Oops..The Blunderous Bloopers
At first it was said and heard that Mimi had a terrible voice. Next thing you know, she sings like Christina Aguilera to ShogunGekomon.

How did Joe get DigiDollars?!?!?

Matt explains that he and Tk are half brothers,but a half brother would be a brother that only has the same mom or dad, not a divorced family.

In almost every flashback, Tai still has that spikey, triangle, bird-nest hair.A shot of him four years old shows the same cut.Are they suggesting Tai was Born Like That????

In the episode "The Piximon Cometh", One shot of Piximon Shows him as an egg with his face and feet(its quick, and easy to miss)!

In the Episode, "Prisoner Of The Pyramid",Tai says "Look, I can see throught this wall!" In a high voice similar to Sora's

I Don't Remember excactly what episode it was, but Gatomon (evil) was Standing on some building. She sees something,(I don't remember what)and then when she turns back to the camera her head looks more triangular with squareish ears!

Kari once said"Meet Salamon a rookie digimon, much more cuddly than her ultimate stage of Angewomon,What am I going to do,they don't allow pets in our apartment!".If That's True, Why does she have a pet cat?
Ok, In the episode "Enter Flamedramon", All the old DigiDestined Have D-Terminals, then as the season progresses, they don't.

If Davis isn't smart, why does he always seem to be the first one to figure out what's going on?
In series 2 champions weren't able to digivolve to ultimate until Arilong mon gave out that core thing,In 'His Masters Voice",How did Gatomon Digivolve to Angewomon?????!!!!!

Arukenimon created BlackwarGreymon with one hundred control spires/hairs.When she jumps up into the air, thousands of hairs fly out at control spires.

Does DigiTamamon own Every restaraunt in Digiworld?

How does DigiTamamon hold the soup ladel if he has no hands?
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