Missing Pet Network, Canada

Hello, and welcome to Canada's Missing Pet Network, a member of a U.S. and Canadian, plus some international sites effort to reunite pet owners and pets. Currently this host site is open to all of Canada, but may later be area specific. To place your FREE ad here send e-mail to: [email protected] or fill out the Missing Pet Form. You may also attach a picture (jpg or gif preferred) of your lost friend. Be sure to include all information, including a description, and contact information. We also accept found pet ads, so please report any pet you have found that appears to be lost.

Missing Pet Network

Visit the National Lost Pet Site at the USDA

For Missing Pets in Quebec please visit
Le site Leuleu !
- Animaux, Perdu ? Trouv� ? Adoption ?

Can you HELP? Animals in Distress in the Montreal area is a non-profit animal rescue organization that is looking for homes for wonderful cats and dogs in our care. Either call 514-483-6935 or email Teddi if you can offer assistance.

Another Resource for Lost and Found Dogs can be found at
Dog Find
- An interactive database that matches 'lost' dogs with 'found' dogs.

NEW! Lisa Messmer [email protected] welcomes those who have missing pets they still worry about, as well as those who have found their pets but who would like to offer support and encouragement to those of us who grieve to join: The Pet Theft Support Mailing List. Lisa also has a Lost and Stolen Pet Information page offering support.

Do you require a Missing Pet Poster? Visit Hugs for Homeless Animals/Lost Pet Poster for your FREE Lost Pet Poster. People can fill it out online or offline, print it out, attach their pet's picture, and photocopy for distribution. This FREE service is supplied by Hugs for Homeless Animals, a nonprofit organization dedicated to homeless and displaced animals.

Read about some of our Happy Endings Pets that have returned to their loved ones.

Last Updated: February 3, 2000

For more information about the Missing Pet Network contact Jerry DePoyster,
Jerry can be reached by email at: [email protected] -- or by phone at: (301) 734-7586.
They need all the volunteers they can get. comments, pro or con, are always welcomed.

|| Index Page | Happy Endings ||

|| Pet Advice Column | MPN Membership | Info for Cat Owners | Info for Dog Owners | Medical Information ||
|| Special Organizations | Making A Difference | Rainbow Bridge | Feline Breeds | Dog Breeds ||

|| Tribute To Special Pets | Health Watch | Feline Facts ||

|| Apply for Award of Excellence | Award Winners ||

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[email protected]

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