




Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Chocolate covered strawberries
and a bottle of champagne,
poetry flowing out from me,
professing my love again.
I bought a dozen roses,
also to give to you,
with them a note that reads
"I love you, as I'll always do!"

Uncork the bottle, let's pour a drink,
let me make a toast to you,
"One beautiful woman, one great love,
my one, my all, my you."
Chocolate covered strawberries
and a bottle of champagne,
together with you are intoxicating -
let me toast to you again!

Here's to you for the love
you have given from your heart,
here's to you for all the words
you have spoken from the start.
Here's to you for the smiles
you had just for me
and here's to you for just being you
and for being here with me!

Have another strawberry
and a another sip of champagne,
read the words of my poetry
and fall in love with me again.
Together we can get intoxicated,
getting drunk from the love that flows;
don't ever let the words I write be wasted,
take them inside, so all my love you'll know!

The fountains mingle with the river
And the rivers with the Ocean;
The winds of Heaven mix for ever
With a sweet emotion;
Nothing in the world is single;
All things by a law divine
In one spirit meet and mingle.
Why not I with thine?

See the mountains kiss high Heaven
And the waves clasp one another,
No sister-flower would be forgotten
If it disdained its brother;
And the sunlight clasps the earth
And the moonbeams kiss the sea--
What is all this sweet work worth
If thou kiss not me?

The Time is Now

If you're ever going to love me,
love me now while I can know.
The sweet and tender feelings,
which from true affections flow.
Love me now while I am living,
do not wait until I'm gone.
And then have it chiseled in marble,
sweet words on ice cold stone.
If you have tender thoughts of me,
please tell me now.
If you wait until I am sleeping,
never to awaken,
there will be death between us,
and I won't hear you then.
So if you love me even a little bit,
let me know it while I am living,
so I can know and treasure it.

How do I Love Thee?

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints,--I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life!--and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.

What is a Soul Mate?

If you have found a smile
that is the sweetest one you've known,
If you have heard, within a voice,
the echoes of your own,
If you have felt a touch
that stirs the longings of your heart,
And still can feel that closeness
in the moments you're apart,
If you have filled with wonder
at the way two lives can blend
To weave a perfect pattern
that is seamless, end to end,
If you believe some things in life
are simply meant to be,
Then you have found your soul mate,
your heart's own destiny.

I am Ready to Love You

I love you
Sometimes it takes adverse conditions
for people to reach out to one another
Sometimes it takes bad luck
for people to understand their goals better
Sometimes it takes a storm
for people to appreciate the calm
Sometimes it takes being hurt
for people to be more sensitive to feelings
Sometimes it takes doubt
for people to trust one another
Sometimes it takes seclusion
for people to find out who they really are
Sometimes it takes disillusionment
for people to become informed
Sometimes it takes feeling nothing
for people to feel everything
Sometimes it takes our emotions and feelings
to be completely penetrated
for people to open up to love
I have gone through many of these things
and I now know that
not only am I ready to
love you
but I do

I Love You

When we first met
I held back so much
afraid to show my deepest feelings
As I got to know you better
your gentleness and honesty
encouraged me to open up
and I started a trust
in you that I never had
with anyone else
Once I started to express
my feelings
I realized that
this is the only way
to have a relationship
It is such a
wonderful feeling
to let myself
be completely known to you
Thank you
so much
for showing me
what two people can
share together
I look forward to
spending many beautiful
times with you.

The Priceless Gift

The priceless gift of life is love,
For with the help of God above
Love can change the human race
And make this world a better place-
For love dissolves all hate and fear
And makes our vision bright and clear
So we can see and rise above
Our pettiness on wings of love.

Everyone Needs Someone

People need people and friends need friends,
And we all need love for a full life depends-
Not on vast riches or great acclaim,
Not on success or on worldy fame,
But just in knowing that someone cares,
And holds us close in their thoughts and prayers-
For only the knowledge that we're understood,
Makes everyday living feel wonderfully good,
And we rob ourselves of life's greatest need,
When we "lock up our hearts" and fail to heed,
The outstretched hand reaching to find,
A kindred spirit whose heart and mind,
Are lonely and longing to somehow share,
Our joys and sorrows and to make us aware,
That life's completeness and richness depends,
On the things we share with our loved ones,
and friends.

