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Copyright 2007 Pompous Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    Welcome to the new and improved Pompous Nation 2008! We've had quite a bit of down time and proud to say that we are back. Reasoning behind our hiatus you may be wondering? Well we had some complications with Google and had to end our partnership through their AdSense program. We are currently searching for new ads but for the time being this site is ad free. The new build of the Pompous Nation site contains several things from the past sight, however this time it is presented in a much cleaner and easier way. We contain everything from the past site with the exception of the following: Talk no longer redirects you to our discussion board. It directs you to a page where you have several options to chat, submit your Pompous Piece and/or comment others Pompous Pieces, and of course go to the new discussion board. Since we got you updated on the site we would just like to state that we are starting the Pompous Movie of the Week. This week the movie is Family Guy: Blue Harvest. To see more on the movie please click the media section button above.
January 22, 2008
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