Born Of Compassion... Testimony Of Bill Bond

Bill was a slave to alcohol for over 15 years. Like so many others he found Jesus Christ in the middle of desperation. He accepted Jesus at a rehab home called Home Of Grace and was healed of his addiction miraculously. From that moment on he had a driving desire to help others that were enslaved by alcoholic bondage.

At first, he began working with the poor. Then someone donated a camper trailer which he parked in his driveway, to house the first Way Builder. This is where the vision began. Soon the demand for more space began to increase. By faith, He purchased a 3 acre parcel of land and placed a donated mobile home there. It wasn't long before that too was filled to capacity. He then built several additions, and added a second mobile home. It didn't take long before that too was filled to capacity.

Now we feed, clothe, house, care and minister to an average of 40 men. We are very thankful for all that God has done for us, and we know that he will continue to provide all of our needs. We are praying and believing for a larger piece of property where we can build more suitable facilities.

Table Of Contents Our Mission Statement About Our Program
Teachers Corner About Our Founders For More Information

Last Updated February 12, 2002 by Bill Bond

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