The DigiDestined Humans
Season One
Season Two
Season Three
The DigiDestined Humans
DigiDestined Digimon
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DigiEgg Evolutions
DigiDestined Digimon
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Digimon Tamers Movie
The Gaurdians
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You Know You're Obsessed With Digimon When...

1.You tie razors to your slinkies,attach them to your arms and legs and call yourself Shurimon.(do dee doo, you didn't see me....Ah the slinky is stuck to my foot!)
2.Your room is covered in posters,toys,tapes and clothing from digimon.(yours isn't?)
3.On easter, you ask the Easter Bunnymon(terriermon or gazimon) TO bring you the digiegg of courage(nope, only hope, light,friendship miracles,kindness,reliability and knowledge,I'm asking 4 that next Easter)
4.You buy a fake d-3,d-terminal,goggles and a flame jacket and declare you are Davis.(I can't find the jacket yet^_^)
5.You go around the web to find where the digiport is.(no comment)
6,You try to make an egg cook like digitammamon..9I ened up eating it)
7.When it fails, you use your Veemon Stuffed Animal and head butt it out the window.(I ended up eating both)
8.During Every lightning storm you jump with joy because it's raidramon being a storm of friendship.(if u do this, you need a schychiatrist)
9.You decide to take computer classes and make the frizzy red haired kid to say prodigous every time he figures somtething out, and to love insects.(Prodigous!)
10.You sue the circus because Piedmon isn't in any act.
11.You scream at J.K Rowling for not naming Harry Tai.(ok, so maybe I am a little weird!)
12.Your arrested at a zoo for coverin a wolf with blue metal and putting jeans on another one.(nope, wolf bit me before I could do anything)
13.When your class studies Volcanoes, you raise your hadn excitedly and say"Mt. Myhorashi is a volcano and it's protected by Meramon!(never!)
14.When you study Greek mythology, you dra armor on Pegasus, and claim its pegasusmon(yup, all da time)
15.You wear pink dresses with a cowboy hat, dye your hair brown/blonde, and claim you're Mimi.(who would?)
16.You kill every and all spiders(it's Arukenimon)((been there))
17.On halloween, u and your friends dress up as the dark masters(I was Piedmon)
18.You wear gloves(mine r tan)
19.You buy an army helmet, dye it blue or brown, and claim your Sora or Yolei
20.You paint your calico white, then make make it wear yellow gloves(sigh, I AM obsessed!!!)
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1.You're in Suspense during all the battle scenes, even though you've memorized them.
2.During the christmas Pagaent, you are an angel.You dress up as Angewomon or Angemon
3.On one wall of your room is a shrine to Tai, the other to davis, and one for Tk and Kari.
4.When you watch WWF, you call the Rock Golemon
5.All your vocabulary begins with digi or ends with mon
6.You refuse to eat any meat cooked until Flamedramon cooks it for you
7.During Sunday School you accidentally call Moses BlackWarGreymon
8.At your Birthday you have your parents hire the voice actors of digimon instead of clowns,unless they can find Piedmon
9.You try to go to digiworld
10.You actually make it there(Please take me with you!)
11.You paint A's on all bat's heads and claim they belong to Myotismon
12.You Favorite animal is a digimon
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