Ask The Professor


Pending the arrest of Severus Snape, all further queries will be forwarded to the Auror in charge of the criminal investigation on the authority of the Minister of Magic. We at the Ministry urge anyone with knowledge to Professor Snape's whereabouts to come forward. We may be contacted at the Ministry via owl at anytime and guarantee that you may remain anonymous if you so desire. Thank you for your cooperation.


As some of you may know, Headmaster Dumbledore has asked those professors with class pages to add a section that would allow the students to ask questions without having to worry about setting up a meeting during our office hours or seeing us between classes. Therefore, this page will allow those of you who have a question to submit it straight to me.

Fill in the following information to ask a question

Your Name:
Your House and Year:
Would you visit this web site again?
Yes No
How did you hear about my site?
In Class
From the Headmaster
From a friend
Your question:

The following are previously asked questions and the answers.

Student Name: Anne
House and Year: Slytherin, 7th year
Question:Which potion is the hardest to do and which one do you prefer (besides those who can kill...!)?
Answer: The most notoriously difficult potion is the Wolfsbane Potion. It is considered difficult by many witches and wizards due to the fact that it is a very recent discovery and, also, takes a considerable amount of time to brew. I prefer to brew the Wolfsbane not only for the challenge, but to further the research on the Potion and, perhaps one day, improve it.

Student Name: Galuh
House and Year: Slytherin, 5th year
Question: 1. Are you in love with Hermione? 2. Who is your girl friend? 3. When & where were you born?
Answer: In regard to your questions, I would just like to say that my personal life is none of your business. I am not, and will never be, in love with Miss Granger. First of all, I am her teacher and she is my student, nothing more. Ever. Second of all, she's an insufferable know-it-all and I would never torture myself by being in that type of relationship with her. If you want to know the answer to your second question, I suggest you re-read my biography and pay attention to my philosophy on marriage. For the answer to your third question, if you must know, I was born in England in 1960.

Student Name: George Weasley
House and Year: Gryffindor, 7th Year.
Question: Oi, When's potions start?
Answer: By now, Mr. Weasley, you should know that class schedules are handed out the first day of every term, but since you have decided to not further your studies and, instead, invested in that foolish magic shoppe you should not worry about when Potions classes begin.

Student Name: Elyse
House and Year: Former Ravenclaw (1985)
Question: Would you like to go to dinner and a museum with me this weekend?
Answer: No. Not even if my life depended on such. Please do not ask me any other ridiculous questions; and that goes for the rest of you as well!

Student Name: Oli
House and Year: Slytherin, 6th year
Question: After reading your poetry in the Anthology section, I realize simularities in our attitudes that are a bit startling, but at least I dont feel quite so alone in my outlook on life. Would you possibly be willing to allow me to read some of your not yet posted work?
Answer: Yes, I would be willing to allow you to read my works, however at this moment in time I have none that are not posted. If you would like to give me your email address, then (when I do have something) I will email it to you.

Student Name: Felicity
House and Year: Ravenclaw, 3rd year
Question: With greatest respect, Professor Snape, I ask why a brilliant Potions Master such as yourself shows no apparent interest in the Healing Profession itself; and, I realize this is presumptous of me and I don't mean to be, but have you ever studied the Pharmacology of the Muggle World? It's terribly impressive actually--astounding when you realize MAGIC is non-existant.
Answer: Silly Girl, being a ravenclaw studying at Hogwarts, I should think you of all students would know that magic exists in everything, not only in our world. The simple fact is that Muggles have yet to gain the knowledge of how to use it. Healing is very much a part of potions, most of the potions brewed protect the body against poisons or other harmful things one might injest. Also, where do you think Madam Pomfrey gets her supply of healing potions? I have not studied Muggle Pharmacology for the simple fact that the wizarding equivalent is much more useful to me.

