



Miscellaneous Poems


When I come to the end of the road
And the sun has set for me,
I want no rights in a gloom filled room,
Why cry for a soul set free?

Miss me a little but not too long,
And not with your head bowed low,
Remember the love that we once shared,
Miss me, but let me go.

For this is a journey we all must take,
At each must go alone,
For it is all part of the master's plan,
A step on the road to home.

When you are lonely or sick at heart,
Go to friends we know,
And burry your sorrows in doing good deeds,
Miss me, but let me go.


She likes him
Because he likes holding her.
He'll let her fall asleep in his arms
And he won't stop holding her
Until she wakes.
But he holds her body
Not her heart.

She likes him
Because he likes singing to her.
And when he sings
He looks straight into her eyes
No where else.
But he looks into her eyes
Not her soul.

I like her.
But she won't let me love her.
She won't let me hold her
Because she knows
I'll be holding her heart,
And she won't let me look into her eyes
Because she knows
I will be looking into her soul.


I saw him in my dreams
I wished for him more and more
And deep down inside I know its seems
Thats I am loosing all control.

Today I dreamt another dream
With my true love prince
Instead of love, I heard a scream
Punishing me for my sins.

As the days went by
I dreamt another dream of fright
But this one worse
For I had been cursed
To never dream of my lover again.


Pacing back and forth between the walls of seclusion
Trying hard to decipher between reality and illusion
Once it was clear,at least it seemed to be
But its easy when you see only the things that you choose to see
Traveling on a one way track in a time
and place thats all but clear
Heading full speed toward something unknown just hoping its near
Slow down take a look around
keep your head held high but keep your feet on the ground
Its not all right in front of you,
It would be too simple that way
Hold off on some things and save
Your best for a better day


He used to bring me red roses,
They sat on my bed-side table and perfumed the room,
showing the passion we shared.
He used to bring me red roses, when I was sick.
They were like my blessing from God.
They healed me and added hope to our usually cold kitchen.
He used to bring me red roses,
at night, after work.
They would be placed in my mothers crystal vase
on the table and watch us while we finished our meal.
He used to bring me red roses,
On our wedding anniversary every year.
They were the same colour as the flowers we had
at our wedding all those years ago.
He bought me red roses,
They were lying next to him on the floor where he lay.
I brought him red roses,
They were on top of his coffin with my love and my life.


The ring on your finger is a sign of devotion,
Through rough times and smooth and all other comotion.

You manage to stick by eachothers side,
No matter how hard or bummpy the ride.

The ring on your finger is a sign of trust,
You tell each other secrets, and keeping them is a must.

You always seem to be on the right track,
But if one of you should stumble
The other is there to pull up the slack.

This list may continue like the two above,
But we can't forget the most important one

The ring on your finger is a sign of love,
A symbol of gentelness or a peaceful dove

A knowing you can share and have some fun,
A knowing that you always have someone.

For the past fifty years
You have worn these signs.

You have pledged your heart,
Soul and time.

And though this ring may rust and stain,
I know your love for eachother will remain.


What is it to regret a mistake?
To feel that you've lost the person of your life
For one mistake that wasn't worth it.
To feel pain in you heart like never before
Is to feel regret inside for a love that's gone.
Tears of joy seem alright at first
To people whom don't know your pain.
But inside - you're dying with pain.
Life teaches you so many lessons.
To make a mistake and regret it
Is to learn a lesson that you try not to make again.
Meanwhile - always think twice before making a move.
A second of pleasure can be a lifetime of pain...


I looked in your eyes,
your gorgeous, blue eyes,
then I became lost,
I'm lost on cloud 9.

I drifted a while
with you at my side,
but then your blue eyes
filled my eyes with tears.

I fell from my cloud
hard, smack on the ground
and you watched me fall
with eyes filled with rage.

Tears ran down my cheeks
and your eyes didn't blink
now they're not gorgeous,
they're cold, and vacant.

Yet sometimes I dream
of those happy days.
God, I miss your eyes,
those gorgeous, blue eyes.


