Pet'escue Proudly Presents
"Jeff & Coleen's Tribute to Sylvia"

Background Music: "All I Ask of You" from Phantom of the Opera

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Sylvia Kremer

A Tribute to Sylvia

Forever cherished in our HEARTS....

Dearest of friends,,

It is with indescribable heartache that we share with you our family update this week, as on Thursday evening, 4th of December, 1997 our dear fur baby Sylvia crossed over the Rainbow Bridge.

I don't even know where to begin, as I feel lost in my attempt to compose a tribute befitting our dear girl, who for over 14 years, graced our lives with SO much love and kind companionship, and for over 14 months has inspired Coleen and I to share her heartfelt message of hope and education with all of her feline loving friends around the world.

My fingers are trembling as I share with you the heartache that our family is suffering through with the loss of our second fur child in the course of just 8 days, as we've never before lost SO much of our hearts in such a brief period of time.

Coleen and I had of course known that our dear girl was beginning to struggle in her heartfelt journey, and we had been keeping our eyes and our hearts open towards making sure that she didn't cross the fine line between comfort and suffering.

On Monday of this past week, Coleen and I had come to the realization that our dear girl was having to spend more time "trying" to get comfortable, than she was "being" comfortable. It was on that day that I called our dear veterinary friends and told them that we might need to ask for their assistance sometime during the week.

Coleen and I spent each evening this past week cuddling with our dear girl in her Catputer room, as she had lost the mobility to navigate down the stairs any longer, and due to the sarcoma monsters relentless attack upon her body, found herself unable to jump up to any of her favorite cuddling perches.

On Wednesday we realized that there was NO question that our dear girl needed our assistance towards journeying to that land of love and comfort, so we scheduled our dear veterinarian friend Teresa and her assistant Debbie (who had helped our dear girl Lacey the week before) to come out to our home on Thursday evening to help us assist our dear girl towards the next step of her 9 lives journey.

I was gifted by being able to take Thursday off of work so that I could spend the entire day showering our dear girl with all the love and heartfelt support that we have forever attempted to enrich all of our children's lives with.

I will forever remember the love that I saw in our dear girls beautiful green eyes as I laid on the floor with her, trying to comfort her as she began her heartfelt journey to the land of love and comfort. I will also remember the soft feel of her fur on my lips as I gently kissed her beautiful face while cradling her head in my hands as she left this world of struggle and headed towards greeting her fur family and friends in Heaven.

Our family's heartfelt journey was, and continues to be, TRULY inspired by the love of our dear Sylvia, and although this part of her "Journey of New Hope" has ended, another has already begun. You see, long ago our dear Ark-ian Queen began training her little sister Smidgen for the day in which she would need to carry on in her heartfelt pawsteps. Sylvia will forever inspire our familys hearts ( and supervise dad and Princess Smidgen) towards continuing on in our family's heartfelt attempt to rid the feline loving world of the dreaded sarcoma monster.

Sylvia at Play

In the early day's of Smidgen's training...

During the last day that Sylvia and I shared together, a very special surprise arrived in her "letterbox", and I wanted to share her surprise with you. You see, up until the very end, I ALWAYS made sure that our dear Ark-ian Queen was by my side (or in my lap) when I opened her mail so that I could share with her the thousands of messages of appreciation that arrived for her over the course of her journey. Our last afternoon together was no different, and when I opened her "letterbox" we found a kind letter notifying us that Sylvia had been selected to receive yet ANOTHER special award for all of her heartfelt work over the course of these past 14 months..

The message that we'd like to share with you this week is one of heartfelt "Gratitude". Coleen and I will be forever grateful to ALL of the dear special friends that we have made along this part of the journey of our lives, and for ALL of the emotional support which they have filled our hearts with that has allowed us to share our dear girls heartfelt message with SO many feline loving friends. Were it not for the compassion of our dear friends, our love child would have become just another "number" in the fight against the dreaded sarcoma monster.



In loving memory and tribute to our dear love child...

Sylvia Kremer


Until .......... wishing our friends MUCH love, peace and good health.....

Jeff and Coleen and our "kids"


In Memory of Sylvia
Fairy Cats

To read Sylvia's touching journal visit Sylvia's Cyber Kitty Condo just scratch her banner below.....

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