John F. Kennedy

Thirty-Fifth President 1961-1963


Born: May 29, 1917 at Brookline, Massachusetts.

Education: Graduated from Harvard.

Occupation: Writer, politician; his Profiles in Courage (1954) won a Pulitzer Prize.

Religion: Roman Catholic.

Family life: Married Jacqueline Lee Bouvier at Newport on September 12, 1953. After the sadness of a miscarriage and the stillbirth of a daughter, Caroline Bouvier was born in 1957; John Jr. was born between the election of 1960 and Inauguration Day. Patrick Bouvier, born prematurely on August 7, 1963, died two days later. Mrs. Kennedy's gallant courage during the tragedy of her husband's assassination won her the admiration of the world. She moved to New York City; and in 1968 she married the wealthy Greek businessman, Aristotle Onassis, 23 years her senior, who died in March 1975. From 1978 until her death on May 19, 1994, Mrs. Onassis worked in New York City as an editor for Doubleday. At her funeral her son described three of her attributes: "love of words, the bonds of home and family, and her spirit of adventure."

Political carrer: Entered Massachusetts politics after World War II. Congressman from Massachusetts from 1946-51; elected United States senator in 1952. Nominated for president in 1960; the youngest man and first Roman Catholic to be elected. Fatally shot while riding in a motorcade in Dallas, Texas.

Highlights of his presidency: Dealt with stell crisis when companies raised prices after unions held the wage line. Approved Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba, which failed. Succeeded in getting Russians to withdraw missiles from Cuba.

Appearance: Tall and athletic looking.

Died: On November 22, 1963, when he was hardly past his first thousand days in office, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was killed by an assassin's bullets as his motorcade wound through Dallas, Texas. Kennedy was the youngest man elected President; he was the youngest to die.

Buried: Arlington National Cemetery.


  • Inaugural Address
  • The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library
  • The President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection
  • The John F. Kennedy Assassination Homepage
  • NASA Kennedy Space Center Home Page
  • The Sixth Floor Museum

  • LINE



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