





The sun glistens on the water
Making it sparkle and shine
It almost seems alive to me
This touches my heart
I hear a loon cry
All alone in the night
Her song haunts me
This touches my heart
I see a rose growing in a bed of sand
Struggling to survive
It seems to cry out for help to me
This touches my heart
I hold a new born baby in my arms
Opening it's eyes to a strange new world
It's crying for it's mother
This touches my heart.
All of these things touch my heart
But none near as much
As when I see you smile

Endless Love

Long ago there was a time, when love seemed endless and so did time.
There was a boy who stole my heart, he made me special from the start.
He showed me love like no other. He was my first, there will be no Other!
I was young and foolish it seems, filled with silly thoughts and hopeful dreams.
I took for granted those caring eyes, and left them filled with endless cries.
The years have passed and made me wiser, only to be left with my desire.
Although young and immature was I, I never have forgotten those loving eyes.
I realize now the price of pain, and I look to myself to grieve in shame.
I see the love that I have lost, through years of second-guessing and mindless thoughts.
As I look back and see my past, I struggle with the mistakes I can't take back.
Life is learning I tell myself, with my broken promises, I ask for help.
For sincere love is hard to find, in a world filled with selfish crimes.
With each and every day I grow, I love him more than he will know,
He touched my life, and made me see, how beautiful life can be.
Never will I forget those honest eyes, for the love they carried I hold deep inside.
For he is my endless love you see, and he will be within me for eternity!


Don't you want to lay it down
Feel your skin against the ground
Don't you want ride the storm
Then sleep inside the calm
Don't you want to get that high
Don't you want to be satisfied
Don't you need
Don't you want
Don't you cry
Don't you feel
Don't you bleed


When we first met I knew we were right
If we were together my world she would light
I cant stop thinking bout her, her laugh and her smile
Just waiting to see her is always worth while
When the time is right I'll tell her and then she will know
My thoughts and my feelings I just wanna show
But when I want to tell her I don't know what to say
Cuz when she gets near the words just float away
I want her for what she got I don't even need to score
 Every minute that we're apart makes me wanther even more
I think that she's the one, she's perfect for me
And I'll be the same that's what I want her to see
She's more then everything I need she's a dream come true
But it's the things that I could see that no one ever knew
I cant stand being alone especially not with her
I'll take my time to tell her but maybe I'm not sure
But then I like her so much the feelings I cant deny
I don't want her to think that I'm like every other guy
She's notlike every girl and that's what I see
Just having her as a friend means so much to me
When we're together she'll never feel pain
She'll be so happy and her life will never be the same
 its because I like her so much and I cant always get my way
But the feelings always grow each and every day
We spend time together just as 2 friends
This friendship is so great and I hope it never ends
But I want her more then a friend her man is what I want to be
For everyone that wants her, her heart belongs to me
I've already gave it away its easy to tell
Right into love maybe I fell
I realize that it seems that she kind of likes me too
And I could tell in her eyes that she knows that I do
It was time and I said it and her answer seemed to stall
She said she's not sure and she'll give me a call
Maybe she doesn't want a man or maybe we're just not the trend
Even if her answer is no I'll still be a good friend
Then the phone rang And to a surprise her answer was yes
But the rest of my feelings are to hard to confess
And now we're a couple and happy we are
I'll treat her like a queen and I know we'll get far
But now I'll take it slow to show her I really care
And just like a friend I always be there
Just to find her heart maybe the waiting was all a quiz
I use to think that she was the one, and now Iknow that she is.

Ambigous Rejection

When you turned me down,
a dagger had pierced my heart,
filling it with misery,
yet did not kill my love for you.
Given a second chance,
would you push the dagger deeper inside,
ending my misery yet shattering my hope?
Or would you remove the dagger
releasing me from the torment, ending my suffering,
healing my soul and making me a happier person.


