Messages of Jesus and Mary to Father Melvin Doucette
February 20, 2002-February 28, 2002

February 28, 2002
You Will Find Your True Self Only in Me

I had my half-hour of prayer this morning in Charlottetown.  Jesus spoke to me saying, �Melvin, My friend, I love you.  You are spending Lent with Me in the desert. Most days I bring you here to speak to your heart.  So many people are too busy, and too preoccupied with things of the world, to hear My voice.  They are fooling themselves in thinking and in believing that they are in charge of their lives and that they are in control of their personal advancement.  In their pride they refuse to submit to anyone, even to Me.  They have cut off themselves from Me and they lead many astray because they are in league with the devil and they follow his plans.  One day they are going to realize they have messed up lives.  I wish to impress on you all, that without Me you can do nothing.  To bring all people to their senses an intensifying period of suffering is now upon the world.  I am offering everyone the gift of conversion and I am calling you all to find Me in the desert within yourselves. Become spiritually minded persons.  Come out of your shell, reach out to Me in faith, and I am going to help you find your true self in Me.  I love you.�

February 27, 2002
I am Your Brother and Your Savior

In prayer this morning as usual Jesus gave me His message.  He spoke saying, �Melvin, I embrace you, My brother.  I have chosen you to bring My Word to all who wish to listen.  My Word is valid for your time and it teaches all who are attuned to Me.  My brothers and sisters, do not set your heart on material things that are here today and gone tomorrow.  Instead, fix your heart on Me and you are not going to be disappointed.  Join Me in the desert where I train you to follow the will of My Father, and to be steadfast in resisting the evil one.  Be on guard about what you listen to, what you read, and what you watch on TV because Satan has infiltrated so many means of communication; for instance, some types of music are not wholesome because they come from the evil one.  Do not become a slave of Satan�s dark influences.  I call you to Me because I am the light of the world.  Be totally converted in all your ways and let us live in mutual love and peace.  Keep My face before your eyes, every day.  When you wake up implant Me in your mind and recall My face often during the day.  I want you to be aware that I am always with you and that I love you deeply. I am your brother and your Savior who never forsakes you.  I bless you all.�

February 26, 2002
I Will Guide Your Steps

This morning in my prayer Jesus spoke to me.   He began by saying, �Melvin, My friend, I love you.  Join Me in the desert.  Together in the desert and conversing with each other, our love for each other grows.  I wish to spend time every day with each person and I desire to become the Close Friend of every person.  Friendship with Me is different from all other friendships, because in My friendship with you, I give you all the graces you need, I live in you, I give you My life, I give you Myself, and I transform you unto Myself.  I make you resemble Me more and more by replacing your heart with My heart.  I use your hands to help others and I use your mind to think My thoughts.  I use your mouth to speak My words and I use your ears to listen to those who wish to speak to Me.  Lose your life in Me to find My precious gift to you of new life and let My life grow in you because I want you all to be My close and intimate friends.  Leave your hurts, your anger, your worries, your anxieties, and your resentments, at the foot of My cross to receive My peace, the sign of new life.  Then come, give Me your will, and follow Me.  I am going to guide your steps.  I love you and I care for you.�

February 25, 2002
Always Remain United With Jesus

In prayer today I was with Jesus and Our Heavenly Father.  Jesus began by saying, �Melvin, I love you because you are My friend.  The Father also loves you and He is waiting for us.  Let us visit Him.�  I agreed and Jesus took me to His throne.  I knelt in the Father�s presence and I adored Him.  The Father spoke saying, �Welcome Jesus and Melvin.  Come and sit near Me.  I bless you, Jesus, My Son, for the perfect sacrifice you offered to Me for the salvation of all the people of the world.  Melvin, Jesus� friend, I bless you, My son.  Something special is going to happen this week.  It is time to advance the work Jesus has given you.  The darkness that covers so many people has to be lifted.  My Son, Jesus, must be the center of every person�s heart because He is the light that eradicates all darkness.  Satan has ensnared so many people in all parts of the world and even those within the Church founded by My Son. Satan�s hold on them has to be broken.  While he seems to triumph with so many willing helpers in his rage against Me, Jesus, through My power and My guidance, is going to overthrow the kingdom of darkness and He is going to bring about a new beginning.  Melvin, I am strengthening you today for this work.  Always remain united to Jesus, your Friend.  I bless you and all My children.�

February 24, 2002
I Bless You All

This morning in my quiet time with the Lord, Jesus spoke to me saying, �I love you, Melvin, My brother.  Some years ago when you were in Israel you climbed the mountain of the Transfiguration and you stood on the spot where My Transfiguration took place.  Today the Church commemorates this event and the Gospel passage narrates what took place during My Transfiguration.  On that day, I allowed a glimpse of My divinity to My three Apostles, Peter, James, and John, to strengthen their faith and to prevent them from falling into despair when they see Me dying on the cross. They could hardly look at Me because I was shining very brightly like the sun.  On the mountain they heard My Father speaking, �This is My Beloved son, with Him I am well pleased; listen to Him!�  Melvin, you know that I possess the words of truth.  I call the whole world to listen to My words.  Accept Me as your Lord and your God because I am.  I redeemed you through My bitter passion, through My death on the cross and through My resurrection from the dead.  Repent of all your sins and become My friends.  Let a loving relationship grow between us.  Receive My grace, My peace, and My strength to help you in your daily struggle to walk with Me.  Join My church and often receive the sacraments, especially the sacrament of reconciliation and the sacrament of Holy Communion.  Love your neighbor as you love Me.  Spend time with Me in prayer to deepen your relationship with Me.  I love you all and I bless you all.�

