




Have You Ever

Have you ever loved someone,
You thought,
Would be there till the end,
But at the last moment,
Ripped your heart to shreds.

Have you ever loved someone,
Who meant so much to you,that,
Your world caved in,
And you didn't know what to do.

I have lost someone,
Very special to me,
I just wish this person could see,
How much he is hurting me.

Not A Clue

Your heart is yearning for her,
But you don't have a clue,
How much pain and misery,
She might put you through.

Your heart is yearning for me,
But you don't have a clue,
About how much,
I really mean to you.

Your heart is yearning both ways,
But you don't have a clue,
Who will be the best one,
The best one for you.

My heart is yearning for you,
But you don't have a clue,
About how much,
I really love you.

Killing Me

You are killing me so badly,
I have no tears left to cry,
I try and try to forget you,
But nothing will let me by.

You are hurting me so slowly,
And painfully,
My only question for you is,
Did you ever really love me?
I guess not,
Or you would see,
All my pain and misery.

My life is over,
I want to die,
My eyes hurt so badly,
From all the tears I have cried,
My heart feels worthless,
All thanks to you,
How will I ever love again,
I haven't the slightest clue.

MY Angel

This last week so special
with you did i share
I found a new love
to whom no one compares
A girl who is gentle prettie and kind
A girl who all day i have on my mind
At the first sight of you
it affected me much
from your hella fine smile
to your so very light touch
The whole week spent
so close together
I finally realized
I would love you forever
And when it came time
time for us to split paths
I became hella chicken
I sat on my ass
I knew what to do
and i knew what to say
but i held it all in
and it all slipped away
I didnt do anything
to fulfill my hearts desire
but my love for you
it burned like a fire
So now you are gone
theres nothing i can do
except sit here in bed
and wait, and hope to someday
in the future see you soon

The Last Day

Some nights I cry
Just wanna know why
Our love had to die

Some days I look up at the sky
Can't help but wonder why
Did our love have to die...

I remember when things were so fine
I was yours and baby you were mine
Maybe I'll find the strength to move on
Cause baby, now I know you're gone

But I'm gonna be strong
And I'm gonna rise above
Know you'll always be the one I love
Baby, it's all said and done
No turning back, not for anyone

I'm for sure
This time things are gonna be different
We can just be friends
It's just too bad,
Baby so sad

You're out of sight,
But I'm gonna be alright...

The First DAy I Met You

I went to your house
that I did find.
shy as a mouse,
scared out of my mind.
You opened your door,
pushing your dog with all your might,
seems I fell to the floor
with love at first sight!
Watching t.v.
for somewhile,
could'nt help but notice
your big sweet smile.
Time flew by
we had to go.
I said goodbye,
I loved you so!
Walking home
with my friend,
my thoughts of you
never end.
I talked to you late
that night,
as fate brought us
oh so tight.
I was happy to know that our love will grow.
that my thoughts of you,
were your thoughts of me too!!


I woke up this morning
And right away felt blue.
An empty feeling deep inside
Says, "Today I won't see you."

Methodically I plod along
Doing things I have to do.
And each chore is more monotonous
Because I don't have you.

Oh, how much time is left?
Each hour seems like Two!
The emptiness just grows and grows
I'll never see it through.

Right now I feel like holding you,
And never let you go.
I know that's quite impossible.
But oh, I miss you so!

Please hurry back and warm my heart.
This loneliness won't do.
And never go away again
Unless I can go too.


Babe, if you could only see,
What your love does to me.
Every time I look at you,
My heart skips a beat.
Babe, your the only one for me.
Together may we always be.
In this world
forever, together.


Dreams of carefree inspiration aroused by classic
Dreams of radiating dewdrops sparking soft on
whispering leaves.
Dreams about the stardust as it cascades to the
Dreams of silvery waves as they caress the satin
Dream until the moonlight has shown it's final
For at the break of dawn your dreams are done till


Hold me, love me, I just want you to need me as I
need you!
Stand by me, guide me into your heart so I can
have your love as you have mine.
Be with me, teach me, show me how to make you
happy. Happier then any one has ever made you!
Let me be a part of your life. Let me love you as I
want, don't turn you back to me.
Be there for me as I am for you. In good times
and in the bad times.
Always keep me in your heart as you are in mine!
I want you in my life forever!

I love you,
Not only for what you are,
But for what I am,
When I'm with you.

I love you,
Not only for what
You have made of yourself,
But for what you have made of me.

I love you,
For the part of me
That you bring out;
All my foolish and weak traits
You can't help but see.

I love you,
For drawing out into the light,
My beauty that no one else had
Looked quite far enough to find.



I never knew that the love tow people shared could
be so special...
I never knew that the memories two people had
could be so dear...
I never knew what it felt like to be loved and to
give love in return...
I never knew the first time we met would stay with
me forever...
I never knew a person could mean so much to me...
I never knew what love was till I met you...
I never knew that life was so special till I found
I never knew...


I'm sorry
I didn't mean to say that
It just...came out...
It hurt you.
I know I hurt you,
Even though you laughed
And kept right on talking
As if it didn't matter.
As if it didn't hurt you.
But I know it did, I did.
I saw the pain in your eyes!
I didn't mean to say it,
But I did, I just did!
I'm sorry, so very sorry.
Because I Love You
And it matters!


All my childhood memories block my view of the
present time...the torture my hearts been through,
isn't worth a single dime...
The pain and hurt of love dwell deep within me...the
clouds of pressure block my sight from all the
I am young and strong, I will see this
through...Just remember, I will always be in love
with you.


Don't fall in love my friend,
You'll find it doesn't pay.
All though it caused broken hearts,
It happens every day.

Don't fall in love my friend,
The price you pay is high.
If I had a choice between life or death.
I think I'd rather die.

Don't ever fall in love my friend,
You'll be hurt before you're through.
You see my friend, I ought to know.
I fell in love with you!


The emotion between two people that is
inseparable. Always together, arm and arm, hand
in hand. Love can also mean trust, happiness and
honesty. Slow dancing very close to the one you
love can be especially romantic and can be an
instant way to show your feelings. Privacy is also
important a relationship, this way both will feel
more easy together.
Sex isn't always the way to show love unless
you are really sure about yourself and the one you

Love is along these certain things:
togetherness, romanticism, holding hands, kissing,
making up after a fight, trusting one another and
Most of all love is...just being together.


The best place for me, I now realize,
Is in your arms or at least your eyes.
For that is one place I do feel secure.
As time seems to fly without any cure.
My heart beats so fast and my head feels so light,
I'm glad you're holding me or my soul might take
So hold me forever as close as you can.
for the reason "I Love You" is that you understand.
When I'm with you my world is at peace.
So please hold me near, until my fears cease.


When I woke up this morning,
It was just another day.
Then I looked up
And saw you standing there
My heart skipped a beat.
It suddenly got warm
And I realized
My live began today.


Nobody knows you, nobody wants to try. they don't
know the pain I feel, they don't know when I cry.
I hate it when we're not together, I hate it when
we're apart, I hate all the arguments that dwell
deep within my heart.
I love you babe and always will, when you're away
from me, my world turns cold and still.


Remember those day when you held my hand.
When we explored different lands?
Remember those days when we were free,
And when it was just you and me?
Remember those days when we had those fights.
And When we did not kiss good-night?
Remember those days when you had to go,
And I did not want to let you go?
Remember those days when you did not come,
And I say there feeling numb?


I did not ask for:
bouquets of roses
candlelit dinners or
walks in the moonlight
roses wilt
candles burn out and
the moon goes down.
I ask for you love because love is:


Somebody loves you, somebody cares,
Somebody watches you and somebody stares.
Somebody admires you, especially your smile.
You make that somebody's life worthwhile.
Somebody flips over you-head over heals;
To be love by you, they know how it feels.
Somebody adores your beautiful eyes.
They think you are better looking then all other
That somebody is me!


Take my days
and fill them softly
with your smiles...
Take my nights
and warm them gently
with your kisses...
Take my love
and hold it closely
to your heart...
And I will give you
all that is mine
to give...


Love is a funny thing. I've come to realize.
Some people use it as if it is nothing at all. I now
understand the precious meaning of the word. It
means forever and all eternity. It is not a word to
toss around. To say to someone because you are
feeling down. The small word with such a big
meaning holds two people together in such a big
way. It holds them together as man and wife,
boyfriend and girlfriend or just best friends. So
please. Next time you say love. Stop and think, do
I know what I'm saying. '84


No matter how near Dear,
or how far apart;
Remember that always
you're first in my heart.
whether surrounded
by many of few.
Believe me my darling
I'm thinking of you.
There's something about you,
just what I can't say.
That made me fall for you
in such a big way.
It's you and only you,
that's why don't you see.
I'm hoping your sweetheart
will always be me.
this poem was written
for no one but you
And I've a suggestion
just what you should do.
Keep it close by you
where you'll often see.
In that way I'll know
you'll be thinking of me.


My eyes met your eyes and your lips met mine,
Earth spun, stars fell and God stopped keeping
Heartbeat to heartbeat, my hand in your, oceans
stopped roaring along distant shores.
Your lips spoke love words and mine spoke to you.
Yours said "I Love You" and my lips did too.
The sun fell from heaven and the world fell apart
and love began growing inside of my heart.
A new world was started for only us tow with not
other people, except me and you.
Love can move mountains and create new life with
you as my husband and me as your wife.
We'll live forever and love everyday. Us two
together, always that way.


Why did you have to be so kind, so understanding,
so sweet, when I said good-bye.
Why did you have to agree it was the end, all good
thing must come to an end.
The least you could have done was tell me I was
wrong. That we were still strong and we could last
I thought you knew me well enough to realize the I
really didn't mean it, I was only testing you love, I
only meant good-night!

I Love You, My Friend

Shall I run or hide
And die inside
Or pretend
That I never knew you, even as a friend?

Can I go back in time,
Before your hand was in mine,
Or erase the kiss,
That I will forever miss,
Or forget your eyes
That seem to hypnotize?

Can my mind erase
The feel of your embrace?
How can I forget all of this
And pretend it doesn't exist?

I want you to know one thing that will never end -
my love for you. I love you, my friend

Between Us

There is the melody
I can't play for you,
There is the song
I can't sing for you.

I want to be with you,
Touch, feel your heart.

Between us
There is the line
I can't cross.

Can I Love You?

I gave my heart to you
I set my standards high
I laid my eyes on you,
I laughed and cried with you,
I told you my hopes and dreams,
My Love and Fears.

My tears I shed all over your shoulder.
In the end,
I came to see that you were
the only guy I could ever trust.
When I see you,
my face lights up with aspiration, and happiness.
When we talk, I can feel the load unload
with soothing words from you.

I have the feeling of love in my heart.
In my mind, I say "You don't mean a thing. "
In my words, I say "You are just a friend. "
But in the deep end of my heart,
I think of only you

When I tell you my expectations of a guy,
You tell me never to fall short of what I want.
But only one thing stands in the way -
You are a friend.

Can I still love you the way that I do?

From Friends To Lovers

Sometimes I feel sad and sometimes I feel blue
but whenever I see you, I'm as happy as can be
for you bring a smile upon my face
and a feeling of joy within my heart
you're like my sunshine in the morning
and my stars that glow at night
you're like the waves in the ocean
the cool breeze in the wind
like the call of the birds in the morning dew
like the sounds of beauty in the night
you see all of these things are of beauty and love
that's how I feel whenever you are near
for it was the passion and desire from both of us
that opened up the world for our eyes to see
for our love of each other will grow and grow
and our needs and desires will be more everyday
for a friend you once were and will always be
has turned into love as it should have been
so I want you to know as a friend and lover
that in my heart and arms you'll always stay
for our love for each other will never fade.

The Knowing Sea

The tide comes in, and moves back out
Like your chest rising and falling
To the melodic rhythm of your life

In the mist of the sea's dew
I see the future of our understanding love
Two young friends discovering the truth

Sand and shells shift underneath
Realizing the changes that have taken place
I know now . . . where my heart belongs

1000 Times For 1

If I have kissed you once,
I have kissed you 1000 times.

Each morning as I arise.
Each night as I drift to sleep.
Each hour of every day.
Each moment before it goes away.

The kisses shared between you and I,
Have many times reached the sky.
As your lips part and anxiousness increases,
Your heart pounds and breathing ceases.

My lips leap to yours hungry for the taste.
Sweetness drips from you to me
As desire grows, my heart races.
Inches apart seem as miles waiting.

The miles increase as space shortens.
Time appears to stand still.
So close yet so far.
When? Now, please now?

Once more, 1001.
Make it 2, so many more.
Caressing ever caressing those
Tender lips, each time as the first.

If I have kissed you 1000 times,
I would give them all away
To make the dream a reality,
And kiss you once.


Forbidden pleasures
Who makes the rules
Unfound treasures
And beautiful jewels

Can that line be crossed
What could we truly be
And at what cost
Do you see what I see
I know there is more there
Waiting to be found
Can you feel how much I care
I feel like I'm being drowned
If you knew the amount of desire
That I feel for you
My burning fire
That wants one to become two

Forbidden pleasures
Who makes the rules
Unfound treasures
And beautiful jewels

Coffee Lovers

He smiles to himself,
As he thinks of her,
Sitting alone in her kitchen,
Sipping coffee.
She thinks of him too,
But little does he know it.
Both pass each other every day,
Without passing on the knowledge,
Of their inwardly turned love.
Time and time again it happens,
For who has the courage to say it first,
Or do they just enjoy,
Their secret love affair.

Can You See It In My Eyes?

You don't know how I'm feeling.
I have yet to vocalize
Desire deep inside me.
Can you see it in my eyes?

I tremble when I'm near you
Heat travels up my thighs
and I want you with an urgency
That I just can't describe.

Dare I reach out to touch you?
Do you think you'd realize
How much I want and need you?
Can you see it in my eyes?

I long to say, "I love you,"
But am scared of your reply.
Terrified like a child
I've become paralyzed.

The camouflaged emotions
Lead to pain and silent cries.
And yet I just can't tell you.
Don't you see it in my eyes?

Confessing through this poem
My dilemma summarized.
The feeling's quite cathartic,
But will lead to my demise.

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