Love has no words,
Nor feelings fo me,
When I am down,
They jump for glee.
Love has no words,
No tender spots,
Just me and my feelings,
I miss him a lot.
Love is a storm,
It's wind is strong,
It breaks your heart,
You just feel wrong.
Love is a heartache,
It doesn't go away,
It last a long time,
Much more than a day.
Love is only fun,
When you hardly ever fight,
But there is always a chance,
That you might.
Love is rotten,
A bad apple times two,
When you finally think it's ok,
It turns it's back on you.
Love is a spell,
One that can be broken,
But only by anger,
Which isn't a token.
Love is wicked,
Don't try it ever,
It's so unpredictable,
Like the weather.

Secret Crush

I've known you for a while now
And you've always been good to me
But now I have these feelings inside
That I have to let go free
You make me feel so different
Whenever I'm with you
I've told you secrets, dreams and thoughts that noone ever knew
It's hard for me to tell you this since we've been close of friends
I'm afraid of what I'm about to say will bring it to an end
After all that you have read so far I would think you'd get the clue
But to make it a bit easier...
"I think I have a crush on you"

Wanting You

The days that you are gone my love
Its is you that I'll be dreaming of
I'll miss the taste of your soft lips
The warmth of our bodies when we're hip to hip
Sliding my fingers down your silky bare skin
It is your eyes that I have fallen so deeply in
Gently sucking and biting your tummy
Repeating the way you tell me you love me
Admiring your body your looking so sweet
From the top of your head to the bottom of your feet
My body starts to tremble as I kiss you here and there
And place my hands onto your head
And run them through your hair
Sweetie I can never say it enough but I love you in every way
Forever you'll always be in my heart
And forever it shall stay...

Never Doubt Who Loves You

Never doubt who loves you,
never doubt who cares.
Never doubt who's heart you're in,
or even who's prayers.
Never doubt like I did,
never keep it to yourself.
Never think he wouldn't love you,
he might feel the same way himself.
Never wait and say you'll tell him,
because he might have to leave.
Never wait a single moment,
to let yourself believe.
He might love you deep in his heart-
and he may have loved you,
loved you right from the start.
I learned the hard way
and told him too late.
He told me he loved me too
without even a date.
Then he told me something new
something that made me cry.
He told me he was moving
I just wanted to die.
He told me he loved me for the whole year
he told me he was afraid to tell me.
I told him the same,
and wanted him to hold me.
He had to go, the moving truck came near.
I squeezed his hand and started to cry as he said
"I will always love you" into my ear.
That was the last sight of him
that I ever got.
I never saw him again
and I missed him a lot.
If you don't want this to happen to you,
I suggest you tell him now.
He will probably love you too
and at least you ever knew.
At least you find out on a date
because I found out when it was too late.


Don't get too carried away,
Don't mean things that you say.
I almost lost you,
over something simple too.
Don't be dramatic over me,
If I had hung up the phone, where would you be?
This is a long story
over a guy that almost lost his life.
He says he loves me,
and thinks I'm gonna be his wife.
So one day he got real sad
and I said I wouldn't hang up till he was ok
If I had hung up, it would've been bad
he wouldn't be here today.
I thought this guy was hot
in class at school
my friend asked if he'd go to a dance w/ me and
he said he would not
And the guy that liked me found out,
and it wasn't cool.
The guy that liked me said he was gonna go.
He said he was gonna hang up the phone.
I said "please stay, you're sad-I know"
his voice sounded different, like a diffent tone.
A week later, he told me something.
He told me he was gonna commit suicide if we had hung
up,and I started crying.
I told him that he'll always be by my side.
I told him that that was dumb
and he promised me he wouldn't try again.
When he told me that he'd be gone, my body went numb.
Everyday I talk to him and ask how his day has been
It scares me alot
to think he'd be gone.
When i never even thought
this could've been done.
So pay attention to who you make sad,
they could be holding a knife.
It can either turn out bad,
or you could save a life.


Why did you leave?
Why couldn't you stay?
What went wrong?
On what day?
Why are you gone?
Why am I alone?
Why won't you come back,
and change the tone?
Will you ever come back,
or will I continue to cry?
I'm going to be wondering,
until I die.
I missd you.
I loved you.
I kissed you.
I hugged you.
I have all the memories in the world
I had a dream.
Together was right,
we were like a team.
I think about you all the time,
again and again
when I was yours
and you were mine.
You lasted the longest,
you were my "dear"
When life is not more,
will be when I shed my last tear.