Student Name: Felicity
House and Year: Ravenclaw, 3rd year
Question: With the greatest respect, Professor Snape, a Miss Blaise Zabini has informed me you have perfected a Potion that will transform a most reluctant Witch into an extremely happy Muggle. It costs, she says, 1,000 Galleons, plus a 500 Galleon "Finder's Fee" she charges for sharing this information. I find this highly suspicious. That is why I am contacting you directly. Have you perfected such a Potion, Professor Snape? If anyone could do so, it would be someone as brilliant as you are. If you did NOT wish to be a Wizard, if you desired with all your heart to be Muggle, you would DO so--wouldn't you, Professor Snape?! If there was a way to destroy the Magical, you WOULD if you so desired, wouldn't you? You'd let NOTHING stand in your way, isn't that right? All that stands in the way of my happiness is being Magical, I want to destroy this--will you help me do so?
Answer: I believe that Miss Zabini is...what's the expression?..."pulling your chain." I have discovered no such potion, and if I had I certainly would not have told Miss Zabini. I am proud to be a Wizard and have never (and will never) desire to be anything less. If a witch does not wish to possess Magical abilities, she can simply fade into the Muggle world and live peacefully among them as many have. Just the same as Muggles have wished to possess magic and therefore come to study at Hogwarts. There is a spell that can make one forget who they are, as well as many potions that can achieve the same desired effect, but I was not the Wizard who discovered any of those. I do hope, for your sake, that you did not pay anything to Miss Zabini. If you have further questions, you may feel free to email me personally at [email protected]

Student Name: Oli
House and Year: Slytherin, 6th year
Question: Professor, do you know of any good wizard bookstores anywhere near Hogsmead? I am afraid I am growing tired of the usual Gilderoy Lockhart and Zedola Pathworn rubbish. And while I do quite enjoy the occasional Muggle literature, I am looking for some fiction with more.....relation to the wizarding world then the brilliant (though delusional) Tolkien.
Answer: Just on the outskirts of Hogsmead, past Dervish and Bange's, is a little known place called Bochi's. They are not famous for their plethora of literature by any means, but they do have a rather nice collection of fiction, and they do not stock anything written by Gilderoy Lockhart.

Student Name: Elizabeth
House and Year: Hufflepuff, 2nd year
Question: Why do you say that "Magic" is everywhere and that Muggles simply don't know how to access it? I've been out and about among them in London, and there is NO magic in them or their things.
Answer: Just out of curiousity...can you see Magic? If you can, then you're far more advanced than any Witch or Wizard whom I have ever known. Magic is not something you can simply look for in someone or something. It is a force; a power that not only surrounds us, but is within us. Muggles have access to that power, but most have yet to discover how to use it. As for Muggle artifacts, many of them will not possess Magical qualities for the simple fact that their creators are ignorant of that force. Before you say there is no magic in the Muggle world, perhaps you should further your studies at Hogwarts and take a few Muggle History courses. Only then will you have a valid argument against me. And, just a side note to the rest of you, please do not use this form for ongoing correspondence with me. If your questions are not answered to your liking, either get over it or email me personally.

Student Name: Alice
House and Year: Hufflepuff, 1st year
Question: Is it wrong to read the questions others ask and your answer? Some are very interesting, and things I'd ask if I had thought about it.
Answer: No it is not wrong to read previously submitted questions or my answers. That is the purpose of this page and why I have chosen to post them here.

Student Name: Nathaniel
House and Year: Ravenclaw, 6th year
Question: I am in close contact with our counterparts in China. They maintain that a strict Vegetarian diet is absolutely essential if we are to fully develop our powers and abilities. Is this true, Professor Snape? If so, what type of Vegetarian Diet are you using?
Answer: While a Vegetarian way of life may be more fulfilling for some, there is no evidence to suggest that it is essential to developing powers and abilities.

Student Name: Miah
House and Year: None
Question: Do you know how sexy you are?
Answer: Please don't waste my time with inquiries of this nature.

Student Name: Felicity
House and Year: Ravenclaw, 3rd year
Question: With greatest respect, Professor Snape, I lied to the Sorting Hat. It told me I was Slytherin, but that was my Mother's House. In rage and thirst for vengeance, I begged the Sorting Hat to put me in Ravenclaw. Must I abide by the decision I made or is there a chance I can be Sorted once again?
Answer: First off, the Sorting Hat knows when you're lying, so even if you tried your best to throw it off, it was well aware of your motives. Second, the Sorting Hat is never wrong about the House it places a student in, so if you were sorted into Ravenclaw, you must have possessed more of those qualities than any other house. Third, if you wish to change houses, you would need to speak with Headmaster Dumbledore for that matter. I have no control over who is or is not in Slytherin.

Student Name: Nathaniel
House and Year: Ravenclaw, 6th year
Question: Professor Snape, is the Draught of the Living Death irreversable? If not irreversable, what would be the antidote? Could just a very small amount of it be used to put a person in a temporary coma--let's say, a couple of days or so?
Answer: Before I answer your question, Nathaniel, please do me a favor and do not submit anymore queries. That goes for the rest of you (Miah and Felicity) as well. Some of your questions are relevant to the subject of Potions, but others are not and from this point on I will not waste my time with them. That being said, the Draught of the Living Death is not "irreversable" per say, but a person can be brought out of it by a potion that will counter balance the effects of that particular brew. There are many sleeping potions that will put a person into a deep sleep for extended periods of time (up to 2 weeks) but it is not advised to alter the Draught of Living Death unless you are 100% sure of what you are doing.

