



Miscellaneous Poems


When I first met you, I looked in your eyes
The feeling I got I never wanted to say good bye.
We dated and had a good time
When we were together I felt so fine.

Loving you the years went fast
I looked back and two years had past.
You asked me to be your wife
That was a beginning of a whole new life.

You gave me a child and a home
Then no more your love could rome.
It was hard adjusting the first five years
The pain and suffering brought a lot of fears.

I didn't know if our marriage would last
I kept living too much in the past.
You changed and treated me right
Then I had no more fears and frights.

You know it took a lot to bare
It all went away when you showed you cared.
Thank you for changing and making me glad
And now there is no room to be sad.
I love you and want you to know
Many years has past, I still love you so.


The journey we travel in life
We have trials to help us come to the light.
The ups and downs makes us strong
If you pray it gets easier as you go along.
Humble yourself to God up above
He will comfort and show his love.
He said, who is burdened come to me
I will make life easier, you will see.

Mankind is living in their own flesh
How do they expect for God to bless.
They try doing it on their own
Gods way is right, theirs is wrong.
To believe is not a crime
Go to him and make that bond.
Be last and put him first in line
Your life will do just fine.
Enclosing this poem I would like to say
God is with us every day.


From the time I was little, I knew I was great,
'cause the people would tell me, "You'll make it just wait"
But they never did tell me how great I would be,
If I ever played someone who was greater than me.

When I'm in the back yard, I'm king with the ball,
To swish all those baskets is no sweat at all,
But all of the sudden there's a man in my face,
Who dosen't seem to realize that I'm king of this place.

So the pressure gets to me: I rush with the ball.
My passes to teamates could go through the wall.
My jumpers not falling, my dribbles not sure.
My hand is not steady, my eye not pure.

The fault is my teammates-they don't understand.
The fault is my coaches-what a terrilbe plan.
The fault is the call by the blind referee.
But the fault is not mine: I'm the greatest, you see.

Then finally it hit me when I started to see
That the face in the mirror looked exactly like me.
It wasn't my teammates who were dropping the ball,
And it wasn't my coach shooting bricks at the wall.

That face in the mirro that was always so great,
Had some room for improvement instead of just hate.
So I stopped blaming others and I started to grow.
My play got much better and it started to show.

And all of my teammates didn't seem quite so bad.
I learned to depend on the good friends I had.
Now I like myself better since I started to see.


Walking down the aisle, my daddy with me
Tears in my eyes and an ache in my heart
I prayed to God, asked him why we had part
I begged and I asked please leave him with me
But the Lord took the man I dearly loved

I had hopes I had dreams of you being here
I pictured you holding my baby so dear
I saw you escorting me down the aisle
But that thought has been gone for quite a while

I hoped and I dreamed you’d stay here so long
That maybe a cure would come along
But your every heartbeat began to fade
God’s decision was final it had already been made

I wish I told you I loved you once more
But you passed too quickly through God’s open door
They tell me you knew how much I loved you
But I wish you could tell me you knew


I wish I were in your arms
Keeping me away from harm.
I feel so safe in your embrace,
And the feeling is so good to see your face
As I look deep into your eyes,
The world around me disappears,
Because all I see is you and me,
Lost in love is how I want to be.

I wish I could feel your kiss,
Against my tender lips.
To taste your lips so sweet,
Every single time we meet,
Makes all my dreams come true,
Because I can never go on without you.

The love I have for you,
It's hard for me to explain,
Because sometimes words can't express
This emptiness,
That I feel when we're apart.
You have this hold on my heart.
So don't ever let me go,
I don't wanna be alone,
That's why I wrote this little poem,
To let you know what's going on,
Deep inside this heart of mine,
Before I run out of time.
So please let my wishes come true,
Forever I would stay with you.


Love is a word a lot of people abuse
Love is misunderstood and often misused.
Some people think its a word for joy
Some people use it only as a toy.
But love if truely sought out
Could never be done without.
Love is something everyone could use
A cure for sorrow and a cure for blues.
Love is not found in a pretty face
How they treat you from the heart, touches real base.
Physical attraction that's all they see
Why does people think that's the way it should be.
Love in a person you can always spot
In there actions they show love a lot.
The approach of words spoken so calm
They look at people's feelings not to cause harm.
Search for love in all the right places
Maybe the courts wouldn't have divorce cases.
Reality is what I write
To make people come to the light.


It was that silent morning
Just my beauty and I-
Galloping across the white sands of warmth,
Towards the lively, and yet diversified sunrise.
Feeling free and open-minded
We exposed more than just feelings-
But sweet, colossal romance in bloom.

I felt your mane,
Running between my fingers-
I felt your strength,
Underneath my thighs-
I felt your pureness dwelling
Within my soul.

And there it was-
Between beauty and pureness,
I held my fear back-
Intimidation, so to speak,
And I saw..
Huge beauty,
And huge romance.

Large portions of energy
Released and magnetized
I was to this beautiful
Strong creature of the night..

I dropped to the sands
And silently cried in my palms
Only ashamed
Of my own weakness.

