The Utility Furniture Pages
On the 2nd of September 1941 the wartime rationing scheme in Britain incorporated the "Limitation of Supplies (Cloth and Apparel) Order 1941". All items of clothing under this order were to be marked with the "Civilian Clothing 1941" logo. Designed by Reginald Shipp, it soon became known as "The Cheeses".

The "Domestic Furniture (Control of Manufacture and Supply (No 2)) Order 1942" instituted furniture into the Utility Scheme on the 1st of November 1942. Non-Utility furniture could not be sold after the 28th of February 1943.

The first Utility Furniture catalogue was published on the 1st of January 1943.
Initially only avaliable to newlyweds and persons who had been bombed out of their homes, the range included items for living rooms, kitchens, bedrooms and nursery furniture.
The aim of the designs was to produce strong, serviceable furniture with the minimum of scarce raw materials.

The scheme continued on at the end of the war, finally being winding down on the 29th of November 1948, although many manufacturers continued making items to Utility patterns for a number of years afterwards until the official ending of the scheme in 1952.
Here I will post photo's and descriptions of various items of Utility Furniture I find.
Please feel free to send in photo's of your own items, and I'll post them up.
It will all help to maybe create a database of the various styles, ranges, periods and manufacturers.

I am not currently buying any more furniture, due to space constraints,
however there is now a free
Wanted and For Sale page if you wish to use it.
Furniture Gallery
Click on a picture to go to that item's page
Further Information
News and Updates
List of Models (coming soon)
CC41 Marking Locations Page Updated with full list 04/09/07
List of Manufacturers by Number (coming soon)
Pages from the 1943 catalogue
Links and References Page
Wanted and For Sale Page New 04/09/07
Contact: E-mail Paul Bellamy
Site last updated: 04/09/07
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