Helping to show others the HIGH WAY to freedom.

Through JESUS who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life

We believe that the Word of God, when applied in a person's life, will change him into an upstanding and productive citizen, and will provide stability and direction resulting in a better way of life. We give people the opportunity to have a lasting freedom from alcohol, drugs and depression. It is up to the individual to apply these principles to his life. It is a matter of choice. Many of our graduates have tried everything else and failed. Many come from hospitals, from other drug programs, and some from prison. But they all have one thing in common: They desire to change, but need a helping hand.

We are here to offer that helping hand as they make these changes. We want to introduce them to a new way of life, God's Way of Life, a life full of hope and promise.

Table Of Contents Our Mission Statement About Our Program
Teachers Corner About Our Founders For More Information

Last Updated February 12, 2002 by Bill Bond

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