Accomplish Sensual Massage With Tantric Massage
By Arindam Chattopadhyaya

Tantric massage is oriental sensual massage. A sensual massage technique teaches you secret of enjoying your intimate private moments with your partner. You may take massage in a massage parlor to get our daily tension or to get relieve from acute back pain.

Massage can be a highly sensual experience for couples provided its practice In the right circumstances, with a softly lit room, relaxing music, and using some essential aromatic oils or lotions. Foreplay with tantric massage techniques relaxes the body, arouses the senses, and can bring you and your partner closer together.

In tantric style of soft erotic massage, you discover which areas have the strongest impact on your partner. Palms of your partners while massage back of your neck, scalp, solar plexus, inside of the elbows, hands and feet , private parts gives you a feeling of pseudo orgasm. It certainly isn’t just the most obvious erogenous zones that bring pleasure.

Why Sensual Massage is more effective relaxation techniques?

Licensed massage therapist normally uses towel and touches you with palm or forehand. In case of couple massage, you can rest your head on your partner's thigh and this intimacy, warmth and loving touch removes all hidden pain abd stress from your mind and body.

As an intimate partner, you can massage areas that are not as comfortable if attended to by a therapist even if the therapist is a professional. For example, sitting at an office desk for long hours can create stress and tension in the muscles at the buttock area. Some gentle kneading with the heel of the hand can solve this problem. This is also part of a sensual massage as the nerves that cross this area are related to a man’s groin and a woman’s uterus. Sensual massage is closely related famous Indian kamasutra.

You can add variety by using various massage accessories that are readily available today. An aromated massage oils not only stimulate the endocrine system to release relaxing endorphins, but allows a smoother massage to be given as they remove friction between your hands and your partner’s skin

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Sex Explained Now

The Sexually Satisfied Marriage

By Angie Lewis

Marriage is like a tricycle. One of the back wheels is the mental (emotional) area in marriage, another back wheel is for the physical (sexual), and the front wheel, which is the leader, is for the spiritual aspects of the marriage. If one of these facets of marriage is missing, what is going to happen? The marriage is going to be unbalanced and topple over.

Did you know that your feelings affect your sexual appetite? For instance, if you’re feeling bitter, resentful, or guilty towards your spouse, you won’t feel like having sex with them. Should we deprive our spouse of sex because of how we are feeling? I don’t think so.

It is not right to deny our spouse the sexual fulfillment that marriage so much needs just because we’re mad at them or we’re having a bad day. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Feelings of bitterness are caused by an unforgiving attitude. Please go back and read my articles on how to forgive properly. Jesus said we are to forgive seventy times seven…forgiving properly means that we don’t harbor the pain anymore, and that means we don’t bring up the issue with our spouse again! Period!

Ladies, we are in control when it comes to the sexual aspects of the marriage. Learn to use that to your advantage. After lovemaking is the best time to discuss any other issues that are bothering you. Be nice, and express yourself lovingly and appropriately. Don’t nag and complain.

Many couples don’t discuss their sexual preferences with each other. But this is not the time to be shy either. It’s very vital to the sexual health of the marriage that couples express their pleasures in the bedroom arena. Both need to know and be acquainted with the zones and parts of the body, which are capable of producing pleasurable sensations.

Below are a few guidelines to take note of for a great sensual and passionate marriage, even after ten, twenty, and more years of marriage!

1. Allow spouse the freedom to be who they are. Be understanding and considerate of their feelings at all times, not just in the bedroom.

2. Communicate any sexual issues and problems that have developed in the marriage. Let go of sexual inhibitions and express your pleasures in the lovemaking arena. Ladies, men like to give pleasure to their wives, so now is your chance to speak up and tell him what you like.

3. Thank God everyday that you are married to a person who is willing to discuss and express these issues with you.

4. Always be loving and available. Sometimes we women just aren’t in the mood. But it doesn’t matter; give yourself to your husband anyway, unless for a very good reason, such as, being sick or going through menstruation.

5. Create an appealing bedroom that you both like. Redecorate it with tasteful decor that you both have picked out.

6. Make yourself attractive and pleasing to each other. Ladies, buy yourself a new skimpy nightgown, and men buy some bikini briefs. If you already wear that kind of under clothing, buy some silky cartoon boxers - something different that you wouldn’t normally wear.