Student Name: Alice
House and Year:Hufflepuff, 1st year
Question: Professor Snape, I know I'm just a 1st year, but I'm old enough to know there's a war on. Is there a Potion we should have with us just in case we are injured? I know I'm not saying it right, but I know you have Potions to stop bleeding--things like that--what Potions can we make "at the scene" or carry with us, "just in case"? If I've not asked correctly, I really apologize.
Answer: I do not think it will be necessary for you to carry around healing potions. As long as you are on Hogwarts grounds you are safe. It is good to be cautious, and if you feel like you must have something, perhaps you can talk to Madame Pomfrey about a simple healing potion.

Student Name: Elizabeth
House and Year: Hufflepuff, 2nd year
Question: Professor Snape, you are working to improve a Potion for Werewolves and that's wonderful, but what about Vampires?! Is there no possibility of making a Potion that would at least sharply curtail the Vampire's need for blood?
Answer: Just as there is a potion for Werewolves, there is also a potion for Vampires, but it does not alleviate the need for blood. The Potion only allows the Vampire to go out during the daytime and not be harmed by the sun's rays. Current research has found no alternatives for the blood thirst, but potions are still being tested.

Student Name: Anonymous
House and Year: Slytherin
Question: I just wanted to ask: Did you know that the potions forum link wont let anyone in because it says it has adult content? I just thought I would let you know....
Answer: Yes, I am well aware that it says Adult Content. That is simply to deter those who want to post their meaningless drivel in my forum. For those of you who turned away because of this and do wish to join, all you have to do is click on the Accept button.

Student Name: Taryn Brackett
House and Year: Gryffindor, 1st year
Question: How do you correctly brew a sleeping draft and what ingredients do you need?
Answer: I believe your Potions text is an excellent source of information for this particular questions. I expect my potions students to do some research on their own before they come to me expecting an answer to all of their trivial questions.

Student Name: Michael
House and Year: Ravenclaw, 5th year
Question: Hey, what are we going to be learning this quarter?
Answer: As a 5th year, and a Ravenclaw no less, I should expect you would know that I discuss what we will be learning the first day of class. I should also expect that you would have learned how to address your professors by now, and "hey you" is not how.

Student Name: Alan
House and Year: Slytherin, 2nd Year
Question: Professor, does the Wolfsbane Potion keep the person from transforming, or just help give them control?
Answer: The Wolfsbane Potion only helps the person keep his human mind. It does not stop the transformation, but there is currently much research into trying to stop the transformation altogether.

Student Name: Maeve Noir
House and Year: Slytherin, 7th Year
Question: Sir,
Firstly, I want to say how much I am enjoying being a member of Slytherin and having you as a Potions teacher. I have learned more here then in the United States.

The reason for this message: I would like your comments on an issue for a family member of mine.

I asked Poppy (I have her permission to call her by her first name, in case you were wondering) about using Skele-Gro for my Grandmother's knees. Due to her age, the cartilage has begun to calcify and cause 'water on the knee.' This process is getting worse each year, as more cartilage must be removed to reduce the build-up of fluid. Poppy's comments were that it could work in restoring the cartilage, but that I should ask you as well.

Also, I have discovered that I enjoy Potions and would like to work with a Potions Master after I leave school. Who would you recommend? I would like to work with you, but I do understand that you are a very busy man.

Thank you for your time, Sir.
Answer: Miss Noir,
Skele-Gro is certainly one option that is available for your grandmother, however there are many other potions available that are less painful and would probably be more helpful. Skele-Gro was more commonly intended for the regrowth of bone rather than something as specific as cartilage. If you wish I could give you a list of these potions and you may do the research on your own to find the best that would suit your situation.

As for studying with a Potions Master after you leave Hogwarts, there are many decent wizards I could recommend, but I am not certain that any of them are in need of an apprentice at this particular moment. I shall look into it for you. It is not my schedule that keeps me from taking on an apprentice, but rather more of a situational circumstance.

Name: Remus Lupin
House and Year: Former Gryffindor
Comment: Intresting site, Severus.
Response: You can blame the Headmaster for that.