Where There Is Love

Where there is love the heart is light,
Where there is love the day is bright,
Where there is love there is a song,
To help when things are going wrong,
To make all tihngs seem more worthwhile,
Where there is love there's quiet peace,
A tranquil place where turmoils cease...
Love change's darkness into light,
And makes the heart take "wingless flight".
Oh, blest are they who walk in love...
They also walk with God above,
And when man walks with God again,
There shall be Peace On Earth for men.

The Gift of Lasting Love

Love is much more than a tender caress
and more than bright hours of gay happiness,
For a lasting love is made up of sharing
both hours that are 'joyous' and also 'despairing'…
It's made up of patience and deep understanding
and never of selfish and stubborn demanding,
It's made up of climbing and steep hills together
and facing with courage life's stormiest weather
And nothing on earth or in heaven can part
a love that has grown to be part of the heart,
And just like the sun and the stars and the sea,
this love will go on through eternity -
For 'true love' lives on when earthly things die,
for it's part of the Spirit that soars to the sky.

Shall I Compare Thee?

Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day?
Thou are more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And Summer's lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd:
But thy eternal Summer shall not fade
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st;
Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st:
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

You Have Never Known

I have watched you as you slept
In the newest part of day
I have knelt beside your bed
Gently kissed you as you lay

I have watched you as you slept
And kept the dark at bay
And as you cried out in your sleep
I've brushed the tears away

I've watched you as you dream
As the night became the dawn
As the dew was kissing the rose
I have touched your face and gone

I have loved you for a time
I have wished you were my own
I have watched you as you slept
And you have never known..........


There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer;
no disease that enough love will not heal;
no door that enough love will not open;
no gulf that enough love will not bridge;
no wall that enough love will not throw down;
no sin that enough love will not redeem.

It makes no difference how deeply seated may be the trouble;
how hopeless the outlook;
how muddled the tangle;
how great the mistake.

A sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all.
If only you could love enough you would be the happiest
and most powerful being in the world.

All of my life

All of my life
I knew u were the one
I knew we were meant to be
but I were to shy to see
and to shy to say
I wanted to be with u
I were too scared to see
that u were the one
the one and only
man of my dreams
u changed my life
since we met
I have never said I wanna die
U made me so happy
I don't think i could ever let u go
All of my life
I've been watching you
And I've seen u
looking at me
but all of my life
I thought I'll never see
u again.

Those Days

Those days I felt like killing my self,
You comforted me and didn't even know it.
Those days I didn't have a reason to live,
You gave me one.
Those days I felt unappreciated,
You made me feel appreciated.
Those days I thought that the world hated me,
You loved me.
Those days I felt so ugly,
You said something and made me feel beautiful.
Those days I felt stupid,
You encouraged me and made me feel smart.
Those days I had no one to talk to,
You talked to me.
Those days still come very often,
Almost every day,
But I now know you'll be there,
And I won't have to worry.
Because you are my friend,
And I'll work through this.
People don't understand how much being
a friend can mean to someone.
Thank you for being mine!

'Shall I Compare Thee to a summer's

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date.
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st;
Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st:
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

Baby You

Baby you don't know
What u mean to me
I would die tonight for u if
I had to
Baby you came into my life
Like a shooting star
You flew so fast
past my heart
My heart opened up
and cought you
You mean so much
to me baby
And Baby you
are the reasion i'm alive

Take My Hand

You slowly came into my life
And I suddenly began to fall.
How could I have fallen so fast?
Not knowing you at all.
I never thought I'd fall so hard,
Or that I'd fall so deep.
I never thought I'd dream of you
When I drifted off to sleep.
I've waited so long
To find a man like you.
And now that you're here,
It seems too good to be true.
Now I stand in front of you
With my heart out on my sleeve.
Wishing you'd open up your heart
And share your life with me.
I want to be held close
Within your warm embrace.
I want to smile everyday
At the sight of your precious face.
I want to laugh with you,
Smile....and even cry.
I want to know who you are
And what goes on inside.
If you can look deep inside
And give, to me, your heart.
I promise I'll never hurt you.
I'll never break you apart.
This may seem hard
For you to understand.
But I'll show you all the love I have,
Just come and take my hand.