I Love You

I wish I could give you all that you gave me,
To describe how happy you have made me be.
The joy I feel when I'm with you,
I can't believe it's all so true
I can't wait to see your smile,
It makes my day worthwhile.
You bring happiness to my life,
And take away all of my strife.
I guess what I am trying say,
Is that you bring joy to my day.
You make me happy when I am mad,
and dry my tears when I am sad.
Every time we were together,
I want it to stay that way always forever.
I am thinking of you.
And I love you.


ive spent time watching you
and everytime...
love springs into me,
simple joy that envelopes
my body.

it wells from my heart
and devours all of me
over and never stops

im almost sorry for myself,
i get entrap
in the beauty at your gaze

and then you smile
you laugh, eventhough
it's not mine, I see
butterflies in your eyes

I crave for your moment
I'll always long for your sight
and along in this madness
im enslave...
i hope my love
apologizes to you...

Tell me...

Is it true, or is it not?
This love for you,
I've forgot.
You've told me time and again,
That you will be here,
Until the end.
Then one day,
You ran out the door,
And said you were going to the store.
It seemed so strange,
So i followed you.
Then suddenly,
My whole world turned so blue.
You held her close,
and told her you loved her,
Tell me...
How could you cheat on me with my best friend?

Beyond Your Reflection

I tell you all the time,
I guess you just do not see.
You are beautiful in every way ... well at least you are to me.
It is visible on the outside,
But that's not all there is to see.
You posses that certain quality, that is inevitable to me.
I could list all the wonderful things about you,
But this you have to see...
There aren't enough trees in the world, to supply me with the paper I would need!
Your laugh, your smile, I could write scrolls that stretch for miles,
But still you doubt me!
Is this because I see something that many guys have failed to see?
I will never do anything to hurt you or make your gentle heart ache...
Oh yes, My Princess, I tell you now... This is the promise that I make!
So whenever you are mad-or life gets you very sad,
Just open and give your heart to me...
I will cherish it- I will not abuse it,
I will set your mind and spirit free.
Remember... You are beautiful, I Love You, and You are everything to me!


Could i hold your hand
and feel your touch?
Could i guide your eyes
to watch the stars
shown into my eyes?
Could i sing a song
to calm your heart
and right the wrongs?
I do and I will
If you could know
I would and more...

The Angel I Found

I need angel to hold and care for,
The hard part is to find this angel I adore.
I searched every mountain and every canyon;
I'm just looking for that one companion.
The angel I was seeking to find appeared in my mind,
not finding this angel is like being confined.
This angle I seek I can't stop thinking about,
I want to stop searching because there's a doubt.
I lost all my hope and I almost gave up
I have tried my hardest but it wasn't enough
Why can't I just find her, I'm feeling so lost
To just see her face I would pay any cost
I wish that I could see this angel with my own two eyes
I have searched so long and just to see her is a prize
My quest to find true love will have to cease for now
For I have met someone who I think is HER somehow
This girl caught me off guard and it came as a surprise
The lord has surely sent me an angel in disguise
I finally got smart and I have finally got a clue
The angel I was searching for: is you!
Never Doubt Who Loves You
Never doubt who loves you,
never doubt who cares.
Never doubt who's heart you're in,
or even who's prayers.
Never doubt like I did,
never keep it to yourself.
Never think he wouldn't love you,
he might feel the same way himself.
Never wait and say you'll tell him,
because he might have to leave.
Never wait a single moment,
to let yourself believe.
He might love you deep in his heart-
and he may have loved you,
loved you right from the start.
I learned the hard way
and told him too late.
He told me he loved me too
without even a date.
Then he told me something new
something that made me cry.
He told me he was moving
I just wanted to die.
He told me he loved me for the whole year
he told me he was afraid to tell me.
I told him the same,
and wanted him to hold me.
He had to go, the moving truck came near.
I squeezed his hand and started to cry as he said
"I will always love you" into my ear.
That was the last sight of him
that I ever got.
I never saw him again
and I missed him a lot.
If you don't want this to happen to you,
I suggest you tell him now.
He will probably love you too
and at least you ever knew.
At least you find out on a date
because I found out when it was too late.