Take my hand and hold it tight
Your strength will guide me through
please hold me close, don't let me fall
I know I'm sade with you.
My fear is slowly fading
my pain within I share
To cuddle me and comfort me
I know you're always there...


What is a freind
Your mind thinks

What are they for
To love or to hate

Its all the same
For life is a game

A friend is to help
Or so you would think

But take my advice
Don't think that your friend...
Is always nice.


I'm all alone
to wonder why
he left me here
alone to die

I didn't know
how he thought
If I had
I could have fought

I could've been
much more to him
but now my world
is getting dim

I cannot see
I cannot hear
I'm dying here
alone in fear

I'll soon be forgotten
and gone as well
so what I know
I cannot tell

All I was
I cannot be
all because
I could not see


Together will serch the sky
For Love, For Peace
In dreams that will never cease.
Yoakum from USA


My world you are,
my love extreme.
Depth I've never known.
The way you look at me,
your eyes deep.
Stay up all night
romance, love,
Asleep I fall
In your arms,
safe, warm, content.
You buy me roses for
no reason at all,
call me to say "I love you."
Cologne on my pillow,
I miss you when your gone.
We share memories
past, present.
Always there for me,
you give me strength, support,
meaning to my life.
Together forever we'll be.


Innocent little boy,
loving and sweet,
plays baseball,
rides his bike,
plays with other children.
Growing up in this big world.
He looks for guidance in every way,
trusting everyone he knows,
wanting to be loved and protected.
To learn, explore
what life's all about.

Easily manipulated
unaware of deceit,
betrayed by someone he knew.
Once thought to be a pal.
"Don't tell," he said,
"you won't be my friend anymore."
His innocents was taken
never to be regained.
Unable to trust again,
his little spirit broken.

I catch this monster
hurting my child.
His mind warped
with perverse deeds.
Concerned for my child
I remove him from there.
My worst fears confirmed.

So protective I am,
always watching over him,
how could this happen?
My world fell apart.
A rug pulled from under me.
I failed to protect him.
A crushing pain inside me
stabbing my heart,
I can hardly breath.
I can't bare this.
I don't want to be here,
what's the point anymore?

I have to go on for him.
We all need help
through this.
Much hatred inside me
it's consuming me
anger fills my soul.
I wish death upon this monster.
His freedom gone for now.
I'm sure not long enough.
He will answer to God someday.
At one point, I thought it be me.

These irrational thoughts will pass
for my child needs me.
I pray God hears my prayers,
"help us get through this Lord."
One day at a time
we'll put the pieces of our lives
back together again.


I miss your warm embrace
I miss the smile on your face
I miss your arms so smooth and strong
But most of all......
I miss our love that somehow went wrong!


I cannot change what was meant to be
and I cannot excpect you to see me differently.

things that I say and things that I do
are all up me, not up to you.

God made me this way, so I do what I can
you are what you are and I am what I am.

I have my talents and I have my goals
which makes me feel special and makes me feel whole.

You take that away and life would be pure depression,
sometime on this earth we all need that attention.

I love you for who you are, that's why you are my man,
and you should love me for me because I am who I am.


Kisses are habits
Love is a game
Boys get the pleasure
Girls get the blame
He tells you he loves you
You think its true
Your stomach starts to swell
He says, "To the hell with you!"
You may think I'm a fool
but take my advice
Don't become a mother
until you're a wife
6 minutes of pleasure
9 months of pain
3 days in the hospital
A baby to name
His father is a bastard
His mother is a whore
None of this wouldn't happen
If the condom hadn't tore


I remember that day
that you looked into my eyes
and confessed the love
that you could no longer hide

That day when all my troubles
went sailing away
as your touch warmed my soul
and brightened all my days

Our love may seem impossible
to those who stand there looking in
for there's more than one kind of distance
to know where to begin

I sit here now,
longing and missing you
I remember the time we first met
when you whispered in my ear a soft, sweet
"I'll be seeing you."

