Reed Oliver
The Right Girl Poster
Do you know Reed Oliver?

If not, that's ok. The majority of people have never even heard of him, but don't let that stop you. This recent picture may jog your memory, or maybe this vintage 1999 image.

Reed Oliver is best known for directing The Right Girl, an independent feature film currently in postproduction. For lots of info and pictures, check out The Right Girl Official Site.

I'm also known as a movie reviewer for Hybrid Magazine. Here's a list of my reviews and interviews for Hybrid - new releases and classics!

Minor Update 3/18/02:

Ok, ok, it's been way too long since I've updated. Where to begin? The past few months feel like a blur. I've been sick for over three weeks now. I took these fancy 5-day antibiotics at the end of the first week, and that took care of the exhaustion and enabled me to go back to work. Good thing, since I used up all of my sick leave immediately, and I can't use start using vacation until June. But I'm getting ahead of myself. texasreadingThe first big news is that the The Texas Center for Reading and Language Arts (TCRLA) hired me to be their front-desk guy and all-around minor burocrat. It's gotten better and more insteresting since I've gotten hired, but not much of either. I was hired before winter break, so I got the time off paid and my insurance, Humana HMO, kicked in immediately!

CarnavalI updated the Halloween Party pictures with a new page. That's all of the events pictures I have right now. I went to Carnaval this year, but I haven't seen the pics my neighbors took yet, so click on the pic to see some other guy's pictures.

SXSW was a lot of fun, and I got a lot of good information about what to do with The Right Girl once it's finished. I also saw some great films. My best of the fest picks are Spellbound, Owned, Manito, Journeys With George, and Hell House, with the Gigantic: A Tale of Two Johns documentary / They Might Be Giants live show as best multi-fest combo. A good year, even though I was emotionally exhausted from the get-go.

Good news of great joy:
Christopher Allen Myers, also known as Mars, my roommate, successfully defended his thesis last Monday and is now officially Dr. Myers!

Sad news:
My roommate Chris is moving to San Diego in April, so I have to find a new roommate. Together since August 1999, we had good times. We're also having a
Mars send-off party on Friday, March 22nd, so mark your calendars and get ready to kiss Mars goodbye.

More sad news:
The Right Girl got rejected by SXSW! SXSW

All of the ecstacy and agony of finally showing my baby to others, and it turns out my friends at SX didn't like it and didn't care enough to reject me by phone or anything else that might acknowledge the nine years I've given to the festival.
My friends at SXSW were really sorry about the oversight. Apparently, I'm so popular they all assumed I'd spoken to someone else. I'm feel better about it now.

And the opposite:
I FINISHED ADR!!! Okay, maybe all caps was overdoing it, but I'm very happy to have eight months of load off my mind. I also did the missing foley and sent the whole kit'n'kaboodle to L.A., where dreams are made. If we're lucky (no comments from the peanut gallery!), a fellow known as "Tom" will be doing all of the final music fixing, sound mixing, and credits tricks-ing over the course of the next week. That means we'll have a final product, the holy grail, a movie that can be shown with pride. Hopefully, I'll even find the producer's rep of our dreams at SXSW, and we'll get some help with selling this baby.

The love-life update? Things are not ideal, but not over with Laurie. Wish us happiness, we could use any hopeful energy the universe has to offer.
We broke up last night. Much sadness. Hence the black color to this minor update.

Finally, I'm turning 30 YEARS OLD on March 12, 2002. Hard to believe that my whole life will suddenly, miraculously fall into place in just a few days. I can't wait. I asked my folks for a DVD player, so DVDs are welcome. I can't justify getting them for myself yet.

Check out the March '01, July '01, August '01, October '01, and December '01 updates!

Gritty Reed Thanks for coming! I hope you enjoyed your stay. Please check in again sometime for your next sporadic update.


Reed Oliver

BROQ Productions
610B Genard
Austin, TX 78751
(512) 374-9916

email Reed
The Right Girl
Providing entertainment since 1972
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