Original content � 2001-3 The Harry Potter Lexicon

Below you will find a list of potions, their igredients and their uses. Most of the potions listed will be discussed in class.

Aging Potion

Causes the person drinking it to grow older. The more Aging Potion one drinks, the more one ages.


Ingredients vary, but often include Mandrakes

There are antidotes for many poisons and for potion effects.

-Antidote for Swelling Solution is the Deflating Draught

-The Mandrake Restorative Draft is the antidote for Petrification

-A bezoar will act as an antidote to most poisons

Boil Cure Potion

Ingredients include: dried nettles, crushed snake fangs, stewed horned slugs, porcupine quills (added after taking the cauldron off the fire)

Simple potion to cure boils.

If you add the porcupine quill before you take the cauldron off the fire, the mixture produces clouds of acid green smoke and a loud hissing,which will melt the cauldron.

Cleaning Solutions

-Bundimun -- Infests houses; greenish fungus with eyes. An infestation of Bundimuns can destroy a house, as their secretions rot away the foundations. This same secretion, in diluted form, is used in some magical cleaning solutions.

-Dragon's Blood -- one of its 12 uses is as a cleaner.

Confusing Concoction

Ingredients will be covered in Lecture

Effect is to cause confusion.

Draught of the Living Death

Ingredients: Asphodel in an infusion of Wormwood

Causes someone to fall into a deep sleep.

Exploding Fluid

Ingredients: Erumpent fluid

Causes an object to explode.

Forgetfulness Potion

Ingredients will be covered in Lecture

Causes forgetfulness


Potion ingredients are available for student use from the Student Store cupboard. Students must also buy their own ingredients as part of their school supplies, and purchase additional materials and refills every year. The Apothecary in Diagon Alley is where many Wizards buy their potion-making supplies. Under no circumstance is a student to go into my private supply cupboard without first consulting me.

-Abyssinian shrivelfig
needs to be peeled

also known as Monkshood and Wolfbane

-Antipodean Opaleye Dragon Eggshells

-Armadillo bile
used in Wit-Sharpening Potion

-Ashwinder eggs
must be kept frozen

commonly mixed from powdered roots

-Belladonna, essense of

comes from the stomach of a goat, protects from most poisons

-Bicorn horn
most commonly mixed as a powder

-Billywig stings
most commonly dried

-Black beetle eyes

-Boomslang skin
must be shredded

-Bubotubor pus
good against stubborn acne; yellowish, smells of petrol

-Bundimun secretion

usually sliced

-Daisy roots
commonly mixed chopped

hide, blood, heart, liver, horn

horns, tails, and fluid; most commonly mixed for Exploding Fluid

should be picked at full moon

-Frog brains

Eating a wad of this grows gills and webbed fingers and toes so that a person can swim and breathe underwater. Native to the Mediterranean Sea.

-Ginger roots
commonly mixed when cut

commonly used when horn is powdered

-Horned toads

-Horned slugs

-Jobberknoll feathers
used for Memory Potions and Truth Serums


-lacewing flies
should be stewed for 21 days

leech juice is common in many potions

-Lionfish, spine of

An important plant which is used as an ingedient in the Restorative Draught

(see Aconite)

usually dried; gathered in Queerditch Marsh for nettle tea

-Porcupine quills

-Puffer-fish eyes
used in a poision

-Rat tails, spleen

-Romanian Longhorn dragon horn
usually powdered

-Scarab beetles
should be crushed

-Snake fangs
should be crushed



-Unicorn horns, tail hair
tail hair used for wands

(see Aconite); also known in folklore as "Dumbledore's Delight"


Love Potion

Ingredients include frozen Ashwinder eggs

Causes the person who drinks it to fall in love with someone.

**NOTE**Love potions are against Hogwarts school rules

Mandrake Restorative Draft

Ingredients include Mandrake, of course

This powerful antidote will revive people who have been Petrified.

Mature Mandrakes are needed for this potion

Memory Potions

Ingredients include Jobberknoll feathers

Pepperup Potion

Relieves symptoms of the cold or flu.

Polyjuice Potion

Ingredients: Lacewing flies stewed 21 days, leeches, powdered bicorn horn, knotgrass, fluxweed picked at full moon, boomslang skin, a bit of who you want to turn into (i.e. a hair)

Transforms a person to look exactly like someone else

Quodpot solution

In the pots used as goals in the game of Quodpot, this solution keeps the Quod from exploding

Shrinking Solution

Ingredients: chopped daisy roots, skinned shrivelfig, sliced caterpillar, one rat spleen, dash of leech juice Makes things shrink in size


Medical magic: Potion which regrows bones. The effect takes about eight hours and can be quite painful.

Sleekeasy's Hair Potion

Used to style hair.

Sleeping Draft/Draught/Potion

Potion which causes a person to fall into a deep sleep. Also known as the Draught of the Living Death

Swelling Solution

Causes something to get bigger.

The antidote is the Deflating Draft.

Truth Potion/Serum

Ingredients: can include Jobberknoll feathers (FB)

Force a person to tell the truth.

Veritaserum is the most powerful Truth Serum available

Wit-Sharpening Potion

Ingredients: ground scarab beetle, cut up ginger root, armadillo bile

Effect is presumably to make a person think more clearly.

Wolfsbane Potion

While this potion can't cure a person from being a werewolf, it does prevent the extremely dangerous dementia which accompanies the transformation.

Wound-cleaning Potion

Medical potion used on cuts and other open wounds.

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