Paws The Ward 1 Alley Cat Coalition
Colony Care/Relocation | Humane Trapping | Volunteering
Spay/Neutering | Sponsors/Donations | Resources/Links

Sponsors and Donations

You can help prevent the feline abuse, starvation and overpopulation problem right in your very own neighborhood by making a donation to the Coalition. Donations can be either cash or check. Make your check payable to Metro Ferals, a non-profit organization, and annotate on the memo section of the check for Ward 1 Alley Cats. You can mail your contribution or have a Coalition volunteer pick it up. If you would like a receipt for your tax records, please let us know.

All of our donations go 100% directly to the spay/neutering and medication of the cats. Your contribution is tax-deductible.

We also accept in-kind donations and donations from businesses and will consider you a Sponsor.

Sharing the Trust
(an excerpt)
Five days later I find not her but a gift she left for me
a tiny ball of furry innocence, a miniature of her in some ways
my friend has brought me the ultimate gift of trust
her pick of her litter for safekeeping
she knew she would not return, her time had come
carrying the tiny purring present of total trust
and holding it close so it can feel my heartbeat
we find her under the old oak tree at peace and safe
while her kitten watches, I put her to final rest there
deep in the ground, away from predators
and the eye of uncaring man.

She had trusted me and I did not disappoint her
in so doing she had given me two gifts
her kitten will now join my world of safety
and at last I have found the rhetoric so long sought
to tell the tale of the wonders of the feral cat and me.



17th and Corcoran Streets, NW
Washington, DC

Wisconsin Avenue/Georgetown
Washington, DC

Giant Food

9th & O Streets, NW
Washington, DC

The Coalition also accepts donations of cat food. We have several volunteers who feed alley cats nightly and would greatly appreciate some extra food as they pay for the food out of their pockets. We also give food to cat owners who may not be able to purchase food for their cats.

Yard Sale Donations
We hold an annual Yard Sale in the Spring. Please save your unwanted household items for our yard sale. The Yard Sale will be announced on our website.

Wish List
We also have a wish list of items we need to both foster the cats we rescue and to maintain healthy cat colonies in alleys.

We greatly appreciate any contributions as do our furry, four-legged feline friends.

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