From that day forth,
our love has progressed
into a pool of emotions
that my heart, they do caress

Now I sit here blue
as I think of all these times
because they make me realize
how much I truly need and miss you
Y.C. from USA


If I could just write poetry, I’d put it all to verse,
and hope you’d see another man but not think that he’s worse.
I’d tell you how as I lay there, the memories flooded back,
like the tears that welled up in my eyes, leaving crystal tracks.

The colour of the furnishings, the corridors, the smell,
came rushing like a forest fire and returned me to that hell.
I tried so hard to understand, I looked but couldn’t find,
the horror that you must have felt but wasn’t on my mind.

For we all have our own demons, as we try to serve our God,
that’s why we are the way we are and not peas in a pod.
So, until we wear each others’ shoes and walk a mile or two,
we’ll never know the others’ fears, we’ll never have a clue.

But there’s one thing I do know, which I’ll say for what it’s worth,
what you see is what you get, there’s no secrets to unearth.
So don’t be fooled by how I look, ‘cause looks can be deceiving,
and often what you think you see is just what you’re believing.

Now I can’t help feeling angry, but you know I have just cause -
I’m losing all I worked for, sweating blood out through my pores.
If only I could make you see the distance that I feel,
is not in my imagination, but something very real.

I see it in their faces and feel it in their looks,
the innocence of children as it draws them to your hooks.
It doesn’t really matter if you say it isn’t so,
or that you didn’t mean it, or that’s how I made them grow.

For we each had our own role to play, the woman and the man,
the carer and the provider – it was our fate but not our plan.
And all while you resented me, because I wasn’t there,
did you ever think to ask yourself how I could be everywhere?

So with twenty twenty vision now, it’s easy to look back,
and dream of how things might have been - no grey, just white and black.
Yet even when I had the time, to wear a different hat.
the chasm in between us, had put an end to that.

Just like a train runs on its tracks and fish swim in the sea,
I can’t veer off and live a life that’s alien to me.
That’s not to say that I can’t be that consummate man,
if you only gave me reason, I wonder if you can?


I look up, I look down, I look all around
I journey through many lands
I have witnessed much with eyes and soul
I have done much within my years

I wonder if it is time yet
Time to return to my home
Though still I am not sure
I am not sure, where is my home

I have travelled far and I travel still
For my life seems to be a journey
Yet still I look, yet still I search
For I have not found what I seek

For I do not know what I will find
For I do not even know what I want
Perhaps it has been there all along
Perhaps I just can't see it

You don't have to be blind to lose your way
For I do have eye's that work
It is my heart that leads me astray.


Love they say is patient,
Love they say is kind.
It sees beyond another's faults
For Love they say is blind.

Love takes away the me and mine,
Instead it's us and we.
Yours and mine is ours now
For Love is unity.

Love will not deminish,
Or rust or fade with years.
But it will gain it's strength
from time, from laughter, joy and tears.

Love is God's own gift to us,
A present from above.
He gives us peace,
He gives us joy,
But first He gave us Love.
Provided by:
B. Kennedy of Brisbane Australia

We watched

As the wild fire ran across the field
Clutching at the ground
As if it would be blown away
It wanted better food and safety
It saw the ring bark forest ahead
There was no stopping it
Before we could put it out
It had caught the trees
In it's hot little hands
You could almost hear the trees
Screaming over the roar of the now huge fire
Hours later
It way out
It's hard to believe
That the timid little spark from my litter
Could grow so huge and dangerous
Nun of us were hurt
But the trees were now naked and dieing
All because of me.


As we watched the news in amazement
Like zombies our eyes fixed to the screen
The bodies were spread like rain drops on the road
We turned white with shock at the sight of the rose red glass
One bus was a beached whale, lying across the road
The other was the leaning tower of pisa, perched on the cliff
Our hearts sank into a bottomless blackness as we realised
Our grandparents were suppose to be on that bus
We all jumped when the phone rang
It was grandma
They had decided to stay home
The colour slowly returning to our faces
Tears of happiness burning in our eyes
But we couldn't help feeling guilty because
We had missed feeling the sorrow that many others had to bear.