7. Be romantic and loving. Light some aromatic candles for a sensual and romantic atmosphere.

This is for the ladies reading this. Men NEED to have sex. Some men like it everyday, others every other day, while others maybe two times a week. Be ready when your husband wants to have sex. Don’t reject your husband for just any reason; make him feel loved and good about himself. Men need and love this kind of sensual pampering.

When we reject our husband, that is when they begin THINKING about looking elsewhere to find fulfillment, and we don’t want that, do we ladies? So often we take our husband for granted in this area, and don’t realize the importance of sexual fulfillment for the man in our life. Don’t give him any reasons to look elsewhere, take care of him!

This is for the men reading this. The most important thing you can do for your wife is don't rush into the sex act in 30 seconds. Come on now, be more considerate. You know it takes your wife a bit longer than you. Tell her how much you love her, and rub her all over first; wherever she likes to be rubbed. Learn to be more patient in the bedroom, your time will come soon enough.

Bottom line, do not deprive or reject each other! A happy sexual relationship involves right attitudes. It is God’s will that married couples enjoy sexual relations with each other. Find out what wheel is missing in your marriage and fix it.

“The wife’s body does not belong to her alone, but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband’s body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife. Do not deprive each other except by MUTUAL consent and for A TIME, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so Satan will not TEMPT you because of your lack of self-control. 1 Corinthians 7:4-6

Angie Lewis offers spiritual enlightenment tips for couples in marriage, and is the author of new release book JOURNEY ON THE ROADS LESS TRAVELED.

This unique book is about love, life, marriage, addiction, temptation, and understanding the power of spiritual awareness for your marriage.

In her book, Angie reveals her own journey of overcoming addiction and battling with her negative emotions that she allowed to embrace her life and marriage.

To find out more about this new book click here, ISBN 1413788904 Avaliable Amazon online!

Angie Lewis counsels couples and writes a monthly newsletter where she reveals her secrets on how YOU can stay happily married for life!

Subscribe to get your FREE monthly newsletter so you can stay happily and forever married!


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Sex Tips
By Deepak Jain

After years of togetherness, does your sex life still pack a wallop? Can you and your partner still orchestrate a truly wonderful physical relationship? Or has the spark begun to flicker? Perhaps gone out altogether. Expand your horizons. Sex is not just the penis and vagina. There is a whole array of erogenous zones you may never have explored – from the mouth and the ears to the love button and the underside of the feet. Here are the ways and suggestions to re-ignite passions that can help you light a new fire even if all you see right now is the valiant flicker of dying embers!

It is the basic part of whole love making experience. Long and sensual foreplay will give you the experience of the best sexual encounters. It will definitely increase the pleasure for both the partner and makes you sexually satisfied. Foreplay gives the man proper erection while women need foreplay to become properly lubricated. When the requirement of both the partners fulfilled they can proceed after having aroused completely. Foreplay includes kissing, undressing, patting and much more according to your thoughts.

Take a new look at sex
Remember that sex is not always orgasm on demand; it is not even always intercourse. If you can get rid of this mind-set, you may well find that other kinds of passion play bring equally satisfying arousal. Try a sensuous massage.

Clean up your act
How can you expect the loving to be great when you get into bed with the same sweaty T-shirt you have been wearing all day; or with your breath reeking of onion; or underarm fuzz? Cleanliness is next to sexiness. When you are freshly showered and powdered/perfumed, you feel more sensual. So, get fresh.

Give and receive
Take turns in being the aggressive partner. If you have always been the one to indulge in all the foreplay, try giving your partner a chance to make some of the move. Not by saying, “Why don’t you…”. Instead, kiss or touch him/her. Then retreat – that gives your partner a chance to respond. Try being a passive partner now and again – you will realize what you have been missing.

Tell you partner what you like
You assume you know what your partner enjoys in bed – although you may never have asked him/her. You also assume your partner knows what you enjoy – although you have never told her/him. If you try talking about each other’s desires, you might find a few surprises in store.

Finally take it easy
Lovemaking should be leisurely, relaxed, not a goal-oriented performance. Sex is not a circus, and you are not a performing flea. If you analyze, decode and dissect each move and every response – such as whether she sighed yearningly enough, or whether his erection lasted long enough – you will forfeit all the enjoyment.

Overall, if you follow the above tips, you will have a more pleasing and enjoying sex life.

Find more information visit: Sex Tips

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