Season 3 Episode Guide(Japanese names, will change!)
1.The Birth Of Gillmon
Takato is a fifth grader who is(was)normal and obedient.For some reason he has to sit in the hallway, so he decides to draw his own digimon,Gillmon.Finding a blue card and reader,Takato swipes his drawing of gillmon, which becomes an egg in the d-arc.Later at night, the egg breaks open,but Gillmon wasn't with Takato.Ruki and Renamon burst into Takato's bedroom from nowhere  and start fighting lynxmon(Gatomon armor digivolved?).
2.The Friend Terriermon Appears
Takato catches up with Gillmon and is a little scared of him after he blasts a wall.After spending time with Gillmon,his fear turns to friendship.Takato has problems smuggling  Gillmon here and there, such as home and schoo,using a box.On the way to school,a box with a red tail follows him,and turns the scool into a panic.
3.Renamon vs. Gillmon
Still nervous with Gillmon, Tkato goes to the park with him, only to have gillmon smashed into a wire fence by Renamon.Ruki challenges Takato to fight back,but Tkato is against it.Lee steps in and tells Ruki digimon are friends,just like people,not tools like a hammer(i dunno if that's what he says,but this is digimon,it's quite possible).Ruiki doesn't believe him and starts to leave when Goburimon attacks....
4.Trial Of The Tamers
Ruki again challenges Takato and Lee and Terriermon step in the way.Lee makes terriermon digivolve to gargomon, but sa soon as he digivolves his bullets fly out at random,and Gillmon has to save Ruki.AS things cpouldn't get worse, a fog chases Lee and Takato as Ruki has left.Out of the fog comes Gorillamon,who starts to fight the boy Tamers.Since Terriermon is the only one that can digivolve, but when he does he goes berserk,Lee is forced to card slash weaponry for Terriermon to use to defeat Gorillamon.
5.The Time To Play With Culumon
Somone has been drawing lines all over the school yard,and kids make up stories about them.Apparently the culprit was Culumon,an orphan digimon.Culumon watches a game of soccer and imagines himself playing it when he hears Takato coming.He hides behind a concrete tube when Takato finds him.Tkato Brings him back to a little hideout where lee and Terriermon are,and together Lee and Takato try and figure out who is Culumon's Partner.
6.Renamon's Evolution
Ruki leaves home when she hears of a mysterious digital fog and rushes into it.There she finds Immon,an evil little digimon.Ruki can't fight him alone and gets the other Tamers to help her.Ruki Trys to get Renamon to digivolve but Renamon refuses, every time she is commanded.Ruki is frustrated at this because if Renamon digivolved they could defeat Impmon without the other Tamers....
7.The Chrisis for Guilmon
8.guilmon Evolves
9.The Growlmon Incident
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