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5 Ways To Keep Your Relationship Happy
By Alex Daniels

Research has shown that laughter is beneficial in many ways, including its ability to lower stress, depression, anxiety and even blood pressure. In addition, laughing increases oxygen in the blood, which promotes healing, and is also thought to help protect the heart. When you think about all of the benefits, there is simply no good reason not to laugh. If you still need more encouragement, it’s important to note that laughter can help to strengthen a relationship by promoting good times and providing unity during hardships.

A recent study concluded that the average adult laughs only 17 times during a day, whereas a child will laugh several hundred times during the same timeframe. While it may not be entirely possible to recapture your childhood, laughter will help you to feel young again and will keep your relationship youthful and full of fun. If you need a few ideas, take note of the following ways to spark laughter in your relationship.

Smart socializing. Although you may be in a relationship, it’s important to maintain friendships with others as a couple. When choosing your friends, make sure that they are humorous and enjoy having a good time. If possible, schedule a gathering with some of your funniest friends and laugh the night away.

Schedule a laugh break. Every day, spend time with your significant other in a way that invites humor. Whether it be watching a favorite sitcom on television, reading a book or visiting a comedy club, take this time to laugh with each other on a daily basis.

Laugh at yourself. Every good relationship must have laughter and the occasional harmless teasing, which will help both parties to maintain the ability to laugh at themselves. If you lose that ability and begin to take everything too seriously, you may end up losing your sense of humor. Being able to laugh at yourself if you say something silly or do something embarrassing is a sign of confidence and will make others want to be near you, including your mate.

Observe life. Whether you get a pet, which can bring a great deal of laughter and enjoyment, or choose to notice the humorous events that occur to those around you on a daily basis, taking the time to watch and enjoy life will allow couples to laugh together and share in the funny moments that happen to occur along the way.

Be silly. Don’t be afraid to have a silly session with your mate. Whether it’s making a series of funny faces, harmless teasing or a good ticklefest, it’s important that you keep your significant other laughing right along with you. Medically, laughter is believed to promote a healthier heart. Personally, it may lead to a happier one.

Alex consults for an online gift shop offering cheap wedding favors along with bridesmaids gifts. Alex is happily married.

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