And there I saw you
Again in the dawn of the morning
My eyes met yours
And I poured out
My heart and soul
To you..

The breeze brushed by our bodies
Letting loose sensuality..
And I touched your face
In bewilderment-
Wondering if what I touched
Was made of gold,
Or even more so..
I knew it was something
To treasure dearly.

I stood before you
In my own nakedness-
With the gleaming dawn
At my back
My hair flowing
With the gentle blow
Of the wind.

And you felt my energy
And clearness-
And I just seduced you,
Let loose of you-
Tightly fixed in my arms
I just felt you
And cherished you-
While you tenderly nibbled
On my soft lips.

There is a certain connection
Withstanding- we both can see
We have encountered similar affairs
And although we've met before
It seemed that we had closed the door-
I was afraid I would never see
This beautiful man again,
Standing before me..

And now this door has opened
To a new existence of our being
Intertwined by provocative minds-
And I desire..and I so desire.

Oh! And you must see
How obvious it is,
For its hard for you
To be a blind man..

And here it is..
Between beauty and pureness,
I've met with you once more-
Only this time,
You have become..
My galloping beauty.


I'm falling down the lonely endless sky,
as the wind takes me like a harmless,little butterfly.
My hair wraps around my waist, my face and thighs,
now I'm a cocoon of that tiny butterfly...
As I fall from the cocoon to the harmless
butterfly, I see flashbacks of my life surrounding me...
The good times..
The bad times...
nice times...
and the worst times...
The sky turns into a gigantic mirror,
and I see myself falling...
down a lonely, endless sky.


..Silken feathers,
how fast they flew
to reach a point of existence,
things that were once true.

Shattered mirrors
of burnt out pasts,
gone now forever
Reflections that didn't last.

Fatal white roses
deceptive to the naked eye
promises eternally broken,
when one learned to lie.

Scattered marbles
where children once played
faded satin sheets
where nobody laid.

Memories forgotten
in a bottomless pit
left to be burned
By a candle never lit..


Have you ever felt what happens when two hearts fall together,
and felt it would last forever?
Have you ever had a true love,
like the kind you have always dreamed of?

Has he ever touched your heart,
in ways he made you feel like you would never part?
Did he ever tell you he would love you forever,
and that we'll always be together?

Have you ever gazed into his eyes,
and feel his love,and see no lies?
Did you ever feel with his sense of touch,
that you could love him ever so much?

Did your friends ever feel you guys would never part,
and say there was no way this relationship could fall apart?
Did they ever tell you this was like something from a fairy tale,
which should leave you with no reason to cry or wail?

My true love meant all of this to me,
but this he refused to see.
How could a love that was written in the stars,
all of a sudden fall apart and leave you with such deep scars?

I told him he would always be remembered,
but the stars above will never again shimmer.
I can't believe how someone can go,
to someone you love to someone you used to know.
Note from Author: I wrote this to my first love.
We were together for a year. We did everything together.
and we were so happy together. And all of a sudden all we did
was fight. And then he met someone else and broke up with me.
And I'm still loving him and I always will.


All alone in a world of darkness and depression,
longing for a happiness is like a small obsession.
In a world where no one cares
rolling down your face is a stream of tears.
All alone, you think you are.
Wishing on that bright new star.
Wishing that someone will come along
help you out and make you strong.
Help you know that someone cares
and make an end to your stream of tears.


I walk towards the crowd,
New people,
New faces,
Smiling, laughing,
“Welcome to the party” they shout.
Introductions are passed back and forth.
I scan the crowd looking for you – you’re not there.
Disappointment sets in.

I wander through the crowd.
Happy people,
Happy faces,
Talking, drinking,
“Here have a drink” a friendly voice offers.
One, Two, Three, Four.
The alcohol starts to set in.
Disappointment fades.

I stumble through the crowd.
More people,
More faces.
Dancing, kissing.
“Hi, I’m Rodney,” Someone shouts.
I look up and smile.
What lies will this one produce?
Inhibitions set in.

I merge with the crowd.
One person,
One face,
Speaking, grinning.
“Would you like another drink?”
One, Two, Three, Four.
Dancing starts.
Inhibitions fade.

I groove with the crowd.
Unfocused people,
Unfocused faces,
Bumping, slurring,
“So what are you doing after this?”
I don’t want to be alone.
Kissing starts.

I leave the crowd.
Coupled people,
Tired faces,
Waving, crying.
“Let’s go to my place.”
I don’t have to be alone.
Memory fades.

Sun is shining.
Where am I?
Who is He?
Numbers are exchanged.
“I had a great time, I’ll call you”
Memory sets in.

I am alone again.


You may have guessed by now
That I have invested in you
Certain dreams and fantasies.
I see you as
A shining knight,
An icon,
A savior for the woman I am
And the child within.

I apologize.
Maybe you're not all I believe you to be.
Real people seldom balance well on pedestals.
I learned that long ago.

That's okay.
I appreciate your giving me something to believe in again.
I have been sorely disappointed before,

And I was beginning to think
No one could ever turn my heart again.
Unless he had more than good looks -
A man like you:
Intelligent, witty, sensitive, and creative.
He would personify perfect harmony of those qualities,

And then some:
A mature man, strong and intense
Who could laugh at life with the candor of a child
"Seasoned" with spices others might consider negative,
Like stubbornness and arrogance -
But, not too much.