A Day Without You

A day without you,
Is a day without me,
For you make me who I am,
And who I want to be.
A day without you,
Is a day without light,
For you light up my sky,
And you light up my life.
A day without you,
Is a day without sound,
For I open my ears,
To hear you around.
A day without you,
Is a day without cheer,
For you make me smile,
And you don't cause a tear.
A day without you,
Is a day without sight,
For you open my eyes,
And make my world bright.
But a day without you,
Will never be,
Because I trust in you,
That you will never hurt me

A Secret Message

I don't want to seem annoying,
But listen to what I have to say,
I just want to be your friend,
But I like you more each day,

It's hard to know how you feel,
Cause you never talk to me,
But I don't think you like me,
That is what I see,

Please don't stare at me,
Don't look at me that way,
I know that you don't mean it,
Cause I take it the wrong way,

Why can't I just have a chance,
I'm tired of all these lies,
I really want to talk to you,
But I guess that I'm too shy,

Why can't you approach me,
And tell me how you feel,
Cause I don't wanna waste my time,
Baby I'm for real,

Meet me after school today,
If you have good news to say,
If it's something I don't wanna hear,
Don't say a word today.

You'll Always Be In My Heart

Krissy is very special,
She always tells me what's right
I wish I could tell her I'm leaving,
And I wish I could tell her good-bye.
I hope that she already knows
That I love her very much.
I know that she will never forget me,
And we will always try to keep in touch.

But in years to come,
I know we will see each other again,
When we do I will tell her
We have to sit and talk because
There's something I haven't told you
And there's something I've been meaning to say.
I will take a deep breath and
Give her a big hug and
Look her in the eyes and say:
I asked you to come here because,
I thought you might want to know,
That when I left I forgot to say,

Shall I Come

Shall I come, sweet love, to thee
When the evening beams are set?
Shall I not excluded be?
Will you find no feigned let?
...Let me not for pity more
...Tell the long hours at your door.

Who can tell what thief or foe
In the covert of the night
For his prey will work my woe,
Or through wicked foul despight?
...So may I die unredressed,
...Ere my long love be possessed.

But to let such dangers pass,
Which a lover's thoughts disdain:
'Tis enough in such a place
To attend love's joys in vain.
...Do not mock me in thy bed
...While these cold nights freeze me dead.

A Little More Than Friendship

We started out as real good friends
And at times you'd be my only supporter
I would count on you through
The thick and the thin
And I never had to put in an order
It's cool that you know when to give me advice
And when to just sit there and listen
You knew exactly when to give me a hug
And here lately that's what I've been missing
It's like your smile and sense of humor
Always made me feel better
And i'd say to myself that I wish I could have you forever
But then reality shows that you being my friend
Is how we were meant to be together
So, I try not to ask for anything less
When I pray that there could be more
Cause I know that you're a real good friend that
My heart will always adore.


Together we will make it,
No matter what may occur,
hand in hand,
never parting,
completing the mission of our lives,
i will help you,
and for that you will help me to,
for you were meant for me,
and i was meant for you!!!

To See the Winter

Can I count the stars
on a starless night
In the silence of winter
by the window's frosted light

When you come to me
like the first time
will we watch the snowflakes fall
through the footprints will we remember
will we remember at all?

Can we trace the warmth that melted
like angels in the snow
Can we see the winter you loved me
a long time ago

Will your skin melt against me
like it did in seasons before
Will the beauty be recaptured
to see the winter once more

Can I tell you I still love you
after all he faded years
Can you hold me like you used to
will you melt the frosted tears

Can we trace the warmth that melted
like angels in the snow
Can we see the winter you loved me
...a long time ago.

Whispers through the Willows

The willows sway gently
with the summer breeze
Whispering winds softly stroke
the willows leaves

Gentle winds whisper secrets
only the willow knows
Whispering winds only travel
where the willow grows

To softly whisper through the willows
secrets never told
The whispering wind knows his secrets
the willow will always hold

Arctic Winter Whispers

Harp Seals are kissing
On blankets of downy white
After frolicking


an intruding beep
an inanimate message
"the sky is clear tonight"
slowly squashed
to exasperating existence
by overbearing obligations
I marveled at how
you found your delight
in the distant stars,
not remotely relevant
to our lives

Rose Petal Dreams

I see myself sliding
into a pool of rose petals.
Silky, exquisitely soft
they caress my skin.
Scarlet and mauve stains of love
color me.
I am surrounded
by intoxicating fragrance.
I am immersed in cool, delicious, seductive,
intricate bits of breathless flowers.
If you pass by
at just the right time
you can join me…

Rain Inspired Tears

My tears are not pain
but merely reflections of
the rainfall outside

The Storm and The Ocean

Thunder Storms were then,
Though now the spatters seem thin,
Still they flood my heart.

