My Favorite Quotes
It's funny..but when you drove off with your tires screeching you didn't realize I was still standing there-June
Of course I don't want to kiss him.I just want to marry him, Duh!-Yolei
Maybe I should talk to those two about acting their own age-Davis
Your just a big old chicken Matt!-Tai(Go Tai,Go Tai!)
Would You please stop taunting the derranged android!?-Joe
Um, Mr. Whatevermon, Are You talking to us?-Mimi
Two Words, Anger Management-Paildramon
Too bad your brain isn't as big as your hair-Sora
I'm a happy little buffalo, a happy little buffalo-Tk's dad
Oh it's just a bird...A rather large bird I grant you...A large Angry Bird AAAAAHHH!!-Phantomon
Hey, I have a Suggestion,OPEN the door!-Koromon
Tentomon Digivolve to...Kabu-nevermind-Tentomon
Tentomon Digivolve to...oh forget it!-Tentomon
Augumon Digivolve to...Greymon...GREYMON, I'm Greymon yeah I big and I'm bad-Augumon
It's really hard to feel threatened by a bowling ball with wings-Gatomon
Listen Puss-n-boots, I'm gonna find the eighth DigiDestined!-DemiDevimon
Oops, Sorry Blondie-LadyDevimon
Yes, but the way it's going it will roll all the way back to California-Hawkmon in response to Yolei
He fogot how to spell Tk!-Cody
Our Teacher looks like Ogremon-Tk
No offense, but his haircut makes him look like you Kari-Tk(about Ken)
I've always considered myself a clean person(davis)
Its a good thing he's never seen your room Davis!(Veemon)
Is there an Angebabymon too?-Davis
Where is the little boy with a dream to take over the Digital World?sure it was a sick and twisted dream, but we had a lot of laughs.What ever happened to the boy I proudly called "Master"?Of course, You made me call you that-Wormmon
So?I'm in Junior High School and I take classes in Junior High School-Tai
I guess she sincerely thinks I'm a jerk-Davis
So we seemed to grow up a little really fast.Except for Joe, He just threw up really fast-Tai
You've ruined it!-LadyDevimon
Aw,Send me the bill-MegaKabuterimon
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