Student Name: Annabelle
House and Year: Former Slytherin - 1983
Question: I dont suppose you would consider going to dinner with me one night?
Answer: IF I ever went to "dinner", I might possibly consider going with you, but I do not casually date.

Student Name: Critiyana Riddel
House and Year: Former Slytherin, 1986
Question: I am skilled in Dark Arts Defences, Potion making, Occlumency and Legilimency . My best subject is potions. Are you in need of an assistant to aid you with teaching and greading papers?
Answer: I am not currently in need of an assitant, but with your skills you should have no problem finding a position elsewhere.

Student Name: Lana Lane
House and Year: Hufflepufff, unknown
Question: "Why are yout alwyas so grumpy?"
Answer: Because I have to deal with dunderheads like you who a.)ask stupid question, b.)can't bloody spell, and c.)don't know how to keep your noses out of other people's affairs.

Student Name: Allison
House and Year: Ravenclaw, 4th year
Question: Professor Snape, what I am about to ask you is of the greatest importance to me, and I beg you to answer me as quickly as possible. I was summoned home for a medical emergency concerning my Grandmother Hetty. They said she had a "stroke" and was now in a coma. Well, if that's the case, it came at a most opportune moment, as my two, good-for-nothing uncles came into needed monies that Grandmother Hetty was refusing them. In addition, my Grandmother Hetty took excellent care of herself and was given a clean and glowing bill of heath mere days before this "stroke". I slipped into my uncles' room and located traces of asphodel, but no wormwood so far. Professor Snape, how can I discover the truth? Is there any potion--anything that could prove whether or not my Grandmother was given the Draught of the Living Death, rather than this being a legitimate stroke? I'm able to slip in and out of her room in the wee hours, so, if there is a potion that will prove one ! way or the other, PLEASE tell me! I know you are extremely busy, Professor Snape, but if there's any way you can help me, I'd be forever in your debt. Thank you. Allison
Answer: First off, the Draught of Living Death does not cause a person to have a stroke, it's only effect is causing the drinker to fall into a deep sleep which is often irreversible. Even if you have found Asphodel inside your uncle's room, that does not make him a suspect. Brewing the potion is one of the most complicated, next to the Wolfsbane, and unless he is an accomplished potions master, I doubt he would have brewed it correctly--nor do I believe he would have been able to obtain the ingredients for the brew. If, however, you still believe she has been given the Draught, you can ask a Mediwitch to perform a few tests to look for traces of the Asphodel or Wormwood. I suggest, on the other hand, that you accept the fate that has come to your grandmother and consider the fact that strokes happen without warning in even the healthiest of people.

Student Name: Elizabeth
House and Year:Hufflepuff, 2nd year
Question: Professor Snape, can a person have an allergic reaction to Veritaserum? Veritaserum is dangerous, isn't it, and hard to make? Can somebody DIE from drinking Veritaserum? A student has a vial of Veritaserum and is putting it in the food and drink of other students--this is seriously dangerous, isn't it? I worry alot.
Answer: No, a person cannot have an allergic reaction to Veritaserum. If a student is in possession of that particular potion you should inform the Headmaster immediately, or turn his/her name over to me. Veritaserum is not something to be toyed around with, as with any potion it can be dangerous if not properly administered or brewed, but it is not fatal.

Student Name: Cristiyana Riddel
House and Year:Former Slytherin, 1986
Question: First of all, I believe I left the 's' in my name . It's Cristiyana , not Critiyana. I apologize for that. And second, if you are not in need of an assistant now, would you consider having dinner at the Three Broomsticks or the Hog's Head for a night of discussing potions and theories? I would greatly appreciateit.
Answer: Perhaps you, like the rest of your classmates who have continously hit me up for a date, should re-read my biography page. I am not interested in dating a student, former or otherwise. And for future reference, any other requests of this nature will be ignored, no matter who the sender is.

Student Name:Elizabeth
House and Year: Hufflepuff, 2nd year
Question: I want to ask you about a muggle potion called Arsenic. They say you can use Arsenic to lighten freckles and make your skin whiter, is that true? I have some.
Answer: First off, Arsenic is not a "muggle potion." It is a naturally occurring element widely distributed in the earth's crust. In the environment, arsenic is combined with oxygen, chlorine, and sulfur to form inorganic arsenic compounds. Breathing high levels of inorganic arsenic can give you a sore throat or irritated lungs. Ingesting high levels of inorganic arsenic can result in death. Ingesting or breathing low levels of inorganic arsenic for a long time can cause a darkening of the skin and the appearance of small "corns" or "warts" on the palms, soles, and torso. Skin contact with inorganic arsenic may cause redness and swelling, therefore it will do the exact opposite of what you are trying to accomplish. If you are looking for a product or potion to improve your appearance, I suggest you try reading your text first because I will not answer any more questions of this nature.

