All about me for you people who don't know me. :) And yes, Maggie, this is the character profile-thing from GW's. ;)

Name: Jillian Jamison W-
Title (if applicable): Student (senior in HS), certified nutbag, all-around wierdo
Age: 17
Species: Human... I think... (sometimes even I wonder...)
Birthday: March 2nd, 1988
Sign: Pisces
Height: 5 foot 4 (Yes! I'm all the way up to 5'4"!!!)
Hair: light brown
Eyes: blue
Have a voice in mind?: Low alto, a bit breathy (or so it sounds to me) at times
Home: somewhere in PA
Normal Attire: jeans, t-shirt, muddy barn boots, anything comfy
Distinguishing Features (scars, markings, etc.): lots o scars on my arms/hands/legs/feet, none very noticable though cept maybe the chicken-pox scar under my right eyebrow
Overall Appearance: short, stocky, solid, a bit fair-colored, freckles
Nickname(s): Jilli. My sister calls me "J" or "Jill" but she's the only one for those 2 that i know of
Love Interest: :-* hi dear, if you're reading this...
Marital Status: single... (I'm 17... not quite legal yet...)
Family: Mother, Father (divorced), younger sisters Ainsley (15) and Ginger (11)
Friends: You all know who you are :)
Enemies: people who complain a lot, people who think they know everything when they don't, snobs, etc.
Likes: horses, reading, riding, horses, reading, sleeping, reading, eatting, riding, reading, writing, riding, horses, renaissance faires, fantasy
Dislikes: paying attention, german keyboards (WHY ARE Y AND Z SWITCHED?)
Hobbies/Pastimes: riding, reading, computering
Special Abilities: calming and working with stupid horses on the ground and my all-powerful leg strength
Lover or Fighter?: both, I suppose ;)
Temper: none really and then something will set me off and everything will get on my nerves. I'm moody. I'm a teenage girl. Get over it. If I sound a bit crotchity one day and fine the next, I'm sorry, but that's the way I am.
Themesong(s): er... since i'm on my Phantom of the Opera kick right now, probably "All I ask of You"... if you just want some themesong, then "Barbossa is Hungry" from the POTC soundtrack... the one where the Black pearl is chasing the intercepter just before the battle... the one with the tons of drums...
Favorite Food: artichokes!!!!
Music: pop, country, choral, classical, alternative, anything but hip-hop and rap
Color(s): blue
Flower: hm... probably white carnations or lilies
Animals: horses. Duh. Dogs too, and cats. And rats :)
Personality: Sometimes moody and usually mercurial, very often humorous; I love to joke and laugh, but if I'm serious/focused... or pissed... I'm hard to get along with. I'm very "honor-bound"... if i said I'd do something, I usually do it even when I don't want to because of my concience. I'm a person of few words. I say something, it's said; I (usually) don't circomlocute around a subject or babble. If I don't know what to say, I don't say anything. It gets me into trouble when writing papers because I don't know how to fill up space to get the right length sometimes. I'm also extremely shy unless I'm with a person/people that I know really well, or people that I feel comfortable with. And again... if I don't know a person well and I "ignore them"... it's because I don't know them well enoguh to have anything to say, so I don't say anything. Some people think I'm smart... and some know me better. I'm good at imitations and memorizations. If I'm around a person, I start picking up their habbits... like Lindsay's "Dude!" and Brian's "Right..." and Bhavna's "Guesswhatguesswhatguesswhat!" This lends itself to schoolwork. I like math because it's memorization of formulas/rules. I like science because it's application of those rules. I hate English because the rules are so questionable and you can't know for sure what is exactly correct. I like black-and-white, and not wasting energy trying to decide if a gray is more black or white, or if it's more brown or mauve or even lime. So back to the "smart"... I'm not good at putting two and two together and getting 5, even when 5 is the right answer. Two and two is always 4. My mind isn't open and flexible enough to accept anything else. People think I'm smart because I'm half-way decent at math and science. I think I'm... well... not-so-smart becasue most abstract thought goes right over my head unless I'm watching for it. And even then sometimes I need binoculars. Wow... so much for being a person of few words. I hope that might explain myself to some people though.
What makes you like this?: ? Just lucky I guess...
AIM: wenchonahorse
Email: [email protected]

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