SocratesSpecial OrganizationsKane

The following organizations make a special difference in the welfare of a pet. I encourage you to visit their sites and offer a helping hand. YOU can make a difference.

Of interest to all Pet Lovers, please visit No More Cruelty

Adopt a Cat
Adopt a Cat

Stamp Out
Stamp out Campaign

Help spread the word about Vet LogoPost Vaccination Fibrosarcoma

Please Visit Sylvia's Journey of New Hope
Read Sylvia's Diary and how she bravely fought
and eventually lost in her struggle with Post Vaccination Fibrosarcoma.
This could happen to your pet!

Visit the Task Force for the latest information about the sarcoma

Feline Help Directory
Feline Help Di-rectory

Ever feel you must find out more info about your ill cat or really want to know more about an issue such as declawing? Well, now there's a group of very knowledgeable people who will give you more information, tips, suggestions and offer advice on many, many health problems for your cats.

Stop Abuse, Don't Litter
The First Step to Animal Abuse by Well-Meaning Pet Owners

We have also joined the Club Spay & Neuter Program Everybody should
Spay & Neuter Program
Or Visit Alicia's Pet Adoption Center

The following sites are shelters or rescue organizations
Please Visit their sites, they need help....

Singapore Cats

Feral Cats
A Little Tabby

Safe Harbour
Pet Rescue Inc.
The Safe Harbor Campaign, sponsored by Cynthia Hurley and CLAW, is dedicated to educating the on-line community about the plight of homeless cats

Organization for Animals, Russia
Organization for the protection of animals, St.Petersburg, RUSSIA

Our Organization for the Protection of Animals in the St.Petersburg in Russia appeals to compassionate people all over the world with entreaty for helping for poor home animals of Russia!

This In Defense of Animals: The Keyboard Advocacy
site is owned by
Ben Ciolczynski,
speaking in one united voice for the animals.

Want to join the In Defense of Animals: The Keyboard Advocacy?
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This Animal Welfare site is owned by
Ben Ciolczynski.

Want to join the Animal Welfare Ring?

Protect our pets!

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This TailChasers Spay/Neuter Ring
site is owned by
Ben Ciolczynski.

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TailChasers Spay/Neuter Ring
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