I feel love, but I cannot show it
And cannot say it
I feel fear, but
I was frightened out of showing it long ago
I feel sad, but
My eyes have forgotten how to cry
I feel everything is my problem
To help to solve, but
My help is not wanted
I say things I feel I should, but
They are taken the wrong way
I feel I must show friendship, but
That is not wanted
I feel I can help, but
I am pushed away
And locked out
I don't belong
I am lonely
For I am different
And one of a kind.


When the sky joins the sea
The sky explodes with pink flames
And the mountains sitting on the horizon
Start to disappear into the mist
This burst of colour makes the sea
And the trees look like gold

As I walk along the cool white sand
Listening to the steady beat of the waves
I feel alone, like the rusted shipwreck
Beached forever, never to sail again

As I walk I hear a lone guitar singing
It's sweet goodbyes for today as
One lone yacht sails out to sea

The sky holds a painting of clouds
All streaks of white on blue
The sea is now glass, I wish I
Could walk to some foreign land
Just to see its strangeness
But always, I will return
To my island hide-a-way

I feel as free as the night birds
Who sing their morning songs
But yet as peaceful and as tranquil
As a pod of whales surfacing off shore
My heart is now as playful as the dolphins
Surfing in the waves

But the light soon fades and takes away
The warmth
The comfort
The noises change
The sea becomes rough
And all seems lost
I look up at the heavens
To find the stars and the moon
Smiling down on me
Protecting me

The moon reaches out a silver arm
Across the water to comfort me
And keep me safe
While I walk back
To my nice warm bed.


I get off the horizontal elevator
Walk up the stairs
Across the flat
And down the other side
You look at the ground
Hoping no-one will realise you're there
Along the street
The dogs know you so well they don't bark
They just watch you walk silently by
You come out of the houses on an open field
You look across the paddock
It's like looking though dirty glass
You don't know if it's mist or dust
You let out a sigh
As you're tired
And you see your breath fly away in the air
The rest of the world seems fast asleep
The almost risen sun even seems to be paused
Just for you to take this time for yourself
Your senses slowly wake up
So you can hear civilisation just over the hill
You think about what day it is
So you know what pattern you follow today
Week after week the pattern continues
You hate it
But it slowly grows on you
You can't help but like it
You have no decisions, as you just follow the pattern
But what happens when the pattern is taken away
Will you
Can you
Handle the change?


As you walk along the beach
Longingly looking out to sea
You can't help but feel alone

As you hear your solitary footsteps
Crunching along the sand
A chilled breeze silently touches your face and neck
Making you sense something is wrong

Before your eyes the islands are engulfed
By a slow moving grey haze
The cold breeze picks up
Causing your whole body to tremble

The black clouds slowly move in
Causing everything to become dark
Like a giant's shadow blocking out the light
You feel like an insignificant spark
Quivering in front of a roaring bon-fire

You can sense the tension
And the power it generates
Your whole body feels alive
With adrenalin or fear?

The freezing wind whips at your body
As you hug yourself tightly to keep warm
Then the black sky fills with a blinding light
And the air is filled with a deafening sound
Like huge wooden crates crashing down a hill

When you land back on the ground
All your muscles are tense and ready for action
Then the rain comes pouring down
So you duck for the nearest cover
As if your life depends on it

The howl of the wind
The crash of the waves
The roar of the thunder
The anger of the flashes
As the black sky is ripped apart
Then quickly mended

Your heart is racing
You don't understand why
`cause you know your safe from danger
It passes over

As if the angry clouds had not seen you
Not even noticed you were there
Inside you respect it
Because you can't stop it


Life is but a stopping place,
A pause in what's to be,
A resting place along the road,
to sweet eternity.
We all have different journeys,
Different paths along the way,
We all were meant to learn some things,
but never meant to stay...

Our destination is a place,
Far greater than we know.
For some the journey's quicker,
For some the journey's slow.
And when the journey finally ends,
We'll claim a great reward,
And find an everlasting peace,
Together with the lord.

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