We talked online
A time or two
You fell in love
I said, "with who"?

When we finally met
Many times we did try
Your love was expressed
In your 'puppy dog' eyes!

The love that radiates
From your body and soul
Goes right to my heart
I'm no longer alone.

To you, Dearest One
I give you my LOVE
And may it be blessed
By God up above!

This Perfect Romance

why am I in love with you
when there are so many others out there
what keeps bringing me back to you
how can I still care
we have been there and back
but I just can't let go of you
I can't stop thinking about the past
and how you loved me too
but then maybe it's not over
because I just heard from you again
what do you think of me
I rate you a 10
you always made me laugh
I knew how to make you smile
don't leave me here alone tonight
stay here for a while
your brown hair and hazel eyes
always stuck in my mind
and whenever I think of love
it's you who I find
you never played games
you never broke my heart
you are different from other girls
you've been there from the start
Let's start over
get to know each other again
you say you just want to be with me
so do I... 'till the end
let's not move so fast
and maybe we can score
we're getting a second chance
let's not blow it like before
I'm glad that I love you
I'm glad that you love me
I think we were meant to be together
I think this could work... perfectly
because I love you
on our second chance
and you love me
in this perfect romance.

A Heart

A heart is not a plaything,
A heart is not a toy.
So if you want it broken,
give it to a boy.
Boys like to play with things,
to see what makes them run.
but when it comes to kissing,
they do it just for fun.
Boys don't give their hearts away,
playing girls for fools.
When they say I LOVE YOU,
it's only to be cool.
A girl's sex is sacred,
so you better make a plan.
When you give your heart away,

A Million Times

I have seen you a million times
And every time I see you
I fall in love with you all over again
My heart starts to race
My frown turns into a smile
And all my worries are now in my past
When you smile at me my heart melts
You give the sweetest hugs
Every time you hug me
Your smile is like a new day
Your sense of humor is like no other
The ability you have to make me smile
Is all you need you love me
Your laugh is so soft and sweet
Just looking in your eyes
Makes me melt inside
Your lips look so soft
Soft enough to kiss
You, yourself relive me from all pain
Your hands are as soft as a pillow
The way you comfort me is amazing
Every time we say good-bye
I start to cry
I say good-bye to you to many times
I said good-bye to you a million times


i don't know what's happening to me
i can't get you out of my head
you're on my mind from when i wake up
until i lay down in bed

i dream about your touch
your soft lips against mine
i fantasize about being with you
our bodies sweetly entwined

i want us to be together
all through the lonely night
no one but me and you
holding each other tight

your words are so sincere
you taught my heart to see
i want so much to be with you
you're everything to me

listening to your comforting words
you take away my pain
you make my sadness disappear
when you kiss me in the rain

you have the sweetest smile
and the most amazing eyes
there's something special about you
you're not like other guys

i'm puttin in on the line
i'm laying my heart in your hands
maybe you'll return the love i have
or maybe you just won't understand

but i have something to say
and i promise i'm being true
what i'm trying to tell you is...
i'm in love with you.

It's all about love!

It's all about my Love and care,
these days both of them are found very rare,
I donn say that I'm the best for her,
but I'm sure that I'm the only one who look after her,
Whenever I look in her eyes,
With every blink i dies,
Whenever I found myself in her arms,
It's the only thing having it's own charm,
She's the only one,she's my treasure,
and i love her so much that no one can measure,
So whenever you love some one,
Do take care of her and have some fun,
Coz she's the only one,
only one,
only one!

