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Copyright 2007 Pompous Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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| Coke Music |
BRINGCOKESTUDIOSBACK.TK is an online community where you make your own online self and make your own room. Money in this game requires payment, however signing up and simply going to chat and hang out are completly free. Check out this game if you like Massive Online Multiplayer games. is a Massive Online Multiplayer game that lets you make yourself and membership is absolutely free, however everything else is not. You will have to pay to get money or to do anything worth while, personally Pompous Inc. uses the game to just hang out and chat and help spread the word on WWW.POMPOUS.TK! is a huge video game, entertainment, and media megasite. If you need cheats, codes, guides, help, or just want to chat it up on the IGN Forums then this site is the place for you.
    WWW.BRINGCOKESTUDIOSBACK.TK is a site under the webmaster of this site (Wade Pierce). This site is mostly only a brief discription followed by a link to the actual purpose of the site which is an online petition to bring back the famed Coke Music, which was added onto and was shut down. There is still a large following for this game and we believe we can get the site back up.
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