February 23, 2002
I Hold You All in My Heart

This morning in prayer Jesus took me to visit Our Heavenly Mother.  He began by saying, �I love you, Melvin, My brother.  You are dear to Me.  Let us visit Our Mother.�  I said �yes� and Jesus took me to Her home.   She greeted us saying, �Welcome Jesus and Melvin to My heavenly home!  What joy it is to see you Jesus, My Son, and Melvin, My priest son.  Let us sit here in this room.  Melvin, as your Mother and the Mother of all who believe in Jesus, I call you all to unite with Jesus and to love Him with all your heart because He is the Savior of the whole world.  I work with Him to call My children to follow Him.  Continue your work, Melvin, so that construction of My shrine may soon begin on the Island because this cause is dear to Me.  I also encourage you to inaugurate the Contemplative Brothers and Sisters of Jesus because Jesus and I want these societies to commence soon.  Through them many people are going to be converted and are going to become close friends of Jesus and Myself.  My Son is calling many to join these religious societies.  There is much darkness in the world and this is why you are in a period of suffering.  It is time for the people of the world to repent of their sins, to return to My Son, to believe in Jesus, Our Savior, and to follow Him.  I bless you and I hold you all in My heart.�

February 22, 2002
My Blood Is Washing You Clean

In prayer this morning, I was with Jesus during a cruel part of His Passion.  He spoke to me saying, �Melvin, come and be with Me as I undergo the scourging at the pillar. Because I love you I am suffering this torment for you and for all the people of the world.  My hands are tied high above My head as they get ready to swing their long whips tipped with lead.  Melvin, support Me as they torture Me.  OH MY BACK! They have begun to whip Me.  These whips cut My flesh and I feel great pain.  The shooting pain all over my back and all over my legs make it difficult for Me to speak. Will they ever stop whipping Me?  I can hardly stand the pain of every blow because each lash is worse than the one before.  I can only moan in excruciating pain from the lashes of the whip that stings my back.  I am weak from this scourging and yet I endure it for you all.  Do you see what your sins are doing to Me?  I have done nothing wrong and still I am the One suffering this torture instead of you.  I am going to die for you today.  Only My Father in heaven can strengthen me during this terribly painful hour.  I willingly suffer these 40 lashes to atone for your sins and to win salvation for you if you believe in Me, if you join My Church, and if you follow Me. is I am washing you clean in My blood.  Remain with Me today as I suffer for you.�

February 21, 2002
I Hold You All in My Arms

This morning in my half-hour with Jesus, He spoke saying, �Melvin, My brother and My close friend, I love you.  We meet again in this bleak desert, to deepen our love for each other and our relationship with each other.  I am the light from heaven who chases away the darkness in the hearts of everyone.  Many live far from Me in the darkness of sin.  They refuse to believe in Me and they refuse to love Me because they are self-absorbed.  Pray for these, My brothers and My sisters, to come to the light. Melvin, I love all people.  You are members of My family.  I live with all of you and I fill all of you with My peace.  Detach yourselves from all material things and do not adhere to the standards of this world.  Surrender yourselves to Me, learn from Me, imitate Me, and identify with Me.  I have conquered the world and with My strength you can do the same.  Work with Me to bring My light to your family, to your friends, and to your neighbors.  Through fasting and through prayer, I am going to give you the graces you need to conform your desires and your instincts to My law.  I hold you all in My arms.  I love you.�

February 20, 2002
Consecrate Yourself to Me

In prayer this morning, I was with Jesus in the desert.  He spoke saying, �Melvin, I love you. We are in the desert sitting at the entrance to the cave where I rest.  I call you to think of heaven, the destiny of all people who follow Me in this world.  All the saints in heaven see God as He is in all His glory and this beatific vision is the source of their great joy.  Everyone in heaven lives in perfect union with the Lord because they already have been purified from all their sins and their imperfections.  There is absolutely no division and no selfishness among the saints in heaven.  Only harmony, unity, and love flowers in their hearts.  While you are on earth do everything with heaven in mind.  All the joys and all the sufferings you experience and you endure on earth can never compare with the joys of heaven.  Cooperate daily with all the graces I give you and when your time on earth is over I am coming to take you with Me.  Never jeopardize your eternity by giving in to the temptations of Satan.  Consecrate yourselves to Me in total obedience, always keep your eyes fixed on Me, and pray, pray, pray.  I bless you.�

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