The question

Hello my name is Angela
and I have to ask your advised
you see I think I've fallen in love
and God it feels so nice
I feel so high when I see him
I feel like I could fly
and when he says hi to me
I just giggle cause I'm shy
I just want to hold him
feel him in my arms
my heart is always racing
my knees are always weak
I'm feeling so excited
I'm not sure if it will last
Now let me ask you this question
and please be truthful to me
should I take a chance on him
is this meant to be?

From my Heart

For this last month or so
things have come and things have gone
but yet you seem to stay with me.
You seem to stay beside me
in my memories, my thoughts, and best of all,
you stay where i want you most, and that is in my dreams.
When i see you laugh,
something inside me jumps at that image,
as beautiful as you are to me,
and i truely believe that there's not another one like you,
yet you blow me away when i see you smile,
because just when i thought you couldnt be any more beautiful,
I find myself in complete shock that I was so wrong.
because you are.
To really tell you how i feel,
it would be impossible,
there's not a word i could say,
that would show and prove to you just how wonderful you are to me.
And even if i could find the right words,
i'm not sure if i would have enough papers to write it down.
When i'm with you and your'e around,
I want to say so much to you,
but the sight of you,
leaves me speechless.
and sometimes even breathless.
I care for you and only you.

Crying For Love

You took me away with u, but now i'm lost in the dark.
You for got the best days,when u and me went for a walk.
You told me,"u love me".
You kissed me cause u want me.
Then one day you left me alone,on my own
in the dark.
Now, i'm alone,in this world
wandering here and there in this dark.
Now tell me!Where is your love?
Tell me! Oh please tell me!Where are you?
And what can i do with out you?
Tell me!Where can i go so that no one finds me?
Tell me!With whom i will share my joy?
Tell me!For whom i'll suffer my pain?
Tell me!oh please tell me!
Will u come back for me, me and only me?
Please!tell me a lot
that i loved to hear.
For me to show my wished tears.Tell me! oh please tell me!


Your touch is as soft
As the petal on a rose
Your kiss made me tremble
From my head to my toes.
Your beautiful big heart
How it welcomed me in
And connected with mine
With its warmth from within.
Your breath on my neck
Sent chills down my spine
And all of this happened
While we were 'online' !

To the One Man I Love

To the one man I love
so deeply and true.
The only one who says to me,
"I love you!"

Your so special to me
Do you ever think that about me?
Has it ever occured to you
that you are the one and only for me,
and that we were maybe,
just maybe meant to be?

I hear myself asking these questions
only from time to time.
As I am hoping I will get them answered, sometime down the line.
Hopefully not before it's to late.
So I will not someday have someone
who makes my heart break.

I am saying this to you
because you mean a lot to me.
I still hope that there is a lot of love and joy
in this world left for you and me.
I also hope that maybe someday,
people will be able to see
that later on in life
we were meant to be.

I feel that you were made
especially for me.
God filled you with joy and lots of glee,
but only for you to give to me.

I have loved you always,
right from the start.
And at least I know
I'll have you always
deep down in my heart.

As I enclose this message of love,
I'd like to wish you lots of luck
and to keep in mind of the pretty white dove.
I also hope you know I'll send lots of love to you,
where ever you may be.
I will send my passion, and my love with lots of joy and lots of glee.

To the man I love,
So deeply and true.

My Bestest Friend

When god gave you to me he knew
What you were worth
Cause he gave me the bestest friend
That ever walked the Earth

I know that your here to stay
When i need u your only a phone call away
When i feel like hope is gone
You always help me 2be strong,

When im down
Your always around,
Ill always be here for you,
When your down or feeling blue

