Camera which helps to capture the best photo

The ameateur camera user always want to get the best “angle” for the picture, but it is not always possible to spend time and it requires a fair amount of judgement, photographic sense and skill The attempt here is to use machine intelligence to prompt the user with the best position to shoot with respect to the subject of shooting. Camera will take 2-3 preview photos and will process it to find out the spatial disposition of light source and will tell you this is how it would look like if you move along a specific path. Thus camrea will give preview in space without you actually moving. You will choose one of these close guesses by machine and go stand there and shoot.You have to supply the information about the subject which you are trying to capture.You can annotate it through a touch screen on the photo preview itself. Interface allows you to select, annotate the In-focus and Outof- focus parts in the preview.

Other parameters that go with seemingly best catchy photo is “surprise element” or the juxtaposition of elements, colours, quality of colour tones. Each of this objective has to be fed in for processing (which falls in the realm of AI) since here a flat image has to be broken into physical objects in 3D space cues. The parallax between two images taken from two farther apart positions can give the location and depth cues of the objects. In the same way the difference of the two images can extract useful data. This can be used to map which objects need to be given foreground and which background as per the focusing.

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