Making A Difference
Stop the Abuse

To Whom it may concern:

Residents of Tippecanoe County, Indiana are currently battling an illegal dog kennel with a long history of feces-laden kennels and poor living conditions. The owner claims to be raising the 40-60 Golden Retrievers and German Shepherd Dogs as service animals for disabled individuals. However, evidence supports the contrary. Although several dogs have died, the Tippecanoe County Humane Society is unwilling to enforce animal neglect laws. In addition, Tippecanoe County officials have allowed the illegal kennel to remain with no enforcement of Indiana State kennel license laws. **In the next 2 months the County will have a zoning meeting where 7 Zoning Board members will decide if the location of the illegal kennel is a problem for the community. If they vote in favor of the illegal kennel, it will be allowed to stay- as is (for at least 2 years).**
Concerned Tippecanoe County residents are attempting to block the continuation of this dog mistreatment. A web site has been prepared to provide detailed information on the illegal kennel and photographs. All information is on public record, and/or supported by written statements from witnesses. The web page also includes a guest book, which may be used as a petition at the Zoning Board meeting. Web page links to relevant officials, agencies have also been established to provide easy communication on the sad situation.
Please review the web page, Tippecanoe K9s and consider providing a link to your web site. The dogs need your support and your voice! Many voices are louder than one.
Thank you!

American Cat Tragedies

The first tragic incident that hit the headlines a few months ago was about the breakin at Noah's Ark shelter. Please visit Lisaviolet's site for the latest on the tragedy and read her tribute page for the cats lost in the tragedy
Noah's Ark

The following banners are sites dedicated to support Olivia and Erica Sieffert. For an account about the incident that occurred in Indiana. where at least two suspects lured four neighborhood cats into a fenced backyard, doused them with hair spray and using a cigarette lighter, set them on fire. One cat, Olivia, is severely injured. Her veterinarian care is approximately $15,000. Visit Erica's site to sign the petition against the Indiana University.
Susie Bachmann of Pawprints and Purrs has also created a page about this horrible incident. Please visit her site at Another American Tragedy

The following graphic was created as an image link to little Olivia's site by a beautifully caring lady, Nancy Pilotte of Spay/Neuter - Save a Life!. If you wish to download this graphic, please provide a similar link back to Nancy in appreciation and thanks for her loving creation.

Stop the Cruelty - Remember Olivia
Remember Olivia
This evening, Monday, October 13, 1997 on the 5:00 news in Indianapolis, they announced that Olivia (the cat set fire by IU students) had a stroke and crossed over the Rainbow Bridge.

Stop Animal Abuse

Arizona Tragedy
HELP! - Tortured Cats in Arizona!!!

BURGLARS TORTURE AND KILL ANIMALS!!! Burglars entered the V.I.P. Pet Grooming Store in Glendale the other night. They didn't take anything, but they tortured two cats. They beat one of the animals with a broomstick, immersed it in a washtub of bleach, and strangled it with a leash. The second cat survived a broken tooth and having bleach poured into its eyes. A third cat is missing. Glendale Police are hoping the fingerprints they found will lead them to the suspects. They've already received a couple of good tips. The Arizona Humane Society is offering an $1100 reward for information that leads to an arrest.

Petition Banner

Representing the Cats Voice Around the Globe

Under the Boardwalk

Atlantic City
Atlantic City's new claim to fame. With thousands of starving, homeless cats and kittens struggling to survive under Atlantic City's famous Broadwalk, why is a widowed "Cat Lady" having to use her own money to feed these cats and kittens. Stand up, America! Act on this inhumane situation. Show that you can be counted with the wonderful Cat Lady as caring and compassionate beings!
The above banner is public domain for downloading provided it is linked to the site of The Cat Lady of Atlantic City.

Personal Pet Tragedies

Remember Ninja
Remember Ninja

Lost In California
Click on the banner to read a heart-wrenching story of deep love, bitter betrayal and agonizing pain.

A Dedication to Sheba
Remember Sheba - a shocking testimony of negligence, malpractice and cruelty repeatedly occurring to one California woman's beloved Afghan Hound family - unbelievably cruel and heartless.

The Foster Family's Horse Page
The Fosters tell of the story of Buddy, a gorgeous horse whom they had rescued from a life of neglect and abuse. After much of the family's time, expense and love was devoted to the sole care of Buddy, both the New Hampshire Humane Society and the New Hampshire Equine Humane Association took Buddy from this caring family. The two organizations have repeatedly placed obstacles before them in preventing adoption. Though they have legally fought for him, they fear they will never see him again. On the site are the names and addresses to send letters of protest in regard of this situation.

A Cry for Help!
Remember Oscar
Remember Oscar

The point of our site is to try to stop the neglect and abuse that Oscar went through. We may have been too ignorant to stop the torture he was going through but we have hopefully learned that we must act quickly when it comes to abused or neglected animals, in Oscar's case it was mysteriously too late.

The deplorable actions of a Florida Puppy Mill

Bridgeport Puppy Mills

Lets send a message loud and clear that the animal loving public will no longer stand by and let this cruelty continue.

Cruelty Banner
Sonoma County

Lansing Banner
Lansing, Michigan Tragedy

International Pet Tragedies

Jana Faucher, has put together the following site
to simplify sending a letter of protest to the proper authorities.

Animal Activist Drive Through Window
Animal Activist Drive-Thru Window

Singapore Cats

Puerto Rico

Something to Think About

Is there a pattern to animal abuse? Does it lead to bigger and better things? Are we to believe that "They'll grow out of it"? Do you really care? Do you dare to visit the following sites for answers to those questions?
Something to think about
Science or Sick Minds

This Animal Abuse Must Stop NOW - Use Your Voice to Speak for Them!

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