Student Name: Anna Carmike
House and Year: Slytherin, 7th year
Question: I was just wondering if you would consider going out for some lunch one day. I promise it wouldn't be a date. Just lunch to talk about potions, and strictly professional.
Answer:I appreciate the offer, but I will have to decline. If you would like to discuss potions, you may see me before or after class, or during my office hours.

Student Name: George Weasley
House and Year: Gryffindor/Now in buissness
Question:Oi, Proffessor Snape? Remember me? ANyway, do you know what root would work best as an minimal explodent?
Answer:One would be only lucky to be able to forget you, Mr. Weasley. I do know what ingredients work best in small explosions, however I would never impart that knowledge onto you.

Student Name: Andrea
House and Year: Slytherin, 4th year
Question:Dear Professor Snape,
As Much respect as I do have for you, one must question how a busy man like yourself has the time, patience or dignity to post themselves online for the world to see. But my Real question is, if your outlook on muggles and muggleborns has changed since you started working for Dumbledore at the age of 22? And if there are any half bloods or muggle borns in your house? I wouldn't be asking this question if everyone in Slytherin weren't such good liars, not that I'm stating everyone is. Thank you for your time and I'll be waiting for your reply.
Answer:If you will notice, I stated my purpose for this site on the main page: "At the behest of Headmaster Dumbledore..." Had it been my decision, I would have rather remained somewhat anonymous. Dignity, patience and time has no relevance to the matter. As to your other question, my personal opinion is just that--personal. As a slytherin yourself you should know that we aren't liars so much as we are cunning. If a muggleborn was accepted into Slytherin House, it would be for that reason. Though it is true this house was once meant only for Purebloods, the sorting hat does not discriminate on basis of blood.

Student Name: Sevina
House and Year: Slytherin
Question: Why, with such baffling intellect as yours, do you still insist on buttons when technical advances have brought us zips, velcro and magically enhanced devices to use in place of such fiddly items? Surely your fingers could be put to better use in the double dissection of manticore spleens?
Answer: Your question can only be answered with one word: Style. True, there are zippers, velcro, and other fastners one could use but I much prefer the look of buttons. It adds an air of sophistication. You might be surprised at how quickly one learns to manage such "fiddly items," as you so eloquently called them, leaving plenty of time for my fingers to be put to "better use."

Student Name: Anne
House and Year: Slytherin, 7th Year
Question: Even though you wanna teach DADA, do you like teachiung Potions?
Answer: While I don't particularly enjoy teaching at all, Potions would be my second choice.

Student Name: Wouldn't you like to know?
House and Year: Slytherin
Question: Sir, it's rumour around school that you're in love with someone? Is this true? 'Cause I just know she loves you too! *grin*
Answer: If I were in love, which I am most certainly not, it would not be with anyone remotely close to Hogwarts. I believe you have mistaken me for someone else.

Student Name: Hermione Granger
House and Year: Gryffindor, 6th Year
Question:Hello Sir, Do you have any opinion on love potions? ~blush~ I would love to know them.
Answer:Miss Granger, you above all others should know of my low opinion for love potions. They are the most vile brew ever concoted and should be banned.

Student Name: Laney Hughes
House and Year: Hufflepuff, 1st Year
Question: What is a muggle antidote and what is it used for?
Answer: An antidote is a remedy that counteracts the effects of a poison. It can also be used to prevent effects if taken before a poison is ingested. A muggle antidote comes in the form of serums, syrups, and pills much like the antidotes used in the Wizarding community.

