Calvin Coolidge

Thirtieth President 1923-1929


Born: July 4, 1872 at Plymouth, Vermont.

Education: Graduated from Amherst College at Amherst, Massachusetts.

Occupation: Lawyer, politician.

Religion: Congregationalist.

Family life: Married Grace Anna Goodhue, a teacher in October of 1905; they had two sons. Under the sorrow of her younger son's sudden death at 16, she never let grief interfere with her duties as First Lady. Tact and gaiety made her one of the most popular hostesses of the White House, and she left Washington in 1929 with the country's respect and love. She died in 1957.

Political career: State senator from Massachusetts 1912-15; lieutenant governor and governor, 1916-20. Given Republican vice-president nomination in 1920. Succeeded after Harding's death and reelected in 1924. At 2:30 on the morning of August 3, 1923, while visiting in Vermont, Calvin Coolidge received word that he was President. By the light of a kerosene lamp, his father, who was a notary public, administered the oath of office as Coolidge placed his hand on the family Bible. Known for brief speeches; said simply, "I do not choose to run for President in 1928."

Highlights of his presidency: Pro-business "The business of America is business." Opposed to joining League of Nations, but for Kellogg-Briand Pact outlawing war. Relations with Mexico improved.

Appearance Medium height, slim with expressionless features.

Died: January 5, 1933 at Northhampton, Massachusetts.

Buried: President Coolidge's simple grave is in Plymouth Notch Cemetery, which stands near Plymouth, Vermont.


  • Groliers Biography
  • Quote
  • Inaugural Address
  • Keep Cool With Coolidge
  • "The business of America is business."




    George Washington * James Buchanan * Warren G. Harding * John Adams
    Abraham Lincoln * Calvin Coolidge * Thomas Jefferson * Andrew Johnson
    Herbert Hoover * James Madison * Ulysses S. Grant * Franklin D. Roosevelt
    James Monroe * Rutherford B. Hayes * Harry S Truman
    John Quincy Adams * James A. Garfield * Dwight D. Eisenhower * Andrew Jackson Chester A. Arthur * John F. Kennedy * Martin Van Buren * Grover Cleveland
    Lyndon B. Johnson * William Henry Harrison * Benjamin Harrison * Richard M. Nixon
    John Tyler * Grover Cleveland * Gerald Ford * James K. Polk * William McKinley
    James E. Carter * Zachary Taylor * Theodore Roosevelt * Ronald W. Reagan
    Millard Fillmore * William Howard Taft * George Bush * Franklin Pierce
    Woodrow Wilson * William J. Clinton



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