Here is housed my crappy attempts at artwork. Most are of my Role-Playing Characters and chars in my novel, Dragonslayer's Son. Enjoy. :)

Here's a drawing of Roth - in draconic form. I couldn't resist the urge to color. So it's colored badly. So shoot me.

And here's my original 4 RP chars. It's not colored because I learned my lesson. Dumian's far right, Ceb's the Theidreldi (no, not a Unicorn... Theidreldi), Lana's leaning against Ceb, and Alehna's the one on her stomach. I'm happy w/ Lana and Ceb. Then I tried to draw Dumian. Lets say he's still in the picture because if I had erased him one more time, there would have been a hole in the paper. And so I pooped out and didn't bother to perfect Alehna. So I'm not proud of all... just Lana and Ceb. Colors sometime... maybe.

Here's Alehna, in her original elven form... she's had some, erm, species changes over the years. I'm going to have to split her two different identities into two different characters sometime... She can't be an elf and an anthro-cat, now can she?

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