Lee Brooker
Andrew Grievson
Shelley Hunter
Kevin Hinsley
Lee Brooker
I think the better of the two is project Dave, it's strong, sturdy and holds the pedals up. If I could change anything on Dave I would shorten the design and add more holes to attach to the pedal. Even though it's the biggest I think that the design will perform the best.
Andrew Grievson
Of the various designs, the final two seemed ideal, as they fitted the end criteria. They are not too complicated, were easy to transport and were quite strong. They were easier and in most cases cheaper to produce and were generally successful when tested. Steve posed some initial problems in terms of the size, and both designs turned out to have some problems requiring small adjustments. Overall however, Steve posed somewhat more problematic than Dave, and has required more subsequent work since its production than Dave. The fewer problems found for Dave and its greater success under test conditions means that, in my opinion Dave is the superior equipment.
In conclusion, I think that the methods of developing the ideas and rejecting impractical ones used by our team led to us formulating some excellent plans. I think the two final ideas, that were ultimate constructed for use were the right ones and I am satisfied with or work and our final outcome.
Shelley Hunter
Out of the two designs that we produced I believed that the best of the designs is project Dave. I think this because this is a better design all round. The size of the gap can be reduced using the help it fit onto smaller pedals.
As this design is wrapped around the pedal it help secure it in place. I believe that this is the better design and will perform better than the other design.
Kevin Hinsley
Although I may be going against what my other team members have said I believe that Project Steve is the better design and will perform better on the test. Steve has an adjustable thread to change the throttle just the same as Project Dave; it has a clamp design to clamp to massive different variations of pedal, whereas Dave slots onto the pedal and if it is to big the design wont fit. Steve is also much more compact than Dave is, and this means it can be transported much more easily.  Overall the fact that Steve is smaller and more compact, more variable to pedal sizes, the much lighter of the two and is able to change the throttle distance makes it the better design for me.  I am happy with the outcome and confident that one the designs will both work in testing, although I do think that Steve will prove to be better.
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