No good-byes

It hurts so much to think of the future
to think of how it will be without you there
if you're not there i have no life
i have no reason to live
I'm afraid ill never be in your arms again
I'm afraid ill never hear you speak again
I'm afraid you will be suffering without me knowing
I'm afraid to feel lonely, depressed, without you
why? why cant i ever love without separation
why do i always end up in tears?
I may die because you aren't there but my love for you will never die
this wonderful feeling has become dry and bitter
this is when all the sweet things you ever said to me become knives
knives that stab me deep in my heart
this is the goodbye with no tomorrow,
a goodbye that is never-ending but it ends my life
i feel incomplete, like a part of me just died.
it may be good to be optimistic, but why lie to myself
why act like it doesn't hurt, acting wont stop it from hurting
ill leave the past behind but ill have nothing to go to, my future is gone
and the present is just a puddle of tears
ill never forget your smile, ill never forget you hugs
ill never forget you words, and much less will i forget your love
ill never forget the way you looked in my eyes,
the way your look said a million indescribable feelings
or the way you made me feel a million indescribable feelings
A few days ago the past i had with you seemed like my whole life,
but now it seems like not even a day.
But really, it was my whole life because the day you came into my life
was the day my life began.
Friday August 11, 2000
Now even if there is a tomorrow, saying goodbye is so hard to do.
Everyone says forgetting you is the best thing to do
but i couldn't, and i don't want to.
You're the Love of my life, I LOVE YOU
How can so much Love bring so much pain?
NO! no good-byes


I looked into his eyes,
and I felt pain.
I looked into his eyes,
and I felt anger.
I looked into his eyes,
and I felt sorrow.
I looked into his eyes,
and I felt love.
I looked into his eyes,
and I felt confusion.
I looked into his eyes,
and I felt the chill.
I looked into his eyes,
and I felt his heart.
I looked into his eyes,
and I saw myself

Missing U

From the last 24 hours im missing you so badly,
but i know that if i'ould tell u then u'll respond very gladly,
i donn know y is it so,
might be me i know,
when one minute looks like one hour,
at that time u r very close to my heart,
ur each and every word comes in mind,
but some times i think that who im to bind!
love is when u both miss one another,
whether u r near or far but u feel like kissing one another,
i wish all the time that u were here,
coz ur the only one from whom i need care ,
ur the only one with whom i share,
whether its my fault or not but i dare,
lets be one not for the first time,nor fot the last time,
but for the life time.

Falling in Love

I am falling in like with you...
who you are
who you are not...
and who you strive to become.
you are kind
and loving.
I am falling at ease with you...
with each...
casual conversation
comfortable silence
passing moment.
More honestly...
because I have fallen in like with you.
I am falling in love with you...
for reasons too numerous to list....
those that have come before...
and all that have yet to be seen.

Tell Me

Tell me how to react when I see her with you?
What to say if I ever hear you tell her, "I love you,"
Should I bear to care knowing that I've lost my only love?
Don't you think that I've cried for you, long enough?
Tell me if I should cry and waste my tear?
Hoping that someday you'd realize that real love is near.
Asking for your heart, it doesn't seem to real,
Yet, you know how I truly feel.
Tell me the exact words if you ever had a chance to talk to me,
Yet I know that's something that will never be.
Yet I still wish at night to find her wishing star,
A star she wished upon, to be with you though she's far.
Tell me if you should be the only reason that I often cry?
To be my only reason I should always try.
Tell me now before its too late to even let go,
Because someday I know I can never let "you" go.

Lost love

Our love was so strong
When did it go wrong
Why couldnt i see
We were meant to be
You were sent to me from up above
To touch my life and steal my love
Forever friends we will be
Coz you can depend on me


Never say i love you
if you dont really care
never talk about feeling
if they arent even there
never hold my hand
if you are going to break my heart
never say you are going to
if you dont plan to start.
never look into my eyes
if all youll do is lie
never say hello
if you really mean goodbye
if you really mean forever
then say youll try
never say forever
b/c forever makes me cry


Sitting...waiting alone under the quiet li'l tree...
makes me wonder how life would have and me.
must have been stars and angels in our sleep
scents of flowers and humming of bees
You were so sweet, gentle and true.
that i wish i was the wind to you.
to touch your hair and feel your skin
caressing you, yet never seen...
If only i had those eyes and those lips...
i would have viewed the world as flowers in heap.
i would smile my way in every grave
knowing that every sould who sees is saved
I wonder how you do it...
i wonder how you knew...
hearts of stone can be softened too.
i wish i could go back to that tuesday night...
i wish i should have held you tight.
Gay are my days and my nights are bright.
For an angel was in my arms on a tuesday night

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