Student Name: Apryl Leventhal
House and Year: Slytherin, 1st Year
Question(s): 1.) Professor Snape, why do you let Malfoy slip out of trouble? Do you know he gives us Slytherins, a bad name?
2.) Are you happy with being the Potions Master or do you wish you had another profession?
3.) What is your favourite potion to brew?
4.) Can a person fight the effects of Veritaserum at all? If so, only magical people??
5.) If you had a child and they were sorted in Gryffindor. What would you do??
6.) If you had a deaf student, how would you communicate with them?
Answer(s): 1.) I do not let Mr. Malfoy "slip" out of trouble, as with all of my Slytherin students I choose to deal with your punishments privately. If you allow yourself to think that Draco Malfoy gives Slytherin a bad name, that is your own misfortune. It is your duty, as it is the responisibility of each Slytherin, to uphold the nobleness of the Serpent's Den and I advise you to take your complaints to Mr. Malfoy, not myself.
2.) While I do the best that I can as your Potions Master, I would much prefer to be instructing students in Defense Against the Dark Arts.
3.) My "favourite potion" to brew is not any particular brew, but simply a difficulty in level. I enjoy challenging myself with the more complex potions, and I use much of my free time to research and experiment on different brews in order to improve upon them.
4.) A person, wizard and muggle alike, can fight against the effects of the truth serum, however their attempts would be futile--their tongue would betray them no matter how much they fought the potion unless, of course, the potion was a fake.
5.) If I were to ever have a child who had been sorted into Gryffindor--Merlin forbid--I would make sure he or she upheld the values of that house and obeyed all school rules.
6.) Owing to the fact that I knew the student's disability--as I know yours--I would do what I have always done and adapt my lesson as best I could to meet your needs. One of the ways I have adapted said lessons is by supplimenting auditory lectures with visual information (I write keywords, directions, etc. on the blackboard). A second way, I speak in a raised volume so that everyone is able to hear me. Third, I periodically walk around to the students to make certain they understand what they are doing.

Student Name: Sam
House and Year: Slytherin, 7th Year
Question: Professor, do you enjoy all these rated "R" stories about you? I would be so red, it would shame the rose. One last question Professor... have you ever been in love?
Answer: Enjoy, no, but if I allowed what is written to bother me it would simply be a waste of time and energy--neither of which I have in excess. As for having been in love, I don't think there is a wizard alive who can honestly say no.

Student Name: Kristin
House and Year: Slytherin, 6th year
Question: Professor Snape, I would like to follow in your footsteps. I find potions very interesting and I hope that I can learn more about it from you. What do you say?
Answer: Being that you are in my upper-level Potions class I am well aware of your interest in the Potions field, however I am not planning to retire any time soon. Therefore, it wouldn't be wise to try and follow in my footsteps. If you continue to study Potions until you leave Hogwarts then there is no doubt that you will be more eligible than most to either continue your studies at University to gain more knowledge of the subject, or go on to be the Potions Mistress of another magical school. My suggestion is thus: remain in the upper-level class for your 7th year. The 6th and 7th year Potions students are able to brew at a more complex level and the studies begin to narrow down from the broader spectrum that 1st thru 5th years study.

Student Name: Su'aidah
House and Year: Gryffindor, 6th Year
Question: Chemistry, is somewhat similar to Potions. Have you tried mixing chemical?
Answer: First off, allow me to say that for a sixth year student your grammar and punctuation are atrocious, but coming from a Gryffindor I am not surprised. Second, a chemical by definition is "a substance obtained by a chemical process or used for producing a chemical effect." Many ingredients used in the mixture of potions are, by defintion, chemicals and the process of potion-making itself is a chemical process. Had you actually paid attention in my class you would have known this, hence why you are not in my upper-level potions classes.

Student Name: Devin Hackworth
House and Year: Slytherin, 5th year
Question: Why are you so mean to Harry Potter just because his dad picked on you. Harry is picked on too. Drayco picks on him just the same and yet Drayco is you're favorite student. That makes no sense. I feel really bad that you were picked on when you were younger but did you ever stop to think how you and Harry are so much alike. His aunt and uncle and cousin are horrible to him. They treat him like dirt. His mom and dad died. Just give the boys a brake. Just tell me why you hate him so.
Answer: Because history repeats itself. I owe no explanation about my past, my present, or my future; nor do I offer excuses or apologies. I for one could not care less who "picks" on Harry Potter. Everyone has enemies, Miss Hackworth**, but it is the way in which we learn to handle ourselves in such situations that allows us to grow and mature.
My apologies for my previous error.

Student Name: Severin
House and Year: Slytherin, 7th year
Question: Hello Professor,
I actually have two questions to ask, one being, Why do you continue to ahh dislike Remus Lupin when he was the one who never really made fun of you? (though i dont know why he'd hang with "them"). Two would be do we ever get to know more about you? I'm not saying any kind of hurtful memories just on a semi-social level. Thank you for your time, Sev.
Answer: By Order of The Minister of Magic, your question has been forwarded to the Auror in charge of the investigation against your former professor. We apologize for the inconvenience and ask that if you have any information regarding the whereabouts of Severus Snape to please contact us via owl at the Ministry. We assure you that your anonymity is guaranteed.

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