My Last Words To You...

It appears that this is the only page those vultures at the Ministry have not corrupted. I only have a moment to speak to you, my students and colleagues, for they will surely track my whereabouts and be upon me soon...

As such...I implore you not to mourn the loss Headmaster Albus Dumbledore. Any impudence in my request is wholly unintention, but I do not apologize for it. Think me not as impertinent, for I know beyond a doubt that the Headmaster would not have you weeping at his graveside when there is much more grievous work to be done. The deeds which I am said to have done, whether they be truth or lies, will be revealed in good time. I cannot give unto you my reasons for any actions I may, or may not, have committed but know it was all for the good of Wizards and Muggles alike.

Though it is not likely that I will live to see the outcome of this war, or my part within it, I will forever remain...

Potions Master.

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