saying, �Melvin, I embrace you, My brother.  My love for you is everlasting.  Let us go this morning to visit our Father.�  Jesus took me to the throne of our Heavenly Father.  I knelt down in adoration before Him.  He spoke to Jesus and me saying, �Jesus, My Son, and Melvin, My adopted son, come and sit near Me.  Jesus your sacrifice for the peoples of the world is always before Me. I thank you for being the Savior of the world.  Melvin, My dear son, I bless you for being Jesus� close friend.  He will protect you and all His friends from what is upon the world.  I have had enough of the atrocities, the hatred, the greed and the selfishness of so many people who offend me every day and refuse to repent.  The time has arrived for what has been predicted in the Bible.  A period of suffering and chastisement is here.  The Old Testament tells of the Babylon exile of My people, the Jewish people.  I withdrew My protection from the Jewish people and then their chastisement began and it lasted 70 years.  This period of suffering and chastisement is now upon the world.  All people must fall on their knees, repent of their sins, and follow Jesus, their Savior.  The father has to discipline His children in order to bring them back to the right path.  May all of you take this to heart.  Jesus, I love you, My Son.  Melvin, I bless you and all of Jesus� friends.  Continue to give our Word to the world.�

January 14, 2002
I Call You to Join Me

This morning in prayer with Jesus, He spoke to me saying, �Melvin, I am Jesus, your Brother.  I love you.  I am here with you as you begin your prayer this morning. Melvin, today there is so much coldness in the hearts of many in the world.  They dismiss Me with a word or a curse as though I am a bad dream.  Nonetheless, I have many friends who welcome Me, who come every day to be with Me, and who enthrone me in their hearts.  You are My very special friends, My little flock whom I keep close to My heart.  Trust Me, your Friend, and do not get discouraged by the state of the world.  I am always faithful and I am not going to abandon you or forget you because I died for you on the cross.  I long for all of you, those who are near Me and those who are far away from Me.  May you all come and live with Me.  Pray for the conversion of the people of the world because there is little time now.  All of you, who are not baptized, believe in Me and seek baptism.  All of you, who are living in sin, repent with all your heart and return to Me.  So many people are throwing away their eternity because of pride, greed, and the pursuit of the wrong goals.  I call you all to join Me as one large family.  I love you.�

January 13, 2002
I Call You Today to Give Yourself to Me

In prayer early this morning Jesus spoke to me saying, �Melvin, My bosom friend, I love you.  I was waiting early this morning for you to come and join Me.  I greatly desire to converse with you every day.  Today is the Feast of My Baptism in the Jordan River.  John baptized people to signify their repentance.  I had no need of repentance because I had no sins.  Do you think My baptism was only a ritual?  No, it was more than that.  Why is it so important that the Holy Spirit appear and that the Father speak at My Baptism?  Let Me ask still another question: Why is a wedding such an important affair and why is ordination to the priesthood such a great occasion?  These are holy celebrations where man gives his assent and where the Holy Spirit confers a special power. This power unites a man and a woman and makes them husband and wife and ordination empowers a man to be a priest and to act as a priest.  My Baptism in the Jordan meant that I accepted the role of Savior that My Father assigned to me.  The baptism symbolizes that I put on all the sins of the world and enter the water to die for them.  My immersion in the water symbolized My death for sins and My emergence from the water signified My Resurrection.  Having said �yes� to the Father's call, the Holy Spirit empowered Me and the Father proclaimed for all to hear how pleased He was with Me. I come for each one of you to take away your sins and to make you My friends.  I personally choose to be your Savior because I love you.  I positively answered the call of My Father.  Today I call you to give yourself to Me and to be a member of My Church.  You are dear to Me.�

January 12, 2002
I Love You All My Children

This morning I was in prayer with Jesus and Mary.  Jesus began by saying, �Melvin, I love you.  I am Jesus who suffered and died for you and for all My friends.  Let us go and visit our Mother on this day dedicated to Her."  I agreed and Jesus took me to Her home.  She welcomed us saying, "Jesus and Melvin welcome.  I am delighted to see you both.  Come and sit down.  How many times have I come to earth to warn people to repent of their sins and return to the Lord?  Many people are deaf to My appeals.  They refuse to listen to Me.  They continue their sinful ways and offend God more and more every day.  The heavenly Father has had ENOUGH. He is going to withdraw His protection from the world and a period of suffering is going to begin soon.  My Son, in the evening, Jesus has been talking to you especially about what is going to happen.  In My great sorrow, I call all My children to listen attentively to My words: stop offending God, believe and follow Jesus, your Redeemer, return to the Church and pray, pray, pray every day, especially the rosary.  Make reparations to the Father for the terrible offenses committed against Him and My Son. Fast to lessen the sufferings that are upon you.  I love you all My children.�  Jesus confirmed what Our Lady said: �I confirm everything My Mother has just told you.�

January 11, 2002
Open Your Heart to Me

In prayer this morning, Jesus spoke to me saying, �Melvin, I am always with you.  I love you.  When I came to live among you I brought the gift of divine life to you and to all My friends.  This gift cost Me great suffering and death on the cross.  I atoned for all your sins and I made all of you My brothers and My sisters through the gift of sanctifying grace which is divine life.  All Christians who are free from mortal sin have the gift of divine life in their hearts.  They are united with Me and they journey with Me all through life.  The only thing that destroys divine life in the soul is serious sin.  I restore divine life in souls through repentance and the sacrament of confession. Divine life can grow and can be enriched every day in your hearts through prayer and good acts.  The greater the relationship between us, the stronger divine life is in you.  Think of the vine and the branches.  You know that I am the vine and you are the branches.  For you to bear much fruit you must remain in Me.  Open your heart to Me every day.  I love you all.�

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