Paws The Ward 1 Alley Cat Coalition
Colony Care/Relocation | Humane Trapping | Volunteering
Spay/Neutering | Sponsors/Donations | Resources/Links


Strict, Unbending Rules For Dealing With Stray Cats
(A bit of humor to lighten your cat rescue days.)
Pets 911

Paws Low Cost Spay/Neuter Clinics/Vets

Paws Animal Welfare Websites (General Information)

  • Humane Society of the United States - Feral Cat Program - What is a feral cat? How do they survive? What can I do to help? Find the answers to these and other frequently asked questions about feral cats.
  • Alley Cat Allies - As the foremost experts on feral cats, Alley Cat Allies serves as a clearinghouse of information for caretakers, veterinarians, policymakers, the media, and many others.
  • MetroPets - MetroPets Online promotes the adoption of homeless animals and the well-being of companion animals in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan area.
  • Feral Cats Resources - Links to other websites, cat care articles and feral cat background information.

    Paws Animal Abuse/Legislation Resources

    Paws Feline Rescue Groups and Organizations

  • Alley Cat Allies Spay/Neuter Organizations Listing
  • Best Friends

    Paws Publications/Articles

  • PAW Spay & Neuter Resources - There are many misconceptions concerning spaying and neutering. Take a look at some commonly asked questions and answers.
  • Managing a Feral Cat Colony - The Steps - So you've decided you want to help the colony of feral cats behind your building or down the block and start your own TNR project. What do you do? What follows is an overview of the process we recommend. In our experience, the more you stick to it, the better your chances of success. Detailed "how to" descriptions of many of these steps are contained under the relevant headings elsewhere on the Info page.
  • Best Friends How to Help Feral Cats - "Absolutely invaluable new information,� wrote one of the people taking part in Best Friends Feral Cat Forum.
  • Cat Care Handbook - To help make the transition from the cat's foster home to your home easier, please read this helpful handbook. Prepared by the Partnership for Animal Welfare, Inc. (PAW).
  • Coalition Promotional Brochure - The Coalition's overview brochure. Please feel free to download and distribute in your neighborhood. (MS Word Document) *
  • Relocation Tips - Guidelines on relocating cats to a new area.
  • How to Care for Your Kitten - Kittens are so wonderful! But they do take some special care. Get some helpful hints from the PAW website.
  • How to Care for Feral Cats - The cats in your neighborhood will certainly appreciate your efforts on their behalf. There are, in fact, millions of cats trying to fend for themselves behind grocery stores, under trailers, and in city alleyways. But there are also millions of kind people like you doing what they can to help them.
  • The Day in a Feral Cat's Life - What does a normal feral do during the course of a general day? What are their sleep patterns, when do they play? Hunt? These and other questions can help us in understanding our Ferals and wild colonies, as knowing when our friends are active allows us to plan our support for them better.
  • How to Build Your Own Cat Shelter/Feeding Station - This is a set of directions for making a basic cat shelter/feeding station.
  • Taming Feral Cats and Kittens - This information is drawn from numerous people with hundreds of hours experience. All of these suggestions have worked for someone.

    * If a menu appears asking for id/password, simply hit cancel to download document.

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