Stuff You'll Never Hear/See On Digimon(and probably don't want to!)
1.(Arukenimon):I love you, Mummymon
2.(Davis):What Did I Ever See in Kari?
3.(Piedmon,Apocalymon,Arukenimon and VenomMyotismon) dancing with the digidestined and singing:I Love You, You Love me, We're a happy family....
4.(Gomamon):I'm hungry, and I'm in the middle of the desert...I know! Marching Fishes!
5.(Tk):You know Tokomon, You should see a dentist, I think you need braces.(Tokomon agrees, goes into a dentist's office and comes out with braces)
6.(Tk):Patamon1 Come Here! We want some roast Pork!
8.(Palmon)I hate botany!Plants are just stupid and boring!
9.(Lillymon):I just realized, this flower style just isn't me!
10.(Izzy With megakabuterimon behind him):Mommy,Mommy!He followed me home, can I keep him????PLEEEEESEEE?
11.(Kari):I wish You wouldn't try to kill Meeko, Gatomon!
12.(Izzy)I like this, Digi-Bug-B-Gone,not bad....
13.(Matt):Ya know Tai, Your right, I am a brat!
14.(Joe):Ah come on Apocalymon!Bring it on, you to Piedmon, bring it!
15.(Joe and Tai):Joe, Don't panic, our digimon are half dead, we're going to be killed, and the world will end, don't worry!(Tai,teeth chattering and shivering)I have to change my pants
16.(Etemon singing):Oops, I did it again..
17.(BlackWarGreymon singing):Good Day,Sinshine.....And WHen the sun is out...Gives me something to laugh about...
18.(Cody riding in Submarimon,Submarimon has been spray painted yellow):We all live in a yelllow submarine.....
19.(Matt):, I might  consider a career in yodeling
20.Augumon:I'm afraid of fire AHHH!!!!!
21(matt):Tai, trade you digimon, Gabumon for Agumon!
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