Gerald R. Ford

Thirty-Eighth President 1974-1977

Born: July 14, 1913 in Omaha, Nebraska.

Education: Graduated from the Unversity of Michigan and Yale Law School.

Occupation: Lawyer, public official.

Religon: Episcopalian

Family life: Married Elizabeth Bloomer in 1948. Their four children; Michael, Jack, Steven, and Susan were born in the next ten years. As her husband's political career became more demanding, Betty Ford found herself shouldering many of the family responsibilities. She supervised the home, did the cooking, undertook volunteer work, and took part in the activities of "House wives" and "Senate wives" for Congressional and Republican clubs. In addition, she was an effective campaigner for her husband.

Political career:Practiced law briefly in Grand Rapids, Michigan, before being elected to congress in 1948. He spent Twenty-five years in the House of Representatives, eight as Republican Leader. After Vice-President Spiro Agnew resigned in October, 1973, Ford was nominated by President Nixon to replace him. He became president August 9, 1974 when President Nixon resigned.

Highlights of his presidency: Provided continuity from Nixon foreign ploicy.

Appearance: Tall, broad-shouldered, trim. Large head, balding gray-blonde hair.

  • The Daily Diary of President Gerald R. Ford
  • President Gerald R. Ford Birthplace
  • The Working President




    George Washington * James Buchanan * Warren G. Harding * John Adams
    Abraham Lincoln * Calvin Coolidge * Thomas Jefferson * Andrew Johnson
    Herbert Hoover * James Madison * Ulysses S. Grant * Franklin D. Roosevelt
    James Monroe * Rutherford B. Hayes * Harry S Truman
    John Quincy Adams * James A. Garfield * Dwight D. Eisenhower * Andrew Jackson Chester A. Arthur * John F. Kennedy * Martin Van Buren * Grover Cleveland
    Lyndon B. Johnson * William Henry Harrison * Benjamin Harrison * Richard M. Nixon
    John Tyler * Grover Cleveland * Gerald Ford * James K. Polk * William McKinley
    James E. Carter * Zachary Taylor * Theodore Roosevelt * Ronald W. Reagan
    Millard Fillmore * William Howard Taft * George Bush * Franklin Pierce
    Woodrow Wilson * William J. Clinton



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