~ Every Day Can Be Beautiful ~

If you can wake up each morning

with hope in your heart

and never lose faith in your dreams....

If you can meet life

with a song in your heart

as well as with a

smile on your face....

If you can find delight

in life's simple pleasures

and see the rainbow

not the falling rain

If you can get along

with those around you

respect their creeds,

yet stay true to your own...

If you can give help and comfort

to the ones who need it,

and be a friend

to those who are alone...

If you can make each day

a new beginning

and live the life

that you believe in...

Then you'll feel that wherever

you happen to be

can really be a beautiful place

~ Larry S. Chengges ~

My Page Scotland
Starlight Angel Light
Moonlight Shadows Rainbow Moon
Enchanted Woods Caretakers
Caretakers ~ poetry(page1) Caretakers ~ poetry(page2)
Mirror ~ poetry Why ~ poetry
Sunset Wisdom
Spirit Storm
Chiron Dolphins
Footprints in the Sand Sunny Days
Celtic Magic Celtic Designs
The Human Tree Growing Angels
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