Like Rhett Butler, he would be the type to say,
"Frankly, My Dear, I don't give a damn,"
And only his eyes and touch would betray
How much he really cared.

You seemed to be this person.
And though I have spent more time fantasizing about you
Than being with you,
Just knowing you has enriched my life.


A first glance was not enough
to satisfy my heart with yearning desire.
You took my breath away
with the utter of a single word.
You were everything I ever looked for
you were a piece of heaven on earth.
I never expected to find a love so true
but my heart soars with each new day with you.
Your touch, the feel, everything inside of you,
makes me thank the luck I have been blessed with.
If jade be any more sparkling of green
then your eyes are truly bright.
Everything about you makes me glad I am alive each day,
you make my life worth living
and you take all my pain away.
I thank the stars and heavens above
for sending you to me.
Because you are truly blessed
and special to me.


I've waited a thousand lifetimes to find a soul like yours,
A soul so pure,
A soul so brave,
An angel that takes my breath away
I want to shield you from all evil,
Protect this love we've found,
Promise we'll never part,
We are unlike others,
We are forever lovers


All my hopes,
My expectations,
My dreams,
Have lost its place.
In an unknown world I stand alone.
Was it me that threw us off our course?
I would like to stand right back up,
But this fall hit me too hard.
I would ask for another try,
A new beginning,
A new chance,
But I know that in the future
There will be another downfall.
I know I lost someone special.
Someone I cherished a lot.
Now I surrender.
I have lost the battle.
I have lost all.
Now I must recover and heal my wounds.
I must move on and find a new path.
A path that will make me forget the past.
A path that will make me look for the future,
Cause all I had in my past was YOU


Burning deep inside me is my love for you,
I try to ignore it but my heart is so confused.
I hope for better tomorrows but all I get is tears
I search for better yesturdays but all I finds my fears.

This world is so insane its driving me crazy.
My body is getting weak, my eyes are getting hazy
As I say my last words and take my last breath,
I'm asking you to give me my one final request.

To touch your lips would be the best thing I've done.
Because when it comes to Love, you're the only one.
My bones are getting weaker, I can't fill my body,
I can hardy breath, I can hear my heart throbbing.

I love you and you know that, as you can clearly see.
So my one last request is for you to tell that to me.
It's to late I'm gone now, your words came out to slow,
If you love me or not, I guess I'll neverknow.


I wish I could look through the eyes of a wise old man
Discover all the secrets he holds in his hands
Visit all the places he's been see all the lands
If I could look through the eyes of a wise old man.

I wish I could look through the eyes of a mother to be
To know what its like to have this baby inside of me
Wondering if its a boy or a girl can't wait to see
If I could look through the eyes of a mother to be.

I wish I could look through the eyes of my own mother
Living her life only makes me wonder
Being married to my father knowing there could be no other
If I could look through the eyes of my own mother.

But I look at the world through my own eyes
Wondering if I'll ever be wise
Hoping one day I'll be a mother
Falling in love and loving no other.


I lay in bed at night
thinking how it would be
if you and me could be together
someday eventually,
You're on my mind constantly.
Every day,Every hour,Every minute.
Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
And when days are grey and so am I,
I think of you and start to smile.
I dream of days when you and me,
are walking along the beach.
No one to interrupt the sound,
of the waves crashing on the ground.
Suddenly, your caressing touch startles me.
I feel nervous around you,
yet I feel secure.
We look into each others eyes,
suddenly we can read each others minds.
Then I say,"I can love you, if you can love me,
so lets get together and be as happy as can be."
Copyright© Dove Conway from United States
Contact Author


You tear at my heart like a wild beast,
Eye contact,
You soothe my mind and mend my heart.

My mind is racing, my heart pounding,
Body contact,
You slow my pulse and calm my mind.

My head hurts, my mouth is dry,
Lip contact,
My head feels relieved but you leave my mouth
longing, wanting more.

I can't feel my legs, my stomach is in knots,
Hand contact,
But you can't fix it, you caused it.

You pull me towards you
while I try to move on my own but fail.
Anxiety and passion arise in me, overcome me,
sweaty palms, dizzy and light headed, swaying body,
unstable legs,

All things you caused. Nothing you can fix.


"Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder"-
Was the motto of a great German soldier..
He knew his life ahead of him
He knew his ways...
Nothing stopped him
But a blaze.
He peeked over to Ms. Bertha Buckingham-
lying awake on the nightstand.

He told the guys to take a hike-
He was lonely, but the lady he liked.

He gave a goodnight kiss-
And thought of how much he missed
His Ms.


For I am a lonely child that cries inside,
Try to run but theres nowhere to hide,
I am found I have a choice to make,
With god my father of that demon snake.
Do I deserve all that god has to offer me?
Or do I let the evil depths of life take me under to the cold black sea?
I guess it's who will work for me harder
And let me know that no harm shall ever come to me
And that little girl who cries inside
With nowhere to hide.

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