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Conrad Sheldon's Tombstone

Best Conrad Sheldon Quote:
yuv got tu bee kiding me!

Conrad Sheldon's Tombstone
Who was in on it: Chris Cromer, DF, Kenny, Martin Kool, meelWORM, and Mike Haley.

Conrad Sheldon's Sierra Web Site
WARNING: Beware of hideous music.

This marks the end of Conrad Sheldon. Here are a few poems that were written up about him:

Eric Grygier Wrote:
Remember that time when we posted some stuff, and you made us freak out by posting some stuff?
And remember when we were in GOA, and I called you g*y?
And remember when I stole your girlfriend, because you're g*y?
Hahahahee *sigh*. Good times, good times.

Mike Haley Wrote:
He came to us with bad typing, but nobody was griping.
We laughed with him until his time grew thin.
He wanted to be a GOA team member, and that we will always remember.

Smartguy Wrote:
All that was said is gone, and dead,
Our hearts are full of sorrow,
Who cares if he was Curt or Ed,
Ethyl or Dirk or even Fred?
All that matters is we were friends,
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow.

Conrad Sheldon Wrote:
goudbie guies!

Conrad Sheldon is a product of meelWORM and Mike Haley.
2003 - 2004 plop! Inc.