Here is housed my crappy-but-not-as-crappy-as-my-attempts-at-artwork attempts at writing. Right now I only have my novel-in-progress and a little thing written by my sister, but maybe I'll find some more later. :) Enjoy. :)

Dragonslayer's Son
My novel-in-progress. Fantasy. Magic. Midieval-ness. Lovely. :)

Ainsley's Story
A little story that my sister told her friend and then the rest of us in her family. It's a bit amusing, contemplating her choice of being male or female, but it is a bit... well, to put it politely, crude... so read at your own risk. It's much funnier with her reading it to you, but I suppose until I get a way to record it and make it a sound file so I can put it up here this is the best I can do.

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