Whispering Willows

Whispering willows in the wind,
Throughout their calm, majestic leaves,
Breathe a sigh of unspoken tales,
Fables of hangings and murder plots,
The love-affairs of courting couples,
Names on bark entwined for love,
Sleeping beasts awaken at dawn,
Burrowing to the surface skin,
But at night, how she sleeps,
Her slow steady process,
Growing, receiving and giving new hope,
Where she falls, others will succeed,
Her place overturned in the,
Circle of life.

The Fruit That Fell

The grass
Flat with fallen fruit
Bruised - Folded
and matted I
n your shadow.
Behind your head
With your wild eye
Staring upward
At the mottled light
Of clouds and sun
Through leaves
And branches
You are hungry.
But the fruit is fallen
And you will never Starve.
So you leave the fruit
Where it will surely rot.
Browning the grass
For another season.
I stand behind another tree
And watch you.
I touch the rough bark
With my cheek.
I am hungry too
But I have eaten that fruit.
Soft and wet in the grass.
Tasting of moss-green
Forest fungus.
I hallucinate from the
Wild forest floor
As I reach for you
My arms extend - retract -
I cannot touch you.
Starved as I am
My body falls
And I sound like a tree
In the woods.
That no one hears
Crash down.

Have you Ever Traveled Down Nature's Road?

Have you ever been out to sea
on a moonlit night with the fresh salty breeze?
Have you ever stepped into a forest, and if
you did, how far would you travel until you were in?

Have you ever wondered during your nature trips
if the quiet, silent forest would have sound, if you
were not around?

Have you ever yodeled off atop a mountain,
to the echoing valley below?
Did you stop during your singing to
smell the cold glistening snow?

Have you ever been out camping to
wake ravenous and have to build a fire?
Have you ever found that certain secret spot
that only you admire?

Have you ever slept out at night under
the scintillating stars? Did you ever wonder
how many planets there actually really are?

Have you ever passed a graveyard and wondered
what death was all about? Or stopped your car
along a lonely road to pick some litter up?

Have you ever sailed a ship, or swam the
sea or dived off a cliff? Have you ever
gone to cut a tree and heard its piteous cry?

Have you ever seen a cactus laughing at the
scalding sun? Or touched a rattle snake
just for a little dangerous fun?

Have you ever questioned if the moon and sun
are suppose to be a pair? Or, do they both shine
brightly searching eagerly everywhere?

Have you ever tasted the pouring rain upon your
curious tongue? Or, did you ever climb a teetering
ladder and stand on its highest rung?
Have you ever stood waiting for the sun, then suffered from the heat?

Did you ever watch the rain and appreciate a storm?
Did you ever have the chance to help a stranger
who was calling in distress? Or, did you ever write
a traveling nature poem at someone's request?

Have you ever likened a precious plant to a well nurtured child?
Or wonder if a weed is like the child who grew up wild?

The plant that is tended and guarded with all that special care,
is the one that roots up easiest
as it was not prepared.

Delighting In Mother Nature For The Moment

I peer out into the valley below
calm and serene the mood.
Mother Nature's beauty is getting
ready to unleash its vast

Heavy dense fog settles at the
lowest points, the rain has
subsided and the sediments drop
in unison off all that may
have height.

The song birds chatter of the
storms passing and announce
the plentiful bounty blessed
by it.

The fawn in all her splendor
strolls paths worn from
yesterdays gone by.

The larger of the feathered
species are perched fine-tuning
their plumage readying
themselves for flight.

Off in the distance a dog
barking, it echoes through
the valley becoming fainter by
the moment until gone
its reminder.

I sit peaceful and rested,
my gaze not fixed on any one
thing, absorbing the tranquillity
so freely offered.

Totally in awe at the beauty
all around me, so much
so it brings tears of jubilation
to my soul.

Knowing that like all of Gods
creatures for the moment
finding delight in the sheer
beauty that nature provides
we all have our own destinations
as time does not stand still.

So this brief moment of joy
and thankfulness is now ending,
I have placed its memory in
my heart so as to return in times
needing uplift.

Never do I bid farewell to
Mother Nature's gifts
completely for I carry a multitude
of treasured moments